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Olympus (Greece) 14 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Aristophanes, Birds (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.).

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Olympus (Greece) (search for this): card 1525
Pisthetaerus What! there are other gods besides you, barbarian gods who dwell above Olympus? Prometheus If there were no barbarian gods, who would be the patron of Execestides? Pisthetaerus And what is the name of these gods? Prometheus Their name? Why, the Triballi. Pisthetaerus Ah, indeed! 'tis from that no doubt that we derive the word ‘tribulation.' Prometheus Most likely. But one thing I can tell you for certain, namely, that Zeus and the celestial Triballi are going to send deputies here to sue for peace. Now don't you treat with them, unless Zeus restores the scepter to the birds and gives you Basileia in marriage. Pisthetaerus Who is this Basileia? Prometheus A very fine young damsel, who makes the lightning for Zeus; all things come from her, wisdom, good laws, virtue, the fleet, calumnies, the public paymaster and the triobolus. Pisthetaerus Ah! then she is a sort of general manageress to the god. Prometheus Yes, precisely. If he gives you her for your wife, yours
regular invasion that threatens us. Here comes another one, humming along. Informer Swallow with the long dappled wings, once more I summon you. Pisthetaerus It's his cloak I believe he's addressing; it stands in great need of the swallows' return. Informer Where is he who gives out wings to all comers? Pisthetaerus Here I am, but you must tell me for what purpose you want them. Informer Ask no questions. I want wings, and wings I must have. Pisthetaerus Do you want to fly straight to Pellene? Informer I? Why, I am an accuser of the islands, an informer ... Pisthetaerus A fine trade, truly! Informer ... a hatcher of lawsuits. Hence I have great need of wings to prowl round the cities and drag them before justice. Pisthetaerus Would you do this better if you had wings? Informer No, but I should no longer fear the pirates; I should return with the cranes, loaded with a supply of lawsuits by way of ballast. Pisthetaerus So it seems, despite all your youthful vigor, you make i
Olympus (Greece) (search for this): card 1372
The Parricide departs, and the dithyrambic poet Cinesias arrives. Cinesias Singing. “On my light pinions I soar off to Olympus; in its capricious flight my Muse flutters along the thousand paths of poetry in turn ...” Pisthetaerus This is a fellow will need a whole shipload of wings. Cinesias Singing. “... and being fearless and vigorous, it is seeking fresh outlet.” Pisthetaerus Welcome, Cinesias, you lime-wood man! Why have you come here twisting your game leg in circles? Cinesias Singing. “I want to become a bird, a tuneful nightingale.” Pisthetaerus Enough of that sort of ditty. Tell me what you want. Cinesias Give me wings and I will fly into the topmost airs to gather fresh songs in the clouds, in the midst of the vapors and the fleecy snow. Pisthetaerus Gather songs in the clouds? Cinesias 'Tis on them the whole of our latter-day art depends. The most brilliant dithyrambs are those that flap their wings in empty space and are clothed in mist and dense obscurity
Thrace (Greece) (search for this): card 1337
I want to strangle my father and inherit his wealth. Pisthetaerus But we have also an ancient law written in the code of the storks, which runs thus, “When the stork father has reared his young and has taught them to fly, the young must in their turn support the father.” Parricide Petulantly. It's hardly worth while coming all this distance to be compelled to keep my father! Pisthetaerus No, no, young friend, since you have come to us with such willingness, I am going to give you these black wings, as though you were an orphan bird; furthermore, some good advice, that I received myself in infancy. Don't strike your father, but take these wings in one hand and these spurs in the other; imagine you have a cock's crest on your head and go and mount guard and fight; live on your pay and respect your father's life. You're a gallant fellow! Very well, then! Fly to Thrace and fight. Parricide By Bacchus! You're right; I will follow your counsel. Pisthetaerus It's acting wisely, by Ze
Sparta (Greece) (search for this): card 1263
ous, very gracious, thrice happy, very ... Come, prompt me, somebody, do Pisthetaerus Get to your story! Herald All peoples are filled with admiration for your wisdom, and they award you this golden crown. Pisthetaerus I accept it. But tell me, why do the people admire me? Herald Oh you, who have founded so illustrious a city in the air, you know not in what esteem men hold you and how many there are who burn with desire to dwell in it. Before your city was built, all men had a mania for Sparta; long hair and fasting were held in honor, men went dirty like Socrates and carried staves. Now all is changed. Firstly, as soon as it's dawn, they all spring out of bed together to go and seek their food, the same as you do; then they fly off towards the notices and finally devour the decrees. The bird-madness is so clear that many actually bear the names of birds. There is a halting victualler, who styles himself the partridge; Menippus calls himself the swallow; Opuntius the one-eyed crow
Libya (Libya) (search for this): card 1118
the Braggartian, and Theogenes could pass each other in their chariots, even if they were drawn by steeds as big as the Trojan horse. Pisthetaerus That's fine! Messenger Its length is one hundred stadia; I measured it myself. Pisthetaerus A decent length, by Poseidon! And who built such a wall? Messenger Birds —birds only; they had neither Egyptian brickmaker, nor stonemason, nor carpenter; the birds did it all themselves; I could hardly believe my eyes. Thirty thousand cranes came from Libya with a supply of stones, intended for the foundations. The water-rails chiselled them with their beaks. Ten thousand storks were busy making bricks; plovers and other water fowl carried water into the air. Pisthetaerus And who carried the mortar? Messenger Herons, in hods. Pisthetaerus But how could they put the mortar into the hods? Messenger Oh! it was a truly clever invention; the geese used their feet like spades; they buried them in the pile of mortar and then emptied them into the
Laurion (Greece) (search for this): card 1102
Leader of Second Semi-Chorus I want now to speak to the judges about the prize they are going to award; if they are favourable to us, we will load them with benefits far greater than those Paris received. Firstly, the owls of Laurium, which every judge desires above all things, shall never be wanting to you; you shall see them homing with you, building their nests in your money-bags and laying coins. Besides, you shall be housed like the gods, for we shall erect gables over your dwellings; if you hold some public post and want to do a little pilfering, we will give you the sharp claws of a hawk. Are you dining in town, we will provide you with stomachs as capacious as a bird's crop. But, if your award is against us, don't fail to have metal covers fashioned for yourselves, like those they place over statues; else, look out! for the day you wear a white tunic all the birds will soil it with their droppings.
Melos (Greece) (search for this): card 1072
Leader of First Semi-Chorus I hear it proclaimed: “A talent for him who shall kill Diagoras of Melos, and a talent for him who destroys one of the dead tyrants.” We likewise wish to make our proclamation: “A talent to him among you who shall kill Philocrates, the Struthian; four, if he brings him to us alive. For this Philocrates skewers the finches together and sells them at the rate of an obolus for seven. He tortures the thrushes by blowing them out, so that they may look bigger, sticks their own feathers into the nostrils of blackbirds, and collects pigeons, which he shuts up and forces them, fastened in a net, to decoy others.” That is what we wish to proclaim. And if anyone is keeping birds shut up in his yard, let him hasten to let them loose; those who disobey shall be seized by the birds and we shall put them in chains, so that in their turn they may decoy ot
Athens (Greece) (search for this): card 1021
Meton takes to his heels. He is no sooner gone than an Inspector arrives. Inspector Where are the Proxeni? Pisthetaerus Who is this Sardanapalus? Inspector I have been appointed by lot to come to Nephelococcygia as inspector. Pisthetaerus An inspector! and who sends you here, you rascal? Inspector A decree of Teleas. Pisthetaerus Will you just pocket your salary, do nothing, and get out? Inspector Indeed I will; I am urgently needed to be at Athens to attend the Assembly; for I am charged with the interests of Pharnaces. Pisthetaerus Take it then, and get on your way. This is your salary. He beats him. Inspector What does this mean? Pisthetaerus This is the assembly where you have to defend Pharnaces. Inspector You shall testify that they dare to strike me, the inspector. Pisthetaerus Are you not going to get out with your urns? It's not to be believed; they send us inspectors before we have so much as paid sacrifice to the gods. The Inspector goes into hiding. A Dealer
He departs. Pisthetaerus Away with you, and take your prophecies elsewhere. Enter Meton, with surveying instruments. Meton I have come to you . . . Pisthetaerus Interrupting. Yet another pest! What have you come to do? What's your plan? What's the purpose of your journey? Why these splendid buskins? Meton I want to survey the plains of the air for you and to parcel them into lots. Pisthetaerus In the name of the gods, who are you? Meton Who am I? Meton, known throughout Greece and at Colonus. Pisthetaerus What are these things? Meton Tools for measuring the air. In truth, the spaces in the air have precisely the form of a furnace. With this bent ruler I draw a line from top to bottom; from one of its points I describe a circle with the compass. Do you understand? Pisthetaerus Not in the least. Meton With the straight ruler I set to work to inscribe a square within this circle; in its center will be the market-place, into which all the straight streets will lead, converging
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