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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 36 0 Browse Search
Andocides, Speeches 30 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs) 18 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 1 (search)
forth in quest of the Golden Fleece! For then my lady Medea would not have sailed to the towers of Iolcus, her heart smitten with love for Jason, or persuaded the daughters of Pelias to kill their father and hence now be inhabiting this land of Corinth, This gives the probable sense of the lacuna. with her husband and children, an exile loved by the citizens to whose land she had come, and lCorinth, a good life>This gives the probable sense of the lacuna. with her husband and children, an exile loved by the citizens to whose land she had come, and lending to Jason himself all her support. This it is that most rescues life from trouble, when a woman is not at variance with her husband. But now all is enmity, and love's bonds are diseased. For Jason, abandoning his own children and my mistress, is bedding down in a royal match, having married the daughter of Creon, ruler of this land. Poor Medea, finding herself thus cast aside, calls loudly on his oaths, invokes the mighty assurance of his sworn right hand, and calls the gods to witness
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 1002 (search)
me. Medea Before that there are others I shall bring home,The grim word-play is untranslatable: kata/gwmeans both ‘bring home (from exile)’ and ‘bring down.’ wretch that I am. Tutor You are not the only woman to be separated from her children. We mortals must bear misfortune with resignation. Medea I will do so. But go into the house and provide the children with their daily needs. Exit Tutor into the house. My children, my children, you have a city and a home,To the children this means Corinth, to Medea it means the nether world. Such veiled discourse is characteristic of this speech, with the exception of the bracketed section below. in which, leaving your poor mother behind, you will live henceforth, bereft of me. But I shall go to another land as an exile before I have the enjoyment of you and see you happy, before I have tended to your bathsA special bath for the bride and the groom preceded the wedding. and wives and marriage-beds and held the wedding-torches aloft. Ho
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 1389 (search)
rms. Medea Now you speak to them, now you greet them, when before you thrust them from you. Jason By the gods, I beg you, let me touch the tender flesh of my children! Medea It cannot be. Your words are uttered in vain. Jason Zeus, do you hear this, how I am driven away and what treatment I endure from this unclean, child-murdering monster? But with all the strength I have, I make my lament and adjure the gods, calling the heavenly powers to witness that you killed my sons and now forbid me to touch them or to bury their bodies. Oh that I had never begotten them, never seen them dead at your hands!Medea with the corpses of her children is borne aloft away from Corinth. Exit Jason by Eisodos B. Chorus-Leader Zeus on Olympus has many things in his treasure-house, and many are the things the gods accomplish against our expectation. What men expect is not brought to pass, but a god finds a way to achieve the unexpected. Such is the outcome of this story.Exit Chorus by Eisodos B.
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 214 (search)
Enter Medea with the Nurse from the house. Medea Women of Corinth, I have come out of the house lest you find some fault with me. For I know that though many mortals are haughty both in private and in public, others get a reputation for indifference to their neighbors from their retiring manner of life. There is no justice in mortals' eyes since before they get sure knowledge of a man's true character they hate him on sight, although he has done them no harm. Now a foreigner must be quite compliant with the city, nor do I have any words of praise for the citizen who is stubborn and causes his fellow-citizens pain by his lack of breeding. In my case, however, this sudden blow that has struck me has destroyed my life. I am undone, I have resigned all joy in life, and I want to die. For the man in whom all I had was bound up, as I well know—my husband—has proved the basest of men. Of all creatures that have breath and sensation, we women are the most unfortunate. First at an exor
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 49 (search)
f her latest trouble! Nurse What is it, old man? Do not begrudge me the news. Tutor Nothing. I am sorry I said as much as I have. Nurse I beg you by your beard, do not conceal this from your fellow-slave! I will keep it a secret if I must. Tutor As I approached the gaming-tables where the old men sit, near the holy spring of Peirene, I heard someone say (I was pretending not to listen) that Creon, this country's king, was going to exile these children and their mother from the land of Corinth. Whether the story is true I do not know. I could wish it were not so. Nurse But will Jason allow this to happen to his sons even if he is at odds with their mother? Tutor Old marriage-ties give way to new: he is no friend to this house. Nurse We are done for, it seems, if we add this new trouble to our old ones before we've weathered those Tutor But you, hold your peace, since it is not the right time for your mistress to know this, and say nothing of this tale. Nurse O children, do
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 689 (search)
has been unfaithful to his family. Aegeus Pay him no mind then since, as you say, he is base. Medea His passion was to marry a king's daughter. Aegeus Who has given his daughter to him? Tell me the rest. Medea Creon, who rules this land of Corinth. Aegeus But it is quite understandable, then, that you are distressed. Medea I am finished. Furthermore, I am being exiled from the country. Aegeus By whom? This is yet another misfortune you speak of. Medea It is Creon who exiles me from CCorinth. Aegeus Does Jason accede to this? I do not approve of that either. Medea He pretends not to, but he is ready to put up with it. Medea kneels before Aegeus in the posture of a suppliant. But I beg you by your beard and by your knees and I make myself your suppliant: have pity, have pity on an unfortunate woman, and do not allow me to be cast into exile without a friend, but receive me into your land and your house as a suppliant. If you do so, may your longing for children be brought
Euripides, Medea (ed. David Kovacs), line 908 (search)
your earlier resentment. For it is natural for a woman to get angry when a marriage of a different sort presents itself to the husband. But your thoughts have changed for the better, and though it took time, you have recognized the superior plan. These are the acts of a prudent woman. Children, your father has given anxious thought and has secured for you—with the gods' help—abundant prosperity. I think that some day with your new brothers you will hold the very first place in the land of Corinth. But grow to manhood. The rest your father will see to, with the help of whatever god it is that smiles on him. May I see you as fine strapping lads coming to young manhood, victorious over my enemies! Medea turns away weeping. You there, why do you dampen your eyes with pale tears and turn your white cheek away, and why are you not pleased to hear these words from me? Medea It is nothing. I was thinking about the children. Jason But why, poor soul, do you lament over these children? M