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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 78 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 48 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 40 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 28 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 22 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 22 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 20 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray) 20 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 16 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 16 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY (search)
egend in the mouth of the poets seemed perhaps like the story of his own mountaineers, multitudes of strong men, stormy and chivalrous, terrible in onset, who somehow in the end melted away before the skill and persistent courage of a civilised Greek city. CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY HECTOR, Prince of Ilion and General of the Trojan Armies. AENEAS, a Trojan Prince. DOLON, a Trojan. PARIS, also called ALEXANDER, brother of Hector. RHESUS, King of Thrace, son of the River Strŷmon and the Muse of the Mountains. A THRACIAN, the King's charioteer. ODYSSEUS, a Greek chieftain, famous for craft and daring. DIOMEDES, a Greek chieftain, famous for valour. A SHEPHERD. The Goddess ATHENA. The MUSE OF THE MOUNTAINS. CHORUS of Trojan Guards with their LEADER. Some THRACIANS with their CAPTAIN, Attendants, &c. The date and authorship of the play are unknown; it probably belongs to the Fifth Century B.C., and is attributed
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 264 (search)
ngs of thy flock Here in the field in arms? Who wants thee here? Thou know'st my house; thou know'st my father's. There Tell all about thy lucky lambs.-Now go. SHEPHERD. Dull wits, we shepherds! Aye, 'twas alway so. Yet still, there is some good news to be told. HECTOR. A truce there to thy gossip of the fold! Our dealings are of war, of sword and spear. He turns to go. SHEPHERD. Aye; so were mine. That is what brought me here. HECTOR'S manner changes. A chief comes yonder, leading a great band Of spears, with help to thee and all the land. HECTOR. From whence? How do his name and lineage run? SHEPHERD. He comes from Thrace, the River Strymon's son. HECTOR. Rhesus! Not Rhesus, here on Trojan soil? SHEPHERD. Thou hast guessed. That eases me of half my toil. HECTOR. What makes he there towards Ida? All astray Thus from the plain and the broad waggon-way!
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 284 (search)
SHEPHERD. I know not rightly, though one well may guess.P. 17, l. 284 ff. The description of the march of the mountaineers, the vast crowd, the noise, the mixture of all arms, suggests personal observation. A great many fifth-century Athenians had probably served some time or other in Thrace. 'Tis hard to land at night, with such a press Of spears, on a strange coast, where rumours tell Of foes through all the plain-land. We that dwell On Ida, in the rock, Troy's ancient root And hearth-stone, were well frighted, through the mute And wolfish thickets thus to hear him break. A great and rushing noise those Thracians make, Marching. We, all astonied, ran to drive Our sheep to the upmost heights. 'Twas some Argive, We thought, who came to sweep the mountain clear And waste thy folds; till suddenly our ear Caught at their speech, and knew 'twas nothing Greek. Then all our terror fled. I r
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 370 (search)
Thou Rider golden and swift and sheer, Achilles falters: appear! appear! The car like flame where the red shield leapeth, The fell white steeds and the burning spear! No Greek shall boast he hath seen thy face And danced again in the dancing place; And the land shall laugh for the sheaves she reapeth, Of spoilers dead by a sword from Thrace.
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 388 (search)
t herald knelt not at thy door? What pride of gifts did Troy not send to thee? And thou, a lord of Barbary even as we, Thou, brother of our blood, like one at sup Who quaffs his fill and flings away the cup, Hast flung to the Greeks my city! Yet, long since, 'Twas I that found thee but a little prince And made thee mighty, I and this right hand; When round Pangaion and the Paiôn's land, Front against front, I burst upon the brood Of Thrace and broke their targes, and subdued Their power to thine. The grace whereof, not small, Thou hast spurned, and when thy kinsmen, drowning, call, Comest too late. Thou! Others there have been These long years, not by nature of our kin . . Some under yon rough barrows thou canst see Lie buried; they were true to Troy and me; And others, yet here in the shielded line Or mid the chariots, parching in the shine Of noonday, starving in th
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 422 (search)
more than thine my heart was wrung, Yea, angered past all durance, thus to stay Back from thy battles. 'Twas a folk that lay Hard on my borders, Scythians of the north; Just when my host for Troy had started forth, They fell upon our homes. I had reached the coast Of the Friendless Sea and purposed to have crossed My Thracians there. We turned; and all that plain Is trampled in a mire of Scythian slain Ploughed by our spears, and blood of Thrace withal Not stinted. This it was that drowned thy call For help and held me back from Ilion's need. I broke their power; the princes of their breed I took to hostage, made their elders swear To bring my house due tribute, year by year, Then, never lagging, crossed the Pontus mouth, Marched by long stages through Bithynia south And here am come . . . not drunken with the feast, As thou wouldst have me be, not lulled to rest In golden
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 488 (search)
He sits-a murderous reptile of a foe! RHESUS. No brave man seeks so dastardly to harm His battle-foes; he meets them arm to arm. This Greek of thine, this sitter like a thief In ambush, I will make of him my chief Care. I will take him living, drive a straight Stake through him, and so star him at the Gate To feed your wide-winged vultures. 'Tis the death Most meet for a lewd thief, who pillageth God's sanctuary, or so we hold in Thrace. HECTOR (making no answer). Seek first some sleep. There still remains a space Of darkness.-I will show the spot that best May suit you, somewhat sundered from the rest. Should need arise, the password of the night Is Phoebus: see your Thracians have it right. Turning to the Guards before he goes. Advance beyond your stations, men, at some Distance, and stay on watch till Dolon come With word of the Argives' counsel. If his vow P
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 642 (search)
ow not if a mere thief or a spy. ATHENA becomes visible again, but seems changed and her voice softer. ATHENA. Have comfort thou! Doth not the Cyprian's eye Mark all thy peril and keep watch above Thy battles? How shall I forget the love I owe thee, and thy faithful offices? To crown this day and all its victories, Lo, I have guided here to Troy a strong Helper, the scion of the Muse of song And Strymon's flood, the crownèd stream of Thrace. PARIS (standing like one in a dream). Indeed thy love is steadfast, and thy grace Bounteous to Troy and me. Thou art the joy And jewel of my days, which I to Troy Have brought, and made thee hers.-O Cyprian, I heard, not clearly,-'twas some talk that ran Among the pickets-spies had passed some spot Close by the camp. The men who saw them not Talk much, and they who saw, or might have seen, Can give no sign nor token. It had been
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 728 (search)
A sound of moaning outside in the darkness, which has been heard during the last few lines, now grows into articulate words. VOICE. Woe, woe! The burden of the wrath of fate! GUARDS. Ha, listen! Wait. Crouch on the ground; it may be yet Our man is drawing to the net. VOICE. P. 42, 1. 728, Voice of the wounded man outside.]- The puzzled and discouraged talk of the Guards round the fire, the groaning in the darkness without, the quick alarm among the men who had been careless before, and the slow realisation of disaster that follows-all these seem to me to be wonderfully indicated, though the severe poetic convention excludes any approach to what we, by modern prose standards, would call effective realism. Woe, woe! The burden of the hills of Thrace! LEADER. An ally? None of Hellene race.
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray), line 915 (search)
Provoked to meet in bitter strife of song That mountain wizard, and made dark the eyes Of Thamyris, who wrought sweet music wrong. I bore thee, Child; and then, in shame before My sisterhood, my dear virginity, I stood again upon thy Father's shore And cast thee to the deeps of him; and he Received and to no mortal nursing gave His child, but to the Maidens of the Wave. And well they nursed thee, and a king thou wast And first of Thrace in war; yea, far and near Through thine own hills thy bloody chariot passed, Thy battered helm flashed, and I had no fear; Only to Troy I charged thee not to go: I knew the fated end: but Hector's cry, Borne overseas by embassies of woe, Called thee to battle for thy friends and die. And thou, Athena-nothing was the deed Odysseus wrought this night nor Diomede- 'Tis thine, all thine; dream not thy cruel hand Is hid from me! Yet eve