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Troy (Turkey) 80 0 Browse Search
Sunne (Sweden) 74 0 Browse Search
Persey (Tennessee, United States) 56 0 Browse Search
Phebus (Louisiana, United States) 34 0 Browse Search
Lyons (France) 32 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 32 0 Browse Search
Bacchus (Tennessee, United States) 30 0 Browse Search
Thessaly (Greece) 28 0 Browse Search
Cadmus (Ohio, United States) 28 0 Browse Search
Troy (Massachusetts, United States) 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding). Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Bacchus (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): book 3, card 314
Now while these things were done on earth, and that by fatal doome The twice borne Bacchus had a tyme to mannes estate to come, They say that Jove disposde to myrth as he and Juno sate A drinking Nectar after meate in sport and pleasant rate, Did fall a jeasting with his wife, and saide: A greater pleasure In Venus games ye women have than men beyonde all measure. She answerde no. To trie the truth, they both of them agree The wise Tyresias in this case indifferent Judge to bee, Who both the man and womans joyes by tryall understood. For finding once two mightie Snakes engendring in a Wood, He strake them overthwart the backs, by meanes whereof beholde (As straunge a thing to be of truth as ever yet was tolde) He being made a woman straight, seven winter lived so. The eight he finding them againe did say unto them tho: And if to strike ye have such powre as for to turne their shape That are the givers of the stripe, before you hence escape, One stripe now will I lende you more.