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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 46 46 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 6 6 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Memorabilia (ed. E. C. Marchant) 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus 1 1 Browse Search
Hyperides, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Hipponicus He received a portion of 10 talents with his wife, which was to be doubled on the birth of a son. His marriage took place before the battle of Delium (B. C. 424), in which Hipponicus was slain. (Andoc. Alcib. p. 30.)), gifted with a mind of singular versatility and energy, possessed of great powers of eloquence, and urgengthened by mutual services. In one of the engagements before Potidaea, Alcibiades was dangerously wounded, but was rescued by Socrates. At the battle of Delium (B. C. 424), Alcibiades, who was mounted, had an opportunity of protecting Socrates from the pursuers. (Plat. Conviv. pp. 220, 221; Isocr. De Big. 12.) The lessons of the pure by the readiest means the gratification of his desires. Alcibiades was excessively fond of notoriety and display. At the Olympic games (probably in Ol. 89, B. C. 424) he contended with seven chariots in the same race, and gained the first, second, and fourth prizes. His liberality in discharging the office of trierarch, and i
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'ochus of SYRACUSE (search)
alicarnassus (Ant. Rom. 1.12) a very ancient historian. He lived about the year B. C. 423, and was thus a contemporary of Thucydides and the Peloponnesian war. (Joseph. c. Apion. 1.3.) Respecting his life nothing is known, but his historical works were held in very high esteem by the ancients on account of their accuracy. (Dionys. A. R. 1.73.) Works His two works were: 1. A history of Sicily In nine books, from the reign of king Cocalus, i. e. from the earliest times down to the year B. C. 424 or 425. (Diod. 12.71.) It is referred to by Pausanias (10.11.3), Clemens of Alexandria (Protrept. p. 22), and Theodoret. (P. 115.). 2. A history of Italy This is very frequently referred to by Strabo (v. p.242, vi. pp. 252, 254, 255, 257, 262, 264, 265, 278), by Dionysius (ll. cc., and 1.22, 35; comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. *Bre/ttios ; Hesych. s. v. *Xw/nrhn; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, i. p. 14, &c. Editions The fragments of Antiochus are contained in C. et T. Müller, Fragm. Histor. Graec.
m the epithet of great. Works We subjoin a catalogue of the comedies of Aristophanes on which we possess information, and a short account of the most remarkable. Those marked † are extant. B. C. 427. *Daitalei=s, Banquetters. Second prize. The play was produced under the name of Philonides, as Aristophanes was below the legal age for competing for a prize. Fifth year of the war. 426. Babylonians (e)n a)/stei). 425. † Acharnians. (Lenaea.) Produced in the name of Callistratus. First prize. 424. † *(Ippei=s, Knights or Horsemen. (Lenaea.) The first play produced in the name of Aristophanes himself. First prize; second Cratinus. 423. † Clouds (e)n a)/stei). First prize, Cratinus; second Ameipsias. 422. † Wasps. (Lenaea.) Second prize. *Ghra=s (?) (e)n a)/stei), according to the probable conjecture of Süvern. (Essay on the *Ghra=s, translated by Mr. Hamilton.) Clouds (second edition), failed in obtaining a prize. But Ranke places this B. C. 411, and the whole subject is very uncer
Arrhibaeus (*)Arribai=os), king or chieftain of the Macedonians of Lyncus, is mentioned by Thucydides, in the eighth and ninth years of the Peloponnesian war, as in revolt against his sovereign, king Perdiccas. (Thuc. 2.99.) It was to reduce him that Perdiccas sent for Brasidas (B. C. 424), and against him took place the unsuccessful joint expedition, in which Perdiccas deserted Brasidas, and Brasidas effected his bold and skilful retreat. (Thuc. 4.79, 83, 124.) Comp. Strab. 7.326, &c.; Aristot. Pol. 5.8.11, ed. Schneid. [A.H.
Au'tocles (*Au)toklh=s). 1. Son of Tolmaeus, was one of the Athenian commanders in the successful expedition against Cythera, B. C. 424 (Thuc. 4.53); and, together with his two colleagues, Nicias and Nicostratus, he ratified, on the part of Athens, the truce which in B. C. 423 was concluded for one year with Sparta. (Thuc. 4.119
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Hipponicus III. (search)
Hipponicus III. 5. HIPPONICUS III., was the son of Callias II., and with Eurymedon commanded the Athenians in their successful incursion into the territory of Tanagra, B. C. 426. (Thuc. 3.91; Diod. 12.65.) He was killed at the battle of Delium, B. C. 424, where he was one of the generals. (Andoc. c. Alcib. p. 30.) It must therefore have been his divorced wife, and not his widow, whom Pericles married. (Plut. Per. 24; comp. Palm. ad Aristoph. Av. 283; Wesseling, ad Diod. 12.65.) His daughter Hipparete became the wife of Alcibiades, with a dowry of ten talents, the largest, according to Andocides, that had ever before been given. (Andoc. c. Alcib. p. 30; Plut. Alc. 8.) Another daughter of Hipponicus was married to Theodorus, and be came the mother of Isocrates the orator. (Isocr. de Big. p. 353a.) In Plato's "Cratylus," also (pp. 384, 391), Hermogenes is mentioned as a son of Hipponicus and brother of Callias; but, as in p. 391 he is spoken of as not sharing his father's property, and
Ca'llias III. 6. CALLIAS III., son of Hipponicus III. by the lady who married Pericles (Plut. Per. 24), was notorious for his extravagance and profligacy. We have seen, that he must have succeeded to his fortune in B. C. 424, which is not perhaps irreconcileable with the mention of him in the "Flatterers" of Eupolis, the comic poet, B. C. 421, as having recently entered on the inheritance. (Athen. 5.218c.) In B. C. 400, he was engaged in the attempt to crush Andocides by a charge of profanation, in having placed a supplicatory bough on the altar of the temple at Eleusis during the celebration of the mysteries (Andoc. de Myst. § 110, &c.); and, if we may believe the statement of the accused, the bough was placed there by Callias himself, who was provoked at having been thwarted by Andocides in a very disgraceful and profligate attempt. In B. C. 392, we find him in command of the Athenian heavy-armed troops at Corinth on the occasion of the famous defeat of the Spartan Mora by Iphicrat
v.) a son of Lysimachus, and bore the name of Schoenion because his father was a rope or basket maker (sxoinoplo/kos). He belonged to the old Attic comedy, for Athenaeus (x. p. 453) states, that he lived shortly before Strattis, who appears to have commenced his career as a comic poet about B. C. 412. From the Scholiast on Aristophanes (Aristoph. Kn. 526) we further learn, that Callias was an emulator of Cratinus. It is, therefore, probable that he began to come before the public prior to B. C. 424; and if it could be proved that he was the same person as Calliades [CALLIADES], he would have lived at least till B. C. 402. We still possess a few fragments of his comedies, and the names of six are preserved in Suidas, viz. *Ai)gu/ptios, *)Atala/nth (Zenob. 4.7), *Ku/klwpes (perhaps alluded to by Athen. 2.57, and Clem. Alex. Strom. vi. p. 264), *Pedh=tai (Athen. 8.344; Schol. ad Aristoph. Av. 31, 151; D. L. 2.18), *Ba/traxoi, and *Sxola/contes. Whether he is the same as the Callias whom
Clau'dius 5. APP. CLAUDIUS AP. F. AP. N. CRASSUS (or CRASSINUS), the elder son of the decemvir, was consular tribune in B. C. 424. All that we are told of him is, that he was marked by a genuine Claudian hatred of the tribunes and plebeians. (Liv. 4.35, 36.)
devised, and no doubt entirely executed, by Demosthenes. [DEMOSTHENES.] He appears, however, not to have been without shrewdness either in the selection of his troops or his coadjutor, and it is at least some small credit that he did not mar his good luck. In any case he brought back his prisoners within his time, among them 120 Spartans of the highest blood. (Thuc. 4.27-39.) At this, the crowning point of his fortunes, Aristophanes dealt him his severest blow. In the next winter's Lenaea, B. C. 424, appeared " The Knights," in which Cleon figures as an actual dramatis persona, and, in default of an artificer bold enough to make the mask, was represented by the poet himself with his face smeared with winelees. The play is simply one satire on his venality, rapacity, ignorance, violence, and cowardice; and was at least successful so far as to receive the first prize. It treats of hin, however, chiefly as the leader in the Ecclesia; the Wasps, in B. C. 422, similarly displays him as the
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