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opose, further, that we begin this work of taking up offerings for it on the fast day herein recognized, viz.: the 26th day of September, and that on that occasion, in every congregation, opportunity be given to the people to contribute, as God hath blessed them, to testify at once their devotion to the God of their fathers — their respect for the memory of one of His honored servants, and their desire to extend to those who need it, the Gospel of His grace. Contributions can be sent to John Welsh, Esq., Treasurer of the Episcopal Fund. Alonzo Potter, Bishop of the Diocese of Penpsylvania. Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1861. Special service for the National fast. Morning Prayer.--Instead of the Venite, the 130th Psalm. Proper Psalms, 51st and 77th. First Lesson, Isaiah 58th. Second Lesson, St. Luke 12th, from 22d verse. The Greater Litany, with the Special Prayers already set forth. The Epistle, Gospel, &c., for Ash Wednesday, with the following Collect:-- O God, who