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orth's Zouaves, departure of, from Now York, D. 50; Doc. 165; anecdotes of P. 81; arrival at Washington, D. 53; enter Alexandria, D. 78 Ellsworth, E. E., Col., killed at Alexandria, Va., D. 79; Doc. 277; letter to his parents, Doc. 281; funeral of, at Washington, D. 80; notices of, P. 89; Doc. 165; Colonel Ellsworth, a poem, by Sam Whiting, P. 118 Elmer E. Ellsworth, an extempore, P. 102 Ely, Lieut., of Penn. Fifth, editor of the Expedition, D. 97 England, Union with Ireland and Scotland, Int. 16; will recognize the S. C., D. 16; Consul of, at Charleston. P. 21; effect of the attack on Fort Sumter, in D. 62; rebel commissioners in, P. 130; debate in the House of Commons on American affairs, Doc. 301; debate in the House of Commons on the blockade, D. 83; action of, in reference to privateers, D. 91; discussions in the House of Lords in, on the Queen's Proclamation of Neutrality, Doc. 247; opinions of the English Press Doc. 251; press on American affairs, Doc.
Bethel (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
, Second Regiment, Ohio troops, D. 77; Doc. 272 Wilson, William, Colonel, Sixth Regt. N. Y.S. V., D. 102; Doc. 366; speech at the departure of his regiment, Doc. 367 Wilson's Zouaves leave N. Y., D. 102 Winans' steam-gun, described, P. 98 Winans, Ross, his steam-gun captured, D. 66; arrested, D. 59, 70 Winans, Thomas, notice of, P. 59 Winser, Lieut, D. 79 Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York, D. 47 Winthrot, Theodore, Major, anecdote of, D. 105; at Bethel, Doc. 361 Winthrot, B. R., D. 46 Winthrop, R. C., anecdote of, P. 21 Wiscassett, Me., Union at, D. 52 Wise, Henry A., speech at Richmond, Va., June 1, D. 90; Doc. 322; in the Virginia convention, P. 40 Withers, T. J., delegate to Montgomery Congress, D. 10 Women, patriotism of, D. 56; P. 26, 43; of Mobile, Ala., D. 58; address to the, of N. Y., Doc. 158; an incident of, at the South, P. 44; the terrible condition of Washington, described by Southern, P. 55;
Raleigh (Canada) (search for this): chapter 1
rk, seized, D. 17 Adrian, —, of New Jersey, his resolution sustaining Major Anderson, D. 11 A Fragment--Cabinet Council, P. 83 Aid, the steam-tug, D. 13 Aiken, William, notice of, P. 12 Alabama, commissioners of, at Raleigh, N. C, D. 3; convention of, D. 5; delegates advise secession, D. 11; convention of, met, D. 12; Gov. Hicks' letter to the commissioner of, D. 12; adopts ordinance of secession, D. 13; Jeff. Davis's requisition on, D. 21; third regiment of; D. 51, D. 46, 65, 83; Doc. 155, 310 Miller, Col., 4th Regt. N. J. S. M., D. 55 Miller, Willis L., Mrs., P. 106 Minnesota, flagship, sailed from Boston, D. 61 Mississippi, commissioner of, at Baltimore, D. 3; commissioners of, at Raleigh, D. 3; delegates of, advise secession, D. 11; convention of, organized, D. 12; secession of, D. 13; troops, of, at Harper's Ferry, D. 73 Mississippi River, the North will not give up the control of, Int. 40; free navigation of, guaranteed
Danville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
raxton, Gen., at Pensacola, D. 68; his order cutting off supplies from Fort Pickens, Doc. 42 Brass missionaries, P. 112 Brady, James T., letter to the Union meeting, New York, Doc. 92 Breckinridge, Rev. Dr., article of, in the Danville (Ky.) Review, opposing secession, D. 97 Breckinridge, J. C., protests against the war, D. 35 Brengle Guard, of Frederick, Md., D. 61 Breshwood, Capt., surrenders the cutter Robert McClellan, D. 16 Brown, George M., of Mobileutler, Elbridge Jefferson, P. 151 D Daly, Charles P., Judge, patriotism of his wife, D. 73; Doc. 135; speech to the 7th Regt., N. Y. S. V., Doc. 273 Dana, U. S. schooner, seized, D. 14 Daniel Webster, steamer, D. 45 Danville (Ky.) Review. Dr. Breckinridge's article against secession. in, D. 98 Dare, Colonel, D. 95 Davis, Edward W., D. 33 Davis, Ira P., at N. Y., Doc. 102 Davis, Jefferson, retires from the U. S. senate, D. 15; elected president of S
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Everett, Edward, address of, at New York, July 4, 1861, Int. 5; speech at Boston, D. 48, 61; speech at Chester Square, Boston, April 27, Doc. 161; address at Roxbury, Mass., Doc. 205 Everett, —, Lieut.-Col., D. 102, 103 Ewing, Andrew, Doc. 138 Ewing, Edwin H., a traitor, D. 41; speech at Nashville, Doc. 137 Ex. 37; Marine Artillery of, D. 34, 54; troops of, pass through New York, D. 44; regiment of, build a floating bridge, D. 97 Rice, Alexander H., speech at Roxbury, Mass., D. 61 Richards, W. C., P. 46, 53 Richmond, Va., secession at, D. 7; effect of Lincoln's war proclamation in, D. 25; Custom-house, &c., seized at, Ds, —, speech in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 14, 1803, Int. 41 Rossiter, T. P., P. 118 Rousseau, —, speech in the Ky. Senate, May 21, D. 91; Doc. 329 Roxbury, Mass., flag presentation at, D. 50; war meeting in, D. 61; patriotism of the ladies of, P. 97 Ruffin, Edmund, a blood-thirsty ruffian, P. 27 Ruggles, Sa<
Frankfort, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
of Major Anderson at, Doc. 9; action of the N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, in relation to the soldiers of, D. 95; ridiculous rumors about, P. 27, 44; gallantry of Peter Hart at, P. 41 Fort Sumter, a heroic poem in three cantos, P. 91 Fort Washington, Potomac river, garrisoned, D. 11 Forts and fortresses, P. 139 Fortress Monroe, D. 10 Fosdick, Richard B., P. 56 Fox, —, Capt., visit to Fort Sumter, D. 19; P. 26 Fourth of July to be abolished, P. 22 Frankfort, Ala., Union resolutions of, D. 19 Frankfort, Ky., Military Institute, patriotic old fifer at, P. 40 Frazer, Thomas, P. 122 Frederick, Md., flag presentation at, D. 60 Freeborn, steamer, captures two schooners in the Potomac, D. 73 Freedom of speech at the South P. 40 Free suffrage, J. M. Mason's letter on, D. 71 Fremont, John C., in Paris, D. 85 Frieze, Colonel, of R. I., D. 37 From the South to the North, P. 107 Frost, C., a poem by, P
Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
rst Regiment, enters Alexandria, Va., D. 79; Third Regiment Volunteers, D. 102; exploit of the soldiers of, near Alexandria. P. 113 Michigan City, Ind., Union meeting at, D. 29 Middletown, N. Y., Union meeting at, D. 29, 36 Miliedgeville, Ga., rejoicings at, on account of the secession of the State, D. 15 Military departments of the United States, D. 46, 65, 83; Doc. 155, 310 Miller, Col., 4th Regt. N. J. S. M., D. 55 Miller, Willis L., Mrs., P. 106 Minnesota, flagship, sailed from Boston, D. 61 Mississippi, commissioner of, at Baltimore, D. 3; commissioners of, at Raleigh, D. 3; delegates of, advise secession, D. 11; convention of, organized, D. 12; secession of, D. 13; troops, of, at Harper's Ferry, D. 73 Mississippi River, the North will not give up the control of, Int. 40; free navigation of, guaranteed by the Southern Confederacy, D. 17; steamers abandoned on, D. 47; blockade of the, D. 82 Mississippi, the frigate, injure
Potosi, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ckson, P. 138 Colcock, —, collector of Charleston, S. C., his orders in reference to departure of vessels, D. 8 Coles, —, Captain, takes possession of Potosi, Mo., D. 71 Collamer, —, Senator, of Vt., D. 42 Collier, —, Lieut. of U. S. M., D. 53 Cologne Gazette, extract from, D. 74 Colt, Samuel, his Doc. 94 Lyon, Nathaniel, Gen, answer to the St. Louis police commissioners, D. 59; captures Camp Jackson, near St. Louis, Mo., D. 66; takes possession of Potosi, Mo., D. 71; seizes the steamer J. C. Swan, D. 76; his parallel, P. 95; takes possession of Jefferson City, D. 104; pursues Gov. Jackson, D. 104; at the battle of Born opinions of, D. 80; mails suspended in the seceded States, D. 82; Confederate orders in reference to the post-office, D. 90 See Confederate post-office. Potosi, Mo., taken possession of, D. 71; account of the taking of, Doc. 253 Potter, Alonzo, Bishop--letter to a secessionist, Doc. 292 Pratt, George W., Col. 2
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
. 14 Coffee, Andrew Jackson, P. 138 Colcock, —, collector of Charleston, S. C., his orders in reference to departure of vessels, D. 8 Coles, —, Captain, takes possession of Potosi, Mo., D. 71 Collamer, —, Senator, of Vt., D. 42 Collier, —, Lieut. of U. S. M., D. 53 Cologne Gazette, extract from, D. 74 Colt, Samuel, his patriotic offer, D. 52 Columbia Artillery, arrived at Charleston, S. C., D. 8 Columbia, Ark., negro plot in, D. 92 Columbus, Ky., secession flag, D. 101 Comstock, —, Midshipman, D. 57 Confederate Congress. See Southern Confederacy. Confederate Navy. See Southern Confederacy. Conkling, F. A., D. 46 Connecticut Legislature appropriates $2,000,000 for the war, D. 55; First Regiment of, D. 65; Doc. 237; Second Rgt. of, D. 66, 70; Doc. 245; Third Regiment of, D. 77; Doc. 272; Fourth Regiment of, D. 100; Doc. 362 Conrad, C. M., D. 5 Conrad's Ferry, Md., skirmish at, D. 108 Cons
Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
camp of the Massachusetts 5th, June 17, P. 125 Forney, J. W., poem To Ellsworth, P. 89 For we're a band of niggers, P. 115 Foreigners, rapid enlistments of, D. 42 Fort Barrancas, Florida, seized, D. 14 Fort Brown surrendered, D. 19 Fort Caswell seized, D. 12 Fort Corcoran, flag-raising at, P. 149 Fort Johnson seized, D. 12 Fort Kearney, Kansas, seized, D. 17; guns at, spiked, D. 66 Fort Macon, N. C., seized, D. 9 Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, seized, D. 10 Fort Moultrie evacuated, D. 6; Doc. 8; taken possession of by rebels, D. 7, 9; to attack Fort Sumter, P. 12; is repaired by the rebels, D. 13; damage done at the bombardment of, D. 85; Doc. 82 Fort Pickens, Fla., supplies cut off from, D. 19; Doc. 42; incidents at, P. 43; notices of, D. 20, 48, 56, 72, 77, 95; a southern opinion of tho condition of, April 23, P. 60; a novel plan to capture, P. 101; the saver of, in prison, P. 144; reinforcement of, D. 42; Doc. 16
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