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Three Trees (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
e who actually knew what it was to be besieged in Petersburg, invaded in Georgia, starved in Tennessee, or locked up by a blockading fleet — such veterans have been astonished to find these authenticated photographs of the garrison beleaguered in the most important of Southern ports. Remains of the circular church and secession hall, where South Carolina decided to leave the Union On the battery, Charleston's spacious promenade Inside Fort Moultrie--looking eastward Outside Fort Johnson--Sumter in the distance The desolate interior of Sumter in September, 1863, after the guns of the Federal fleet had been pounding it for many weeks In Charleston after the bombardment So long as the Confederate flag flew over the ramparts of Sumter, Charleston remained the one stronghold of the South that was firmly held. That flag was never struck. It was lowered for an evacuation, not a surrender. The story of Charleston's determined resistance did not end in triumph for the
Lucknow (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Federal army and navy could not do — make it untenable. When, on the night of February 17, 1865, Captain H. Huguenin, lantern in hand, made his last silent rounds of the deserted Fort and took the little boat for shore, there ended the four years defense of Fort Sumter, a feat of war unsurpassed in ancient or modern times — eclipsing (says an English military critic) such famous passages as Sale's defense of Jellalabad against the Afghans and Havelock's obdurate tenure of the residency at Lucknow. Charleston with its defenses--Forts Sumter, Moultrie, Wagner, and Castle Pinckney from the sea and the many batteries on the land side — was the heart of the Confederacy, and some of the most vigorous efforts of the Federal forces were made to capture it. Though closed in upon more than once, it never surrendered. But beleaguered it certainly was, in the sternest sense of the word. It is a marvel how the photographer, Cook, managed to get his supplies past the Federal army on one side a<
Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
rom the base, November 12th On the 12th of November the railroad and telegraph communications with the rear were broken and the army stood detached from all friends, dependent on its own resources and supplies, writes Sherman. Meanwhile all detachments were marching rapidly to Atlanta with orders to break up the railroad en route and generally to so damage the country as to make it untenable to the enemy. This was a necessary war measure. Sherman, in a home letter written from Grand Gulf, Mississippi, May 6, 1863, stated clearly his views regarding the destruction of property. Speaking of the wanton havoc wrought on a fine plantation in the path of the army, he added: It is done, of course, by the accursed stragglers who won't fight but hang behind and disgrace our cause and country. Dr. Bowie had fled, leaving everything on the approach of our troops. Of course, devastation marked the whole path of the army, and I know all the principal officers detest the infamous practice
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
and with an appalling recklessness of life, they thrust themselves upon the Union lines again and again, only to recoil, battered and bleeding. Thomas — the rock of Chickamauga who became the sledge of Nashville Major-General George Henry Thomas, Virginia-born soldier loyal to the Union; commended for gallantry in the Seminole War, and for service in Mexico; won the battle of Mill Spring, January 19, 1862; commanded the right wing of the Army of the Tennessee against Corinth and at Perryville, and the center at Stone's River. Only his stability averted overwhelming defeat for the Federals at Chickamauga. At Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge he was a host in himself. After Sherman had taken Atlanta he sent Thomas back to Tennessee to grapple with Hood. How he crushed Hood by his sledge-hammer blows is told in the accompanying text. Thomas, sitting down in Nashville, bearing the brunt of Grant's impatience, and ignoring completely the proddings from Washington to advance
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
volved nothing less than a fresh invasion of Tennessee, which, in the opinion of President Davis, w General Thomas to meet Hood's appearance in Tennessee. It was about this time that Sherman fully inally won to the view that if Hood moved on Tennessee, Thomas would be able to check him. He had, d their attention to Thomas, who was also in Tennessee, and was the barrier between Hood and the No assault. General Hardee, sent by Hood from Tennessee, had command of the defenses, with about fif-two thousand men from the army of Thomas in Tennessee. But there was little need of reenforcementder of his army. Nashville — the end in Tennessee Guarding the Cumberland — where Thl Thomas was sent by Sherman to take care of Tennessee, and he was preparing to weld many fragmentat upon Sherman's communications, by invading Tennessee--without however tempting the Northern commaer 14th. General Hood was now free to invade Tennessee. Sherman had sent the Fourth Corps, under S[6 more...]<
Varina Farm (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
attery of the Fifth Corps, under General G. K. Warren. On the forenoon of this bright June day, Brady, the photographer, drove his light wagon out to the entrenchments. The Confederates lay along t the ruined chimney of a house belonging to a planter named Taylor. Approaching Captain Cooper, Brady politely asked if he could take a picture of the battery, when just about to fire. At the commay just over the hill observes the movement, and, thinking it means business, opens up. Away goes Brady's horse, scattering chemicals and plates. The gun in the foreground is ready to send a shell across the open ground, but Captain Cooper reserves his fire. Brady, seeing his camera is uninjured, recalls his assistant and takes the other photographs, moving his instrument a little to the rear. ttle interchange of compliments in the way of shells or bullets at this point until Photographer Brady's presence and the gathering of men of Battery B at their posts called forth the well-pointed sa
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
greater havoc, if possible, in a country that was already a wilderness of desolation. For some weeks Sherman followed Hood in the hope that a general engagement would result. But Hood had no intention to fight. He went on to the banks of the Tennessee opposite Florence, Alabama. His army was lightly equipped, and Sherman, with his heavily burdened troops, was unable to catch him. Sherman halted at Gaylesville and ordered Schofield, with the Twenty-third Corps, and Stanley, with the Fourth Co revivify the hopes of the failing Confederacy was fleeing in utter confusion along the Franklin pike through Brentwood Pass. This Confederate Army of Tennessee had had a glorious history. It had fought with honor from Donelson and Shiloh to Atlanta and Nashville. It had been at Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge. Now, shattered and demoralized, it was relentlessly pursued beyond the Tennessee River, never again to emerge as a fighting army in the Southwest.
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
y ditches, palisades, and plentiful abatis; marshes and streams covered its flanks, but Sherman's troops knew that shoes and clothing and abundant rations were waiting for them just beyond it, and had any of them been asked if they could take the Fort their reply would have been in the words of the poem: Ain't we simply got to take it? Sherman selected for the honor of the assault General Hazen's second division of the Fifteenth Corps, the same which he himself had commanded at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Gaily the troops crossed the bridge on the morning of the 13th. Sherman was watching anxiously through his glass late in the afternoon when a Federal steamer came up the river and signaled the query: Is Fort McAllister taken? To which Sherman sent reply: Not yet, but it will be in a minute. At that instant Sherman saw Hazen's troops emerge from the woods before the fort, the lines dressed as on parade, with colors flying. Immediately dense clouds of smoke belching from the Fort envel
Thomas Station (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ssion that the army was marching thither, lest the Confederates should remove the prisoners from Millen. Kilpatrick had reached Waynesboro when he learned that the prisoners had been taken away. Here he again encountered the Confederate cavalry under General Wheeler. A sharp fight ensued and Kilpatrick drove Wheeler through the town toward Augusta. As there was no further need of making a feint on Augusta, Kilpatrick turned back toward the Left Wing. Wheeler quickly followed and at Thomas' Station nearly surrounded him, but Kilpatrick cut his way out. Wheeler still pressed on and Kilpatrick chose a good position at Buck Head Creek, dismounted, and threw up breastworks. Wheeler attacked desperately, but was repulsed, and Kilpatrick, after being reenforced by a brigade from Davis' corps, joined the Left Wing at Louisville. On the whole, the great march was but little disturbed by the Confederates. The Georgia militia, probably ten thousand in all, did what they could to defend
Kenesaw Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
this place by General John M. Corse that brought forth Sherman's famous message, Hold out; relief is coming, sent by his signal officers from the heights of Kenesaw Mountain, and which thrilled the North and inspired its poets to eulogize Corse's bravery in verse. Corse had been ordered from Rome to Allatoona by signals from mouuns. Nearly all the day the fire was terrific from besieged and besiegers, and the losses on both sides were very heavy. During the battle Sherman was on Kenesaw Mountain, eighteen miles away, from which he could see the cloud of smoke and hear the faint reverberation of the cannons' boom. When he learned by signal that Corsen when Johnston surrendered The end of the march — Bennett's farmhouse henceforth this was changed. General Joseph E. Johnston, his old foe of Resaca and Kenesaw Mountain, had been recalled and was now in command of the troops in the Carolinas. No longer would the streams and the swamps furnish the only resistance to the prog
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