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Browsing named entities in a specific section of James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). Search the whole document.

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Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
the Ruby soon after her capture by U. S. S. Proteus, February, 1865 Here on the beach of Morris Island lies all that was left of the swift and doughty blockade-runner Ruby. She was one of the mo under Commander A. C. Rhind, she was with the fleet of Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, which captured Fort Wagner on Morris Island in Charleston Harbor, July 18th. Of her seven guns, two were 50-pounder rifMorris Island in Charleston Harbor, July 18th. Of her seven guns, two were 50-pounder rifles and one a 100-pounder, which made her a very efficient blockader. The trim little gunboat Marblehead (shown below), rating something over five hundred tons, was active throughout the war. In Aprn the vicinity of Charleston, supporting the movements up the Stono River and the attacks on Morris Island. The Paul Jones The trim gunboat Marblehead beyond belief were made by the owners ask proved an impossible one. But Dahlgren in cooperation with the military forces captured Morris Island and drew the cordon of the blockade closer about Charleston. Admiral Dahlgren was the inven
Amelia Island (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
sea. It was intended that she should intercept American merchant vessels, and she was practically a privateer. She had already made one or two prizes when, mistaking the Perry for a merchantman, she suffered the consequences. The blockade had more to do with the blockade-runners than with the privateers; the history of these latter vessels, daring as any adventurers in the days of Drake or Frobisher, is of the greatest interest. The careers of the Sumter and the brig Jefferson Davis, the Amelia, the Dixie, the Petrel, the Bonita, the James Gray, and many others would A pursuer of many prizes — the Santiago de Cuba This vigilant blockader was one of the first to see active service. As early as December 3, 1861, Commander D. B. Ridgely brought her ten guns to bear upon the schooner Victoria and captured her off Point Isabel on her way to the West Indies with a cargo of cotton. In February of the next year, the Santiago caught the sloop O. K. off Cedar Keys, Florida. The ne
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
n her way to the West Indies with a cargo of cotton. In February of the next year, the Santiago caught the sloop O. K. off Cedar Keys, Florida. The next month she drove a blockade-runner ashore. On April 23, 1862, she captured two schooners and (two days later) a steamer, all on their way from Charleston loaded with cotton. On April 30th she added to her prizes the schooner Maria, and on May 27th the schooner Lucy C. Holmes, both with more cotton; on August 3, 1862, at sea, the steamer Columbia, loaded with munitions of war, and on August 27th the schooner Lavinia with a cargo of turpentine. In 1863 the side-wheel steamer Britannia and the blockade-runner Lizzie were her captures, the former loaded heavily with cotton. Cotton was so valuable at this stage of the war that if a blockade-runner attempted to lighten herself by throwing over a part of her cargo, volunteers were called for from the crew of the closest vessel pursuing to swim out and climb up on the cotton-bales until
Halifax, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
the vessel had exchanged signals with the shore and which were removed immediately after she had made port. It is a remarkable fact that no blockade-runner commanded by an officer of the Confederate navy was ever captured. The famous veteran, the Robert E. Lec, the best blockade-runner of the Confederacy and long commanded by Lieut-Commander John Wilkinson, C. S. N., did not meet her fate until October, 1863, on the very first trip she made after Commander Wilkinson had been superseded at Halifax, N. S. by an officer from the merchant marine. A fleet-footed blockade-runner, with telescoping stacks This rakish side-wheel steamer was photographed off Norfolk, Va., December, 1864, some time after the boat had been compelled by force of arms to change her occupation from Confederate blockade-running to very useful work with the Federal blockading fleet, under the name of Fort Donelson. She was of 900 tons burden. Burning an thrucite coal, with telescoping smokestacks which coul
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
forts at Port Royal. Then into the sounds had to be sent light-draft gunboats to drive the Confederates from position after position back toward Charleston and Savannah — the first effective step by the Federal navy toward narrowing the field of the blockade-runners, compelling them to seek harbors where the larger vessels of thl July 6, 1863, when he was succeeded by Admiral Dahlgren (seen in the center of picture, his thumb thrust in his coat), who remained in command until after both Savannah and Charleston had fallen. He was chosen by the Administration to recapture Fort Sumter and secure possession of Charleston. The task proved an impossible one.of cannon. He also introduced the light boat-howitzers which proved so useful in the blockading service. Admiral Du Pont and staff, on board the Wabash, off Savannah, 1863 From left to right: Capt. C. R. P. Rodgers, fleet captain; Rear-Adm. S. F. Du Pont, commanding fleet; Commander Thomas G. Corbin, commanding Wabash ; Li
Alvarado (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
as placed in command of the North Atlantic blockading squadron, making the blockade more effective than ever. Late in the war, in the summer of 1864, he was transferred to the Mississippi squadron, keeping the Cumberland River open for the army. The sloop below, attached to the blockading squadron during the war, won quite a name for herself, although not engaged in any of the larger actions, by capturing a number of prizes. In 1861, under Captain C. Green, she caught the blockade-runner Alvarado and took the British vessel Aigburth at sea laden with contraband intended for the Confederacy. On December 15th, of the following year, she captured the ship Havelock and a large brig that was trying to make the coast, laden with cloth and percussion-caps. The Jamestown was ordered to the East Indies September 11, 1862, where she remained till after the war's close. She had a roving commission full of adventure. Admiral S. P. Lee North Atlantic blockading squadron, 1862 A fast sa
East India (search for this): chapter 6
ing the war, won quite a name for herself, although not engaged in any of the larger actions, by capturing a number of prizes. In 1861, under Captain C. Green, she caught the blockade-runner Alvarado and took the British vessel Aigburth at sea laden with contraband intended for the Confederacy. On December 15th, of the following year, she captured the ship Havelock and a large brig that was trying to make the coast, laden with cloth and percussion-caps. The Jamestown was ordered to the East Indies September 11, 1862, where she remained till after the war's close. She had a roving commission full of adventure. Admiral S. P. Lee North Atlantic blockading squadron, 1862 A fast sailer the sloop-of-war Jamestown took command of the North Atlantic, guarding the coast of Virginia and North Carolina, while Flag-Officer Du Pont was assigned to the South Atlantic, guarding the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The Gulf Squadron also was divided: Flag-Officer McKean t
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
nd, she was with the fleet of Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, which captured Fort Wagner on Morris Island in Charleston Harbor, July 18th. Of her seven guns, two were 50-pounder rifles and one a 100-pounder, which made her a very efficient blockader. The trim little gunboat Marblehead (shown below), rating something over five hundred tons, was active throughout the war. In April, 1862, under the command of Lieutenant S. Nicholson, she was in the Chesapeake aiding McClellan in his operations before Yorktown. In February, 1863, she joined the blockading squadron, and under Lieutenant-Commanders R. W. Scott and R. W. Meade, Jr., she participated in the operations in the vicinity of Charleston, supporting the movements up the Stono River and the attacks on Morris Island. The Paul Jones The trim gunboat Marblehead beyond belief were made by the owners of these vessels which were mostly built in Great Britain and were the fastest steaming craft of their day. They were loaded with arms, a
Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ed and warned off the coasts. The steam frigate Brooklyn, under Commander C. H. Poor, at the same time proclaimed the blockade at the mouth of the Mississippi, and Lieutenant D. D. Porter, in the Powhatan, did the same thing at the entrance to Mobile Bay. The menace had begun. By July, every port had been informed. Europe, especially England, was at first inclined to laugh at the attempt to close these profitable markets. It was indeed at the outset, in view of the bigness of the task, aped by Admiral Dahlgren, who hauled down his flag two years later at Washington. In the East Gulf, the command fell successively on Admirals Lardner, Bailey, and Stribling. In the West Gulf, Farragut retained command until after the capture of Mobile Bay, in 1864, when Admiral Thatcher succeeded him. The monotony of this continual and watchful existence was broken by the frequent chasing and occasional capture of blockade-runners. The log-books of this adventurous fleet of marine speculator
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ow water, where the gunboats could not follow and where her valuable cargo could be secured by the Confederates. A single cargo at war-time prices was enough to pay more than the cost of the vessel. Regular auctions were held in Charleston or Wilmington, where prices for goods not needed by the Confederate Government were run up to fabulous figures. The business of blockade-running was well organized abroad, especially in England. One successful trip was enough to start the enterprise with adered as much to Farragut and to Porter as to Grant. Sherman's march to the sea would never have been undertaken had not the Federal fleets already held possession of Port Royal and so strongly invested the harbors of Savannah, Charleston, and Wilmington. In his campaign against Richmond, McClellan sought shelter under the guns of the navy, and Grant was enabled, through the navy's control of the coast, to maintain his base at City Point. Had Jefferson Davis a navy at his command, the resul
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