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Liberty, song of The title of a song that was sung throughout the colonies for several years before the Revolutionary War broke out. It was very popular, for it touched the hearts of the people at that time. It was published in Bickerstaff's Boston almanac for 1770, with the music as given below. The Almanac for that year contained on its title-page a rude type-metal engraving of a likeness of James Otis. The portrait of the patriot is supported by Liberty on one side and Hercules on the other. Come swallow your bumpers, ye Tories, and roar, That the Sons of fair Freedom are hampered once more; But know that no Cutthroats our spirits can tame, Nor a host of Oppressors shall smother the flame. In Freedom we're born, and, like Sons of the brave, Will never surrender, But swear to defend her, And scorn to survive if unable to save. Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their Tr
Liberty, song of The title of a song that was sung throughout the colonies for several years before the Revolutionary War broke out. It was very popular, for it touched the hearts of the people at that time. It was published in Bickerstaff's Boston almanac for 1770, with the music as given below. The Almanac for that year contained on its title-page a rude type-metal engraving of a likeness of James Otis. The portrait of the patriot is supported by Liberty on one side and Hercules on the other. Come swallow your bumpers, ye Tories, and roar, That the Sons of fair Freedom are hampered once more; But know that no Cutthroats our spirits can tame, Nor a host of Oppressors shall smother the flame. In Freedom we're born, and, like Sons of the brave, Will never surrender, But swear to defend her, And scorn to survive if unable to save. Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their Tr
to save. Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their Trophies they won, We dare be their Rivals, nor will be outdone. In Freedom we're born, etc. Let tyrants and minions presume to despise, Encroach on our rights, and make freedom their prize; The fruits of their rapine they never shall keep, Though vengeance may nod, yet how short is her sleep. In Freedom we're born, etc. The tree which proud Haman for Mordecai rear'd Stands recorded, that virtue endanger'd is spared; The rogues, whom no bounds and no laws can restrain, Must be stripp'd of their honors and humbled again. In Freedom we're born, etc. Fac-Simile of the Music of the “song of liberty.” Our wives and our babes, still protected, shall know Those who dare to be free shall forever be so; On these arms and these hearts they may safely rely, For in freedom we'll live, or like Heroes we'll die. In Freedom we're born, etc. Ye
liberty.” Our wives and our babes, still protected, shall know Those who dare to be free shall forever be so; On these arms and these hearts they may safely rely, For in freedom we'll live, or like Heroes we'll die. In Freedom we're born, etc. Ye insolent Tyrants! who wish to enthrall; Ye Minions, ye Placemen, Pimps, Pensioners, all; How short is your triumph, how feeble your trust, Your honor must wither and nod to the dust. In Freedom we're born, etc. When oppress'd and approach'd, our King we implore, Still firmly persuaded our rights he'll restore; When our hearts beat to arms to defend a just right, Our monarch rules there, and forbids us to fight. In Freedom we're born, etc. Not the glitter of arms nor the dread of a fray Could make us submit to their chains for a day; Withheld by affection, on Britons we call, Prevent the fierce conflict which threatens your fall. In Freedom we're born, etc. All ages shall speak with amaze and applause Of the prudence we show in support o
Liberty, song of The title of a song that was sung throughout the colonies for several years before the Revolutionary War broke out. It was very popular, for it touched the hearts of the people at that time. It was published in Bickerstaff's Boston almanac for 1770, with the music as given below. The Almanac for that year contained on its title-page a rude type-metal engraving of a likeness of James Otis. The portrait of the patriot is supported by Liberty on one side and Hercules on the other. Come swallow your bumpers, ye Tories, and roar, That the Sons of fair Freedom are hampered once more; But know that no Cutthroats our spirits can tame, Nor a host of Oppressors shall smother the flame. In Freedom we're born, and, like Sons of the brave, Will never surrender, But swear to defend her, And scorn to survive if unable to save. Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their T
ur grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their Trophies they won, We dare be their Rivals, nor will be outdone. In Freedom we're born, etc. Let tyrants and minions presume to despise, Encroach on our rights, and make freedom their prize; The fruits of their rapine they never shall keep, Though vengeance may nod, yet how short is her sleep. In Freedom we're born, etc. The tree which proud Haman for Mordecai rear'd Stands recorded, that virtue endanger'd is spared; The rogues, whom no bounds and no laws can restrain, Must be stripp'd of their honors and humbled again. In Freedom we're born, etc. Fac-Simile of the Music of the “song of liberty.” Our wives and our babes, still protected, shall know Those who dare to be free shall forever be so; On these arms and these hearts they may safely rely, For in freedom we'll live, or like Heroes we'll die. In Freedom we're born, etc. Ye insolent Ty
ph, how feeble your trust, Your honor must wither and nod to the dust. In Freedom we're born, etc. When oppress'd and approach'd, our King we implore, Still firmly persuaded our rights he'll restore; When our hearts beat to arms to defend a just right, Our monarch rules there, and forbids us to fight. In Freedom we're born, etc. Not the glitter of arms nor the dread of a fray Could make us submit to their chains for a day; Withheld by affection, on Britons we call, Prevent the fierce conflict which threatens your fall. In Freedom we're born, etc. All ages shall speak with amaze and applause Of the prudence we show in support of our cause; Assured of our safety, a Brunswick still reigns, Whose free, loyal subjects are strangers to chains. In Freedom we're born, etc. Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all, To be free is to live, to be slaves is to fall; Has the land such a dastard as scorns not a Lord, Who dreads not a fetter much more than a sword? In Freedom we're born, etc.
Liberty, song of The title of a song that was sung throughout the colonies for several years before the Revolutionary War broke out. It was very popular, for it touched the hearts of the people at that time. It was published in Bickerstaff's Boston almanac for 1770, with the music as given below. The Almanac for that year contained on its title-page a rude type-metal engraving of a likeness of James Otis. The portrait of the patriot is supported by Liberty on one side and Hercules on the other. Come swallow your bumpers, ye Tories, and roar, That the Sons of fair Freedom are hampered once more; But know that no Cutthroats our spirits can tame, Nor a host of Oppressors shall smother the flame. In Freedom we're born, and, like Sons of the brave, Will never surrender, But swear to defend her, And scorn to survive if unable to save. Our grandsires, bless'd heroes, we'll give them a tear, Nor sully their honors by stooping to fear; Through deaths and through dangers their Tr