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Rocky Mount (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
lled and twelve wounded......May 29, 1780 Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot, as peace commissioners, by proclamation offer the inhabitants, with a few exceptions, pardon and reinstatement in their rights......June 1, 1780 All paroles to prisoners not taken by capitulation and not in confinement at the surrender of Charleston are declared null and void after June 20, and holders required actively to aid military operations or be treated as rebels......June 3, 1780 Affair at Rocky Mount......July 30, 1780 Battle of Hanging Rock......Aug. 6, 1780 Battle of Camden; Americans under General Gates attack the British under Cornwallis and are repulsed......Aug. 16, 1780 Americans under Colonel Williams defeat the British at Musgrove's Mills on the Ennoree......Aug. 18, 1780 Sixty distinguished citizens of South Carolina are seized by the British and transported to St. Augustine as prisoners......Aug. 27, 1780 Battle of King's Mountain......Oct. 7, 1780 Col. Th
Sullivan's Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
s. Shots are exchanged, but at sunrise the British vessels retire......Nov. 12, 1775 Colonel Moultrie, authorized by the council of safety, takes possession of Haddrell's Point, and with artillery drives the British vessels from Charleston Harbor......December, 1775 Constitution framed by the Provincial Congress of South Carolina adopted, March 26, 1776, and courts of justice opened......April 23, 1776 British fleet under Sir Peter Parker unsuccessfully attacks Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island.......June 28, 1776 Thomas Heyward, Jr., James Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, and Edward Rutledge sign the Declaration of Independence......1776 Colonel Williamson, with 2,000 men, marches against the Cherokees, Sept. 13, and lays waste all their settlements east of the Apalachian Mountains......September, 1776 Cherokee Indians by treaty cede to South Carolina all their land eastward of the Unaka Mountains......May 20, 1777 Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, chosen presiden
Camden, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
overnor Bull. One hundred and fifty volunteers compel the captain of the ship which brought the paper to reload it and sail immediately for Europe......October, 1765 Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Lynch, and John Rutledge appointed delegates to the second Colonial Congress......Oct. 7, 1765 An association of regulators formed in the inland settlements to suppress horsestealing, etc., leads to a circuit court law establishing courts of justice at Ninety-Six (now Cambridge), Orangeburg, and Camden......1769 Cargoes of tea sent to South Carolina are stored, and consignees constrained from exposing it for sale......1773 Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Lynch, Henry Middleton, Edward Rutledge, and John Rutledge appointed deputies to the first Continental Congress at Philadelphia......July 6, 1774 Henry Middleton chosen president of the Continental Congress......October, 22, 1774 First Provincial Congress of 184 members, including the forty-nine members of the constitutional Assem
Three Trees (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
Rev. Mr. Gilbert, arrive at Charleston in April. Settle at New Bordeaux......October, 1764 Stamped paper stored in Fort Johnson on James Island, by order of Governor Bull. One hundred and fifty volunteers compel the captain of the ship which brou Ship Betsey, from London, surprised by a Carolina privateer, and 111 barrels of powder captured.......August, 1775 Fort Johnson garrisoned by Captain Heyward and the Charleston artillery......September, 1775 Governor Campbell, last royal goverSir Henry Clinton 30 miles from the city......Feb. 11, 1780 Royal fleet commanded by Admiral Arbuthnot anchors near Fort Johnson on James Island......April 9, 1780 Governor Rutledge retires from Charleston northward......April 12, 1780 Ameriute of thirty-two guns, and run up the Palmetto flag with a salute of one gun for South Carolina......Dec. 31, 1860 Fort Johnson, in Charleston Harbor, occupied by State troops......Jan. 2, 1861 Star of the West, with a small force of troops an
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
shell fired from the howitzer battery on James Island at 4.30 A. M. Friday.......April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter evacuated by Major Anderson......April 14, 1861 United States steam-frigate Niagara begins the blockade of Charleston Harbor, May 11; captures the English ship General Parkhill......May 13, 1861 Governor Pickens proclaims that all persons remitting money to pay debts due in the North are guilty of treason......June 6, 1861 James M. Mason, of Virginia, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, leave Charleston on the Confederate steamer Theodora for Europe to represent the Confederate government......Oct. 12, 1861 Twenty-five vessels of the great Southern expedition anchor off Port Royal......Nov. 4, 1861 Federals capture Forts Walker and Beauregard, Port Royal......Nov. 7, 1861 Confederate privateer Isabel runs the blockade at Charleston, avoiding eleven United States vessels......Dec. 27, 1861 Gen. David Hunter declares free the slaves in Georgia, Florida, and S
Ashley River (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
Settlement near Port Royal by a few English colonists with William Sayle as governor......1670 Settlers at Port Royal remove to the western bank of the Ashley River and found Old Charleston......1671 Settlement at Charleston increased by a small colony from Barbadoes under Sir John Yeamans. With this colony came the fiof Shaftesbury in 1669, are put into operation in South Carolina......1674 By invitation a colony of Dutch from New York settle on the southwest side of the Ashley River......1674 Settlers remove from Old Charleston to Oyster Point and found Charleston......1680 Baptists from Maine, under Mr. Screven, settle on Cooper Rivonscience to all Christians except Papists......1696 Congregationalists from Dorchester, Mass., with their pastor, Rev. Joseph Lord, settle near the head of Ashley River......1696 Combined naval and land expedition from Carolina, under Governor Moore and Colonel Daniel, besieges St. Augustine. Two Spanish vessels appearing
Altamaha (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
781 Governor Rutledge issues a proclamation offering pardon to the Tories in South Carolina......Sept. 27, 1781 General Assembly convenes at Jacksonboro on the Edisto River, January, elects John Matthews governor, and passes laws for confiscating the estates of Tories......February, 1782 British evacuate Charleston......Dec. 14, 1782 Charleston (hitherto Charlestown) incorporated......1784 South Carolina relinquishes to Georgia her claim to a tract of land lying between the Altamaha and St. Mary's rivers......1787 South Carolina cedes to the United States government her claim to a strip of land 12 miles wide west of a line from the head of the Tugaloo River to the North Carolina border......Aug. 9, 1787 Constitution of the United States ratified by the State......May 23, 1788 Convention at Columbia completes State constitution......June 3, 1790 Santee Canal, connecting Charleston Harbor with the Santee, 22 miles long, begun 1792, completed......1802 Seve
ns......May 20, 1777 Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, chosen president of the Continental Congress......Nov. 1, 1777 Constitution passed by the General Assembly as an act, March 19, 1778, goes into effect......November, 1778 State Supreme Court declares the constitutions of 1776 and 1778 acts of General Assembly, which it could repeal or amend......1779 Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Lincoln takes command of all the forces to the southward; establishes his first post at Purysburg on the Savannah River......1779 President Lowndes lays a general embargo, and prohibits the sailing of vessels from any port of the State......1779 British under Major Gardiner driven from Port Royal Island by General Moultrie......Feb. 3, 1779 Americans repulsed at Stono Ferry......June 20, 1779 British fleet from New York against Charleston lands forces under Sir Henry Clinton 30 miles from the city......Feb. 11, 1780 Royal fleet commanded by Admiral Arbuthnot anchors near Fort Johnson on Jam
Carolina......1671 Freemen of Carolina meet at Charleston and elect representatives for the civil government of the colony......1674 Fundamental constitutions framed by John Locke, and amended by the Earl of Shaftesbury in 1669, are put into operation in South Carolina......1674 By invitation a colony of Dutch from New York settle on the southwest side of the Ashley River......1674 Settlers remove from Old Charleston to Oyster Point and found Charleston......1680 Baptists from Maine, under Mr. Screven, settle on Cooper River......1683 Scotch settlement on Port Royal is broken up and dispersed by Spaniards from St. Augustine......1686 Gov. James Colleton, in endeavors to exact arrears of quit-rents, proclaims martial law. The Assembly meet and banish him; thereupon Seth Sothel, claiming to be a proprietor, usurps the government......1690 Sothel is compelled to relinquish the government on charge of malfeasance, and Philip Ludwell is appointed governor......169
Fairfield, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
nd holds its first State convention at Charleston......June 16, 1870 Free common-school system established......1870 Tax-payers' convention held at the State capitol in Columbia to devise means for the redemption of the State from her financial embarrassments ......May, 1871 Owing to murder and outrage in the upper country, by the Ku-klux, President Grant, by proclamation, Oct. 12, suspends the hebeas corpus in the counties of Spartansburg, York, Union, Chester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Chesterfield, and commands secret organizations to disband within five days. Many troops are stationed in the State and about 600 arrests made......1871 Act establishing the validity of bonds of the State, issued between Aug. 26, 1868, and March 26, 1869......1872 Claflin University and South Carolina Agricultural College and Mechanical Institute, organized at Orangeburg in 1869, is reopened and chartered......1872 Tax-payers' convention at Columbia by resolution
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