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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
d jury at Columbia returns no bill on all three indictments against the crew of the slaver Echo......Nov. 30, 1858 Grand jury at Charleston refuses to indict Captain Corrie, of the Wanderer, a slave-ship seized in New York Harbor......May 16, 1859 Resolution offered in the House, that South Carolina is ready to enter, with other slave-holding States, into the formation of a Southern Confederacy ......Nov. 30, 1859 Democratic National Convention meets at Charleston, and adjourns to Baltimore after delegates from Southern States had withdrawn......April 23, 1860 Seceding Southern delegates to the Democratic convention organize a Southern convention, electing Senator Bayard, of Delaware, president, but adjourn to meet at Richmond without making any nominations......May 1, 1860 A convention called by the legislature, Nov. 7, assembles at Columbia, Dec. 17, but adjourns to Charleston, Dec. 18, where they pass an ordinance of secession......Dec. 20, 1860 Major Anderson ev
Chesterfield (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
nvention at Charleston......June 16, 1870 Free common-school system established......1870 Tax-payers' convention held at the State capitol in Columbia to devise means for the redemption of the State from her financial embarrassments ......May, 1871 Owing to murder and outrage in the upper country, by the Ku-klux, President Grant, by proclamation, Oct. 12, suspends the hebeas corpus in the counties of Spartansburg, York, Union, Chester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Chesterfield, and commands secret organizations to disband within five days. Many troops are stationed in the State and about 600 arrests made......1871 Act establishing the validity of bonds of the State, issued between Aug. 26, 1868, and March 26, 1869......1872 Claflin University and South Carolina Agricultural College and Mechanical Institute, organized at Orangeburg in 1869, is reopened and chartered......1872 Tax-payers' convention at Columbia by resolution asking for amendments, simp
at Washington......March 31, 1850 Furman University at Greenville, chartered 1850, opened......1851 Convention of Southern Rights' Associations of the State resolve that with or without co-operation they are for dissolution of the Union ......May 8, 1851 State convention declares the right of the State to secede......1852 Governor Adams in his annual message recommends the revival of the slave-trade......Nov. 24, 1856 United States steamship Niagara sails from Charleston for Liberia with Africans captured from the Echo, a slave-ship sailing under American colors, Aug. 21, and brought to Charleston, where the 300 or more slaves are placed in charge of the United States marshal......Sept. 20, 1858 Grand jury at Columbia returns no bill on all three indictments against the crew of the slaver Echo......Nov. 30, 1858 Grand jury at Charleston refuses to indict Captain Corrie, of the Wanderer, a slave-ship seized in New York Harbor......May 16, 1859 Resolution offere
lies to the west, and North Carolina bounds it on the north. It is triangular in form, with the apex south. Area, 30,570 square miles, in thirty-five counties. Population, 1890, 1,151,149; 1900, 1,340,316. Capital, Columbia. Velasquez de Ayllon, with two ships sailing northward from Santo Domingo to procure Indians as slaves, anchors at the mouth of the Combahee River. The natives crowding on the vessels are carried to Santo Domingo......1520 Velasquez de Ayllon again sails from Hispaniola with three ships, one of which is lost at the mouth of the Combahee, and 200 of the men are massacred by the natives; but few escape......1525 Expedition fitted out by Admiral Coligny, under Jean Ribault, of Dieppe, explores St. Helena Sound and Port Royal, and builds Charles Fort, near Beaufort......1562 Charles II. conveys by charter territory lying between lat. 31° and 36° N., to the Earl of Clarendon and seven others, who form a proprietary and call the country Carolina......Mar
Fort Moultrie (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
1776, and courts of justice opened......April 23, 1776 British fleet under Sir Peter Parker unsuccessfully attacks Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island.......June 28, 1776 Thomas Heyward, Jr., James Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, and Edward Rutledg cavalry surprised by British under Colonels Tarleton and Webster, and routed at Monk's Corner......April 14, 1780 Fort Moultrie, weakened reinforcing Charleston, surrenders to Captain Hudson, of the British navy......May 6, 1780 Charleston caurns to Charleston, Dec. 18, where they pass an ordinance of secession......Dec. 20, 1860 Major Anderson evacuates Fort Moultrie and retires to Fort Sumter, on night of......Dec. 26, 1860 Fort Pinckney, in Charleston Harbor, seized by State tre West, with a small force of troops and supplies for Fort Sumter, being fired upon by batteries on Morris Island and Fort Moultrie, retires......Jan. 9, 1861 Charles G. Memminger appointed Confederate Secretary of the Treasury......Feb. 21, 1861
Pendleton, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
on, captures the British ship Dominicia, of fifteen guns and crew of eighty men, and shortly after the London Trader with a valuable cargo......August, 1813 Cherokees cede territory lying within the chartered limits of South Carolina, by treaty at Washington, March 22, 1816; ratified by the legislature of South Carolina......Dec. 19, 1816 Monroe appoints John C. Calhoun Secretary of War......Oct. 8, 1817 Territory ceded by the Cherokees in 1816, annexed to the election district of Pendleton......1820 College of Charleston, commenced in Charleston in 1785, reorganized and opened......Jan. 1, 1824 Legislature denounces the United States tariff as encroaching on State rights......Dec. 12, 1827 Public meeting on State rights held at Columbia......Sept. 20, 1830 Governor Hamilton recommends to legislature a nullification act......1830 Legislature calls a convention at Columbia, Nov. 19, 1832, to consider the protective tariff......Oct. 25, 1832 President instruc
Oyster Point (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
Yeamans. With this colony came the first slaves in South Carolina......1671 Freemen of Carolina meet at Charleston and elect representatives for the civil government of the colony......1674 Fundamental constitutions framed by John Locke, and amended by the Earl of Shaftesbury in 1669, are put into operation in South Carolina......1674 By invitation a colony of Dutch from New York settle on the southwest side of the Ashley River......1674 Settlers remove from Old Charleston to Oyster Point and found Charleston......1680 Baptists from Maine, under Mr. Screven, settle on Cooper River......1683 Scotch settlement on Port Royal is broken up and dispersed by Spaniards from St. Augustine......1686 Gov. James Colleton, in endeavors to exact arrears of quit-rents, proclaims martial law. The Assembly meet and banish him; thereupon Seth Sothel, claiming to be a proprietor, usurps the government......1690 Sothel is compelled to relinquish the government on charge of malfe
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
sburg is settled......1732-33 Williamsburg township formed by Irish settlers......1734 Boundary-line between North and South Carolina partly established......1738 Negro insurrection at Stono suppressed, and its leader, Cato, and principals hanged Fire consumes nearly one half of Charleston......Nov. 18, 1740 Ship-building begun; five ship-yards established; four in the vicinity of Charleston, and one at Beaufort......1740 Colonel Clark, with emigrants from Virginia and Pennsylvania, settles on the Pacolet and Tyger rivers......1750-55 Cotton in small quantities exported......1754 Mrs. Pinckney, who ten years previously cultivated the first indigo, manufactures near Charleston silk for, three dress patterns; one she presents to the princess-dowager of Wales, one to Lord Chesterfield, and one to her daughter......1755 Governor Glen erects Fort Prince George on the Savannah about 300 miles from Charleston......1755 Patrick Calhoun and four families settle i
Purysburg (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
Carolina......April 30, 1730 First newspaper in South Carolina published at Charleston, Thomas Whitmarsh, editor......Jan. 8, 1732 Forty thousand acres of land on the Savannah is given to John Peter Pury and his colony of some 370 Swiss; Purysburg is settled......1732-33 Williamsburg township formed by Irish settlers......1734 Boundary-line between North and South Carolina partly established......1738 Negro insurrection at Stono suppressed, and its leader, Cato, and principals h State Supreme Court declares the constitutions of 1776 and 1778 acts of General Assembly, which it could repeal or amend......1779 Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Lincoln takes command of all the forces to the southward; establishes his first post at Purysburg on the Savannah River......1779 President Lowndes lays a general embargo, and prohibits the sailing of vessels from any port of the State......1779 British under Major Gardiner driven from Port Royal Island by General Moultrie......Feb. 3
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-south-carolina
gny, under Jean Ribault, of Dieppe, explores St. Helena Sound and Port Royal, and builds Charles Fort, near Beaufort......1562 Charles II. t. William Sayle explores the coast......1667 Settlement near Port Royal by a few English colonists with William Sayle as governor......1670 Settlers at Port Royal remove to the western bank of the Ashley River and found Old Charleston......1671 Settlement at Charleston incScreven, settle on Cooper River......1683 Scotch settlement on Port Royal is broken up and dispersed by Spaniards from St. Augustine......1 Twenty-five vessels of the great Southern expedition anchor off Port Royal......Nov. 4, 1861 Federals capture Forts Walker and Beauregard, Port Royal......Nov. 7, 1861 Confederate privateer Isabel runs the blockade at Charleston, avoiding eleven United States vessels......Decitution......Sept. 11, 1895 Naval station ordered removed from Port Royal to Charleston......1900 The original proceedings of the conven
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