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Middleburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
s, to the crossing of Piney Run, Not shown on map. by the road between Littlestown and Taneytown. The order of march for these corps was, in fact, nothing but continuing the execution of the plan of the previous day. It brought up the right flank to Manchester, the left to beyond Emmettsburg, and the centre to Littlestown; outlying corps being within easy supporting distance. From Middleburg, in the evening, General Meade again wrote home: To Mrs. George G. Meade: Headquarters, Middleburg, Md., June 29, 1863. We are marching as fast as we can to relieve Harrisburg, but have to keep a sharp lookout that the rebels don't turn around us and get at Washington and Baltimore in our rear. They have a cavalry force in our rear, destroying railroads, etc., with the view of getting me to turn back; but I shall not do it. I am going straight at them, and will settle this thing one way or the other. The men are in good spirits; we have been reinforced so as to have equal numbers wi
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
army, General Hooker took his departure for Baltimore, the post designated in his orders. Generalards the Susquehanna, keeping Washington and Baltimore well covered, and if the enemy is checked inross the Susquehanna, or if he turns towards Baltimore, to give him battle. I would say that I trul Lockwood and command had just arrived from Baltimore as a reinforcement. with his command, will rn the Army of the Potomac and Washington and Baltimore. Hence it marched direct on Westminster, relaware Cavalry, which had been sent out from Baltimore. It soon disposed of this force, though wito threaten, and even to capture, Washington, Baltimore, Lancaster, Harrisburg, and also, in this evake sure of covering at least Washington and Baltimore. Up, therefore, to the moment when Hooker, of the Susquehanna safe, and Washington and Baltimore covered, but Lee was in a hostile country, w brigade, two regiments from the defences of Baltimore, was at the same time moved to the left, acr[10 more...]
Mechanicstown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
nd a battery of artillery were at once despatched in search and pursuit of this force, which eventually proved to be the main body of Stuart's cavalry. Having perfected his plans, General Meade issued to the army the order of march for the following day: See Map No. 2, position night of June 28. Headquarters army of the Potomac, Frederick, Md., June 28, 1863. Orders: The army will march to-morrow as follows: 4 A. M. The 1st Corps, Major General Reynolds, by Lewistown and Mechanicstown to Emmettsburg, keeping the left of the road from Frederick to Lewistown, between J. P. Cramer's Not shown on map. and where the road branches to Utica and Cregerstown, to enable the 11th Corps to march parallel to it. 4 A. M. The 11th Corps, Major General Howard, by Utica and Cregerstown to Emmettsburg. 4 A. M. The 12th Corps, by Ceresville, Ceresville not shown on map. Walkersville and Woodsborough, to Taneytown. 4 A. M. The 2d Corps, by Johnsville, Liberty and Union,
Middletown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
uford had moved his division of cavalry from Middletown through Turner's Gap, Not shown on map. ss to march toward Cashtown. Before reaching Middletown, however, he had received word from A. P. Hi the movement of the various corps by way of Middletown and South Mountain toward Hagerstown should ad to Mechanicstown, Lewistown, Hamburgh, to Middletown. The 5th and 11th Corps by the left hand burg, Cregerstown, Utica, High Knob Pass, to Middletown. The 12th and 2d Corps via Taneytown, Midurg, and Woodsborough, through Frederick, to Middletown. The trains will move with their corps, those at Westminster crossing to Middletown via Frederick. The Artillery Reserve follow via Taneytowront, the movement of troops ordered towards Middletown has been suspended, to await further informadeemed it prudent to suspend the movement to Middletown until I could be certain the enemy were evac I have accordingly resumed the movement to Middletown, and I expect by to-morrow night to assemble[6 more...]
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
on which this last letter was written, June 25, General Meade received the order of march for the following day, which was to bring his corps to Frederick City, Maryland. Accordingly, early in the morning of June 26, the corps started en route for that place, and going by way of Carter's Mill Not shown on map. and Leesburg, cmen; it was at Middletown. The Fifth Corps, lately General Meade's, now commanded by Major-General George Sykes, numbered 12,509 men; it was at Frederick City, Maryland. The Sixth Corps, commanded by Major-General John Sedgwick, numbered 15,--679 men; it was at Hyattstown, Maryland. The Eleventh Corps, commanded by Major-Genernd had been ordered to Chambersburg to relieve Pickett. Up to that time General Imboden had been operating on the left of the Confederate army on its march into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and had inflicted great damage along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Martinsburg and Cumberland, About thirty miles west of Hancock,
Manchester, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
eyond Littlestown, on the road to Hanover. General Sykes was at Union Mills. General Sedgwick was within two miles of Manchester. General Gregg, with his division of cavalry, was at Manchester, and General Kilpatrick, with his division, at HanoverManchester, and General Kilpatrick, with his division, at Hanover. General Meade's Headquarters were at Taneytown. The same night, the 30th of June, the Army of Northern Virginia was disposed in the following manner: General Hill was at Cashtown; his advance, consisting of Heth's and Pender's divisions, towaran he always was. Early in the day of July 1 the commanding general sent to Sedgwick, commanding the Sixth Corps, at Manchester, on the extreme right, the following despatch: July 1, 1863. commanding officer Sixth Corps: I am directed by ther its long march, and only waiting for the dawn to push onward to the front. The Sixth Corps was some hours out from Manchester, hastening along on its ever-memorable forced march to reach their comrades in battle. Merritt's cavalry brigade, of
Cavetown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
orders and movements from these headquarters must be carefully and confidentially preserved, that they do not fall into the enemy's hands. By command of Major General Meade. S. Williams, Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. Late in the afternoon, and during the evening, reports from the cavalry came in, giving notice of the presence of the enemy on both flanks. General Buford had moved his division of cavalry from Middletown through Turner's Gap, Not shown on map. successively through Boonesboro, Cavetown, and Monterey Springs, Not shown on map. and had encamped on the night of the 29th of June a few miles short of Fairfield. Moving forward very early the next morning, to reach Gettysburg by the way of Fairfield, upon approaching the latter place he came across a body of the enemy, and after skirmishing sufficiently to ascertain it to be in strong force, not wishing to bring on an engagement there, as Fairfield was four or five miles west of the route assigned him, he drew off toward Emm
Gainesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
with Washington, delay its passage over the Potomac, embarrass its advance, and then join General Lee north of the Potomac, and, placing himself on the right flank of the Confederate army, take part in the purposed movement on Harrisburg and the Susquehanna. The cavalry brigades of Robertson and Jones were left to hold the positions on the Blue Ridge which he was leaving. Marching from Salem at 1 A. M. on June 25, and moving to the right, he first tried to pass by way of Haymarket and Gainesville to the west of Centreville. Finding General Hancock, with the Second Corps, marching in this direction, and, as he expresses it, having the right of way, he moved back to Buckland, and marched thence to Brentsville and to the crossing of Bull Run at Wolf's Run Shoal. Here he crossed on the morning of the 27th, and pushing ahead through Fairfax Court House and Dranesville, striking the Potomac opposite the mouth of Seneca Creek on the night of the same day, by great exertions got his who
Heidlersburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
, and passing through Petersburg, halted at Heidlersburg and bivouacked for the night. See Map Nodirection, marching by way of Berlin toward Heidlersburg, so as to be able to move thence either to encamped that night about three miles from Heidlersburg. General Hill, at Chambersburg, moved Heeneral Ewell, with Rodes's division, was at Heidlersburg. General Early's division was within three miles of Heidlersburg. General Johnson, with his division, was at Scotland. Jenkins's brigade of ht have been anywhere from Chambersburg and Heidlersburg, and beyond, counting from west to east; or anywhere from Chambersburg and Heidlersburg to Emmettsburg and Pipe Creek, counting from north to srawn between Chambersburg and York, through Heidlersburg, and to the north of Gettysburg. The Comry rapidly. There is also a large force at Heidlersburg, that is driving my pickets at that point fivision, had passed the night of June 30 at Heidlersburg, and had moved on the morning of July 1, un[1 more...]
Lancaster (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
he town on the same day, driving out of it some militia cavalry, and after levying contribution upon the town, and burning some bridges and cars, it proceeded on the direct road to York and entered that place on the 28th, just in advance of the rest of the division. From that point General Early pushed out General Gordon's brigade, with cavalry, to seize the bridge which crosses the Susquehanna at Wrightsville. It had been his intention to cross his whole command by this bridge, march on Lancaster, cut the Pennsylvania Railroad, and then march upon and attack Harrisburg in the rear. His purpose, however, was frustrated by a body of militia stationed at the bridge, which, upon the approach of General Gordon, retreated across it to Columbia and fired the bridge. General Early, thus foiled in his intention, then moved General Gordon's brigade back to York, and sent out parties in all directions, burning bridges and railway stations. On the 24th and 25th the corps of Generals Long
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