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G. T. Beauregard 2,953 73 Browse Search
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in flank and reverse at Centreville, through which the triumph of our arms was prevented from being still more decisive, I regard it in place to say: a divisional organization, with officers in command of divisions, with appropriate rank, as in European services, would greatly reduce the risk of such mishaps, and would advantageously simplify the communications of the general in command of a field, with his troops. While glorious for our people, and crashing in effect upon the morale of our Larger brigades of Volunteers cannot be well handled in action, and I prefer, on that account, brigades of but four regiments. I regard the divisional organization as absolutely essential; my experience fully confirms the military practice in European services in this connection. Volunteers need these subdivisions even more than regular troops. As reported in a previous communication, I have called upon the governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama for additional troops.
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
rolina. War Department, C. S. A., Montgomery, March 1st, 1861. Gov. F. W. Pickens, Charleston, S. C.: Your letter to President received. This government assumes control of military operaar to me, of which I annex a copy, I request that you will have the goodness to proceed to Charleston, S. C., and obtain permission, if necessary, to visit Fort Sumter, in order to enable you to comp, Sec. of War. Appendix to Chapter IV. Headquarters Provisional Army C. S., Charleston, S. C., April 27th, 1861. Hon. L. P. Walker, Sec. of War, Montgomery, Ala.: Sir,—I have the hnt, G. T. Beauregard, Brig.-Genl. Comdg. Headquarters Provisional Army C. S., Charleston, S. C., April 27th, 1861. Brig.-Genl. Cooper, Adj.-Genl. C. S. A.: Sir,—I have the honor to sly practicable. G. T. Beauregard. Corinth, April 14th, 1862. Brig.-Genl. R. S. Ripley, Charleston, S. C.: Troops must not go to Kirby Smith now. Circumstances altered by burning of railroad br
Selma (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
at this point is along the Mobile and Ohio road towards Meridian, and thence towards Montgomery, so as to be able, as a last resort, to unite with the armies of the East. This line not only covers the railroad and river lines of communication to Selma and Montgomery, but also, from a position along the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, the enemy would expose his railroad lines of communication, already referred to, if he should attempt to move on to Memphis. But if he should march in force on the lathe enemy command of the Mississippi River from Vicksburg to the Ohio and Missouri rivers, and enable him to concentrate a large force against Vicksburg. The fall of the latter place would endanger our line of communication thence to Meridian and Selma (the latter portion now nearly completed), and the armies of the Mississippi and of the West would soon be compelled to abandon the whole State of Mississippi and another large portion of Alabama, to take refuge behind the Alabama River. It mi
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
b. 27th, 1862. To Lieutenant A. R. Chisolm, Mobile, Ala.: Course approved. Get troops wherever ylace to defend Louisiana. G. T. Beauregard. Mobile, Feb. 28th, 1862. To General Beauregard: Fising a copy of one from G. Humphries, Esq., of Mobile, relative to a conversation of his with me toups, and stood at the head of his profession in Mobile. He ranked among the first surgeons of the Uni— Meanwhile, I have ordered to Tuscaloosa, via Mobile. G. T. Beauregard. Corinth, April 13th, 186harleston Road; should be sent to me by way of Mobile. Cannot General Kirby Smith be furnished fromridge. Hence let all be sent here at once via Mobile. G. T. Beauregard. HEADQUART1ERS army of th62. To the Editors of the Mobile Evg. News, Mobile, Ala.: Gentlemen,—Your article of the 15th inslo, July 17th, 1862. To John Forsyth, Esq., Mobile, Ala.: My dear Sir,—It has been a settled poli Thus you have my plan. I leave to-morrow for Mobile, thence to Chattanooga. Our cavalry is paving[7 more...
Leesburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
ces, I am going to establish a manufactory of them here. Whenever you can spare a few guns for Leesburg, pray send them. Yours very truly, G. T. Beauregard. To Genl. J. E. Johnston, Winchester, VaMajor C. R. Wheat. Separate Commands. 8th Virginia regiment Volunteers, Col. Eppa Hunton, Leesburg. Hampton's Legion. II. The Horse Artillery, for the present, will be placed: Kemper's Baarch with his brigade, with as little delay as practicable, via Gum Spring and Ball's Mills, to Leesburg, or its vicinity. He will assume command of all the Confederate States forces in Loudon Countly and Hampton to intersection of Occoquan road with Wolf-run Shoals road. Evans has gone to Leesburg. The Louisiana brigade remains, for the present, at or about Mitchell's Ford. Will you peur front, and then endeavor to turn this place, either by Dumfries, on the lower Potomac, or by Leesburg, on the upper Potomac; in either case we ought to be prepared to strike him from Camp Pickens a
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
horitative, statement. My memory is not as certain as I would desire. I am, General, very truly yours, J. B. Walton. Genl. G. T. Beauregard. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 15th, 1872. My dear General,—Your kind note of the 11th instant, enclosing copy of letter to Captain Preble, in reference to Confederate battle-flag generation Southern troops will fight better under that than any other flag, as you say. Yours truly, J. E. Johnston. Genl. G. T. Beauregard. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 19th, 1872. My dear General,—Yours of the 13th instant reached me yesterday. I enclosed and sent the copy of letter to Captain Preble back to you ove points. I remain, yours very truly, G. T. Beauregard. Capt. George Henry Preble, U S. Navy, Naval Rendezvous, Boston Navy Yard, Mass. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 15th, 1872. I was serving with the Confederate army, in front of Manassas Junction, when the Confederate battle-flag was adopted, and took part in t
Jacksonport (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
ch 21st. Maj.-Genl. Bragg, Corinth: The General wishes an armed reconnoissance made, of say (3) three regiments infantry, some cavalry and artillery, to feel the enemy. Must be cautiously made with advance guards, and all due military precautions. Thomas Jordan, A. A. G. Jackson, Tenn., March 22d, 1862. A. S. Johnston, Genl. Comdg., Courtland: Following despatch just received from Van Dorn: Van Buren, Ark., March 21st, 1862. I march my first brigade to-morrow towards Jacksonport, Arkansas. All the troops here will march in a few days to the same point. I will probably have, on White River, by 10th or 12th April, twenty thousand men or more, and about seventy pieces of artillery. It was my intention to attack the forces near New Madrid and Point Pleasant from the north by Greenville. What do you now advise? There is an army of about twenty thousand. Enemy north of this in Arkansas, but they cannot subsist there; nor do I think they can do much harm in the West.
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
otect the bridges on the line of my march. Unfortunately, the infantry passed through and south of Boonville but a little while before the enemy made his descent; the cavalry, as before said, reached there in time only to rescue our men who had been captured. Equally inaccurate, reckless, and unworthy are the statements of these Federal commanders in their several official reports by telegraph, bearing dates of May 30th and 31st, and June 1st, 2d, and 4th, as published in Cincinnati and Chicago journals, touching the amount of property and stores destroyed by us at Corinth, and General Pope's alleged pressing pursuit. Major-General Halleck's despatch of June 4th may particularly be characterized as disgracefully untrue. Possibly, however, he was duped by his subordinate. Nothing, for example, can be wider from the truth than that ten thousand men and fifteen thousand small arms of this army were captured or lost in addition to those destroyed at Boonville. Some five hundred in
Brook's Station (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
of the enemy. It may be the time for this move has not yet arrived, but my only object now is to inform you that if you agree with my opinion as to the enemy's intentions, I can, at very short notice, march from here with three regiments of volunteers and two batteries of artillery. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. H. Holmes, Brig-Genl. Provisional Army. To Genl. S. Cooper, Adj.-Genl. C. S. A., Richmond. Headquarters Department of Fredericksburg, Brooks Station, June 18th, 1861. General,—Herewith enclosed you will please find a copy of a letter addressed to the Adjutant-General by me, and which was answered by General Lee, stating that the enemy's plans were not yet sufficiently developed to justify the adoption of my suggestions, and recommending, if my force could be divided, that I should erect a battery at Mathias Point, some thirty miles below here; from this you will see how utterly out of the question it is for me to send a regiment
Fairfax, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
o my leaving New Orleans, with my command, in May, 1861. The battle-flag which was adopted, as I remember, was a square flag with the bar of blue running diagonally from the corners, making a Greek cross of blue, with stars white on a red field. I do not recollect if there was any discussion involving the question of the character of the cross. The flag was adopted as the best to be recognized in battle, to distinguish our troops in action. The time that has elapsed since we were at Fairfax, where these interesting occurrences took place, will excuse the absence of any precise, or even authoritative, statement. My memory is not as certain as I would desire. I am, General, very truly yours, J. B. Walton. Genl. G. T. Beauregard. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 15th, 1872. My dear General,—Your kind note of the 11th instant, enclosing copy of letter to Captain Preble, in reference to Confederate battle-flag, is received. I concur with you in regard to your recollectio
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