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Adam (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
habitation of God by his Spirit constitutes the Church, agree, for their edification and for the conversion of their fellow-men, to organize the Church of the Army, with the following articles of faith and constitution: I. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, the only rule of faith and obedience. II. We believe in one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; the same in substance; equal in power and glory. III. We believe in the fall in Adam, the redemption by Christ, and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. IV. We believe in justification by faith alone, and therefore receive and rest upon Christ as our only hope. V. We believe in the communion of saints, and in the doctrine of eternal rewards and punishments. The Christian men who have been baptized, adopting these articles of faith and constitution, in each regiment, shall constitute one church; who shall choose ten officers to take the spiritual oversight of the same.
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
me was spent in distributing Heralds, hymn-books, and Testaments on the railroads from Selma to Demopolis, Alabama, and thence to Meridian and Corinth, Mississippi, and from Corinth to Cherokee, Alabama, and on the steamboats from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. I also furnished reading for the hospitals at Lauderdale Springs, Corinth and Iuka, Mississippi. I visited and preached twice for Patterson's Brigade of Roddy's Division of Cavalry. The officers and soldiers took much interest in presoldiers' papers; 1,500 hymn-books; 8 sermons preached. S. M. Cherry. Meridian, Mississippi, January 31, 1865. Report for February, 1865. Rev. Robert J. Harp, Superintendent: Dear Brother: The second day of the month I reached Montgomery, where I was kindly entertained by Brother S. S. Sikes, chaplain on post duty. With him visited the Stonewall hospital, and was glad to see the soldiers all recognize the parson, who visits each ward promptly three or four times each week, and
Tuskegee (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ver at night either in going to or from the front, several of whom came forward for prayer. At Corinth I had the privilege of preaching to a portion of the Second Regiment Engineer Corps, and the sick and wounded soldiers several times—interest was manifested by a number of them, who gave evidence of a desire to seek religion. I also enjoyed the privilege of attending the session of the Memphis Conference, held at Aberdeen, Mississippi, November 9-14; and the Montgomery Conference at Tuskegee, Alabama, December 7-13. At both places I was treated with great courtesy and true kindness by the members of the Conferences and the citizens, and secured many assurances of aid and encouragement in my mission. All seemed eager to learn of the good results of the work of your association among the soldiers. I met the army beyond the Tennessee River on its return from Middle Tennessee. The soldiers were very eager indeed to see the Herald again, and they greeted the copies furnished them
Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
, Thompson, Georgia. Distributions: 7,000 copies of the Army and Navy Herald; 112 Bibles; 300 Testaments; 200 gospels, and 9 sermons preached. S. M. Cherry. Milledgeville, March 1, 1865. Report for March, 1865. Rev. Robert J. Harp, Superintendent: Dear Brother: The 4th of March I received at Milledgeville 15,000 Milledgeville 15,000 copies of the Army and Navy Herald of the issues of February 16 and 23, and March 2. The day following I succeeded in getting the entire supply on Captain Clark's supply train. Through the kindness of the wagon-master and teamsters the papers were carried free of charge to Warrenton, thence by the favor of Major Hall to Camak. h Carolina. The Heralds now on hand have been brought two hundred miles by Government wagons free of charge. The first Sabbath in the month I spent in Milledgeville, Georgia, and preached for Brother George Yarbrough, who gave me the welcome of a brother. The second Sunday I was in Thomson, Georgia, where I took up a collec
Chapel Hill, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
at fervor and power. The young believers were organized into private prayermeetings, which met at seven o'clock in the morning. Sometimes, says Mr. Redding, I would quietly unpeg the door and walk in while the young men were engaged in their delightful meetings, and would find the young convert of the previous night leading in prayer, and earnestly invoking God's blessing upon his impenitent comrades. In the evening, at the close of dress-parade, the drums would beat the Church call on Chapel Hill. It was a glorious sight, just as the setting sun bathed the mountain tops in his ruddy light, to see those toil-worn veterans gathering in companies and marching to the house of the Lord. From all directions, down from the hills, out of the woods, across the valleys, they came, while the gallant Colonel McCullough, of the Sixteenth South Carolina, himself a godly man, leads his men to the place of worship. Then the Twenty-fourth South Carolina falls into line, led by their chaplain, M
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
d. With 15,000 copies of the Army and Navy Herald I started for Augusta on the 13th and furnished papers to the soldiers on the trains andfreely to the soldiers at both places. Several days were spent in Augusta furnishing papers for the soldiers who were passing through the ciuest and the advice of the treasurer, Brother Burke, I remained in Augusta to aid in shipping a large supply of paper for the publications of to Camak. Learning that Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee would leave Augusta on the 18th for Charlotte, North Carolina, I collected all my supp Camp organization, with a liberal supply, and other troops around Augusta and on the railroads, I had 16,000 papers to bring through on the our wagon train was passing through. At Camp Organization, near Augusta, I preached twice on fast day to very large, attentive audiences; re at Camp Direction, at Hamburg, S. C., across the river from Augusta, Georgia. There I met Chaplains Brown, Forty-sixth Georgia, and Daniel
Winchester, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
. The First Presbyterian Church was tendered for our use; but when I consulted General Kirby Smith he wisely advised me to decline the offer for good reasons, and we worshipped at the encampment. There was more sickness than usual among our soldiers, and the hospitals were filled by the corps. In visiting the sick, by special inquiry, I found several pious praying men, and the majority of the sick and wounded were readers of the Bible. The fourth Sunday in September we were at Winchester, Kentucky. Brother Rand preached for the soldiers in the forenoon and I in the afternoon. Saturday, October 4. Went to Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky, to witness the inauguration of Governor Hawes. Generals Bragg, Buckner, Buford, Reynolds, Stevenson and Humphrey Marshall and others were in attendance. The newly installed governor and generals left before night. Lexington, Kentucky, Sunday, October 5, 1862. Visited our sick for the last time in the hospitals here. All are ordered
East Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Arkansas, mortally wounded, confessed that he had been a wild boy, but he said, Pray for me, and write to my mother that I was a faithful soldier to the last. He praised God after I read the Fifty-first Psalm, and prayed for his salvation. East Point, near Atlanta, Georgia, July 25, at 3 P. M. I was called to see Lieutenant G. P. Dean, Fifteenth Texas Regiment. His wound was slight but had gangrened. Chaplain Kramer and Rev. W. H. Potter, of Georgia, were with me. Brother Kramer prayed, nded. He testifies that he has been trying to be a true Christian in the army, and all is right living or dying. This gallant young Tennesseean talks like a true Christian-a member of the Methodist Church, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Regiment. East Point, August 8, 1864. S. W. Jenkins, Company E, Fifty-eighth Alabama, is fearfully riddled with balls, but as he lay beneath a little fly dying this hot dusty day his eye was very bright. I grasped his hand and said, How is it now with you, my dear
Lee County, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
hree States: the Georgians in Kentucky, the Alabamians in Tennessee, and the Tennesseeans in Virginia. I used the corner-stone as a book-board for Bible and hymn-book. Text: Psalms XLII. 11.— Some of us are neither cast down nor disquieted. Our hope is in God, and we praise him on the mountain top. May 11. Preached for the Third Georgia Battalion. Dr. Chapman, the assistant-surgeon, is quite sick, but he enjoys religion. Had preached on Saturday and Sunday at Willis Chapel, in Lee county, Virginia. Large, serious congregation on Sunday. May 14. A very pleasant prayer-meeting on the mountain peak with the Georgians at twilight. May 18. Owing to rain, did not preach to our regiment in A. M., but did in the P. M., but rained us out at Third Georgia at night. Monday, May 19. Preached to-night for Third Georgia Battalion. By request of Captain McCullam, Company G, Forty-second Georgia, preached for that regiment on the night of May 22. Much pleased with the captai
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
with us. Few of our number would be more missed. A very peculiar man in appearance, and a peculiarly true and earnest soul, he was most highly esteemed by us all. Few men ever loved the Church better, or were more at home in her councils or at her altars. He was popular among his brethren, and popular among the people. Perfectly fearless, he avoided no duty or responsibility. In every respect he was reliable. On the battlefield of Perryville he fell, attesting his devotion to his native South. He was one of the few men who could have gone on to any position in the service in which he fell, and afterwards have come back to the work of a Methodist preacher. One bright, sunny spirit less—we'll miss and lament him. Rev. Dr. Joseph Cross, who was with General Bragg's army, thus describes the battle-field after the fight at Murfreesboro: Ah! how many expired with the year. Here they lie, friend and foe, in every possible position, a vast promiscuous ruin. They sleep the
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