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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.). Search the whole document.

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Pike County (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ps, Wendell, 115, 117, 119, 415, 417 Phillips Andover Academy, 480 Philosophical and practical grammar of the English language, 446 Philosophical Review, 239, 249 n. Philosophy of History, 229 n. Philosophy of Mathematics, 229 n. Philosophy of mysterious agents, 526 Philosophy of wealth, 442 Pictorial Dictionary (Webster), 477, 478 Pierce, J. D., 409 Pietro Ghisleri, 88 Pig in the parlour, 516 Pike, Albert B., 496 Pike, J. S., 352 Pike, Nicholas, 401, 541 Pike County ballads, 53 Pindar, 466 Pinero, 279, 293 Pinski, David, 600, 609 Pioneer life, or thirty years a hunter, 154 Pioneers of France in the New World, the, 190 Piper, the, 290, 291 Pipes of Pan, the, 292 Pique, 271 Piscatory eclogues, 446 Pit, the, 93 Pitkin, W. B., 264 Plain and comprehensive grammar (Webster), 475 Phoenix, John, 7 Physical geology of the Grand Canyon district, 159 Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas, 167 Physics and politic
Saxony (Saxony, Germany) (search for this): chapter 2
8 Jesuit relations, 179 Jesuits in North America, the, 190 Jevons, 442 Jewett, John P., 306 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 86, 291, 312 Jewish daily forward, the, 601, 607 Jewish daily news, the, 601 Jewish morning journal, the, 601 Jim, 53 Jim along Jo, 516 Jim Bludso, 53 Jinrikisha days in Japan, 55 Joan of Arc, 19, 20 Joaquin et al, 54 John Barleycorn, 94 John Brent, 68 John Brown's body, 516 Johnelle, 595 John McLoughlin, the father of Oregon, 140 John of Saxony, 455 John Randolph, 199 John Reed, 43 Johns Hopkins, 174, 177, 239, 239 n., 244, 409, 412, 440, 459, 465 Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political Science, the, 177 Johnson, A. V., 431 Johnson, Andrew, 350, 351, 352, 353 Johnson, Capt., 143, 156 Johnson, R. W., 181 Johnson, Samuel, 353, 475, 477, 487, 542, 562 Johnson, Samuel (the American), 394, 475 Johnson, Samuel, Jr., 475 Johnson, T. L., 365 Johnson, Sir, Wm., 613 Johnson, Theodo
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
, 24 De Mille, Wm., 266, 276, 279, 280, 282, 289 Democracy, 86 Democracy and education, 423 Democratic Review. 301, 304 Demosthenes, 465 D'Ennery, 271 Dennie, Joseph, 481 Dennis, J. S., 212 Densmore, 271 Denver Tribune (Colorado), 27 De Quincey, 475 Der Alte Feierheerd, 585 Der arme Teufel, 583 Der Bleicher Apreitor, 602 Der Hoch-Deutsch Pennsylvanische Geschicht-Schreiber, 575 Der Kerchegang in alter Zeit, 585 Der Niagara, 581 Der Pedlar, 580 Der Se River, 134 History of English poetry, 458 History of Life in the United States, A, 76 History of Louisiana, 598 History of Mexico, 195 History of modern Banks of issue, a, 440 History of money and prices, a, 440 History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, 196 History of New France, 179 History of New Netherland, 179 History of New York, 179 History of North Carolina, 179 History of Oregon, 196 History of Philosophy, 239 n. History of Quincy, 198 History of Sacerdot
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
mbkin, 507 Lancaster, 398 Lancelot and Guenevere. A poem in dramas, 50 Lancisi, 446 Land and its rent, 441 Landlord at lion's head, the, 84 Land of desolation, the, 167 Land of the long Night, the, 163 Land of the Midnight Sun, the, 163 Land of the Saracens, the, 164 Landor, 474 Lane, George Martin, 462, 463, 464 Lane Theological Seminary, 70, 205 Lang, Andrew, 17, 310, 312, 316, 490 Langdon, Olivia, 5 Langdon, W. C., 297 Langer als ein Menschenleben in Missouri, 587 Langley, Alexander, 438 Language and the study of language, 464, 469 Lanier, Sidney, 269 Lanman, C. R., 87, 169, 464, 468, 468 n. La Nouvelle Atala, 595 Lanusse, Armand, 596 La Presse des Deux-Mondes, 594 La Prise du Morne du Baton-rouge par Monseigneur de Galvez, 591 Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming), 27 Larcom, Lucy, 38 La Renaissance, 591 La Revue Louisianaise, 592, 593, 594 La Salle, 592 La Salle and the discovery of the great West, 190 Last of the Fore
San Francisco (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
Arctic experiences, 168 Arctic explorations, 167 Arctic researches and life among the Eskimaux, 168 Argonaut (San Francisco), 140 Aristophanes, 121, 624 Aristotle, 8, 235, 238, 259, 260, 263, 471 Arizona, 283 Arizonian, 581 Arlbrail, the, 135, 189 California, Das Stille Meer, 581 California from the conquest in 1846, 141 Californian (San Francisco), 4 California inter Pocula, 196 California pastorals, 196 Californien, 581 Calisto, 593 Calkin, 500 Berlichingen, 487 Goldberger, 579 Gold, ein Californisches Lebensbild, 580 Golden bowl, the, 106 Golden era (San Francisco), 4, 154 Goldfaden, A., 607, 608 Goldoni, 77, 450 Goldsmith, 77, 542 Gompers, Samuel, 363 Gone with a HMormons, the, 142 Mormons, or the latter day Saints in the Valley of the great Salt Lake, the, 151 Morning call (San Francisco), 4 Morris, Clara, 271 Morris, G. S., 239 n. Morse, Jedidiah, 401, 431, 546, 54 Morse, S. F. B., 345, 348
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
4, 286 Henry, Joseph, 233 Henry St. John, gentleman, 67 Hephzibah Guinness, 90 Herald (N. Y.), 168, 320, 321, 322 Herald of the New-found World, the, 437 Herbart, 240 Her great Match0 Josh Billings. See Shaw, H. W. Jouffroy, 227 Journal (Hannibal, Mo.), 2 Journal (N. Y.), 330 Journal of a March from Santa Fe; to San Diego 1846-47, The, 143 Journal of an exploour beyond the Rocky Mountains, a, 137 Journal of a trapper, the, 134 Journal of Commerce (N. Y.), 322 Journal of education, the, 411 Journal of philosophy, psychology, and scientific metn the philosophy and practice of slavery, 339 Lectures on the Restrictive system, 438 Ledger (N. Y.), 66 Lee, Mother Ann, 525 Leech, 100 Lefou de Palerme, 595 Legend of Marcus Whitman, te, 289 Sumner, Charles, 115-117, 126, 346, 350, 415 Sumner, William G., 355, 363, 440 Sun (N. Y.), 324 Sun and saddle Leather, 161 Sun dance, 616 Sun-day hymn, 499 Supernatural origin o
Sitka (Alaska, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ta Sanctorum, 174 Acton, Lord, 195 Adams, Andy, 161 Adams, Charles Follen, 26 Adams, Charles Francis, 197, 363, 459 n. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 197, 198 Adams, Charles K., 177 Adams, Franklin P., 22 Adams, H. B., 174, 177, 178 Adams, Henry, 86, 194, 197, 198-200, 302, 490 Adams, Henry C., 442 Adams, John, 396, 453 Adams, John Quincy, 197, 346, 453, 471, 472 Adams, Maude, 279 Adams, Nehemiah, 345 Adam's diary, 20 Addison, 542, 566 Address on Alaska at Sitka, August 12, 1869, 166 Address to the inhabitants of North Carolina, an, 426 Address to the public, . . . Proposing a plan for improving Female education, 411 Address to the workingmen of New England, an, 436 Ade, George, 26, 91, 288, 289, 290 Adler (Jewish actor), 608 Adler, Karl, 583 Admirable Crichton, the, 286 Adolescence, 422 Adrea, 281, 282 Adventures of Francois, the, 90, 91 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the, 16 Adventures of James Capen Adams of Califo
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
yard Rush, 75 Hall, C. C., 214 Hall, C. F., 168 Hall, Charles S., 496 Hall, E. H., 207 Hall, Fitzedward, 473, 474-75 Hall, G. Stanley, 239, 422 Hall, Sharlot M., 133 Hallam, 453, 456, 458 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 40, 449, 549 Hallesche Nachrichten, 577 Halpern, M. L., 604 Halstead, 327 Hamblin, Jacob, 149 Hamilton, A., 430 Hamilton, Sir, William, 228, 234, 237 Hanlet, 269, 483 Hammond, J. H., 344 Hampden-Sidney College, 479 Hampton Institute, 423, 513 Hampton's magazine, 316 Hand of Lincoln, the, 46 Hans Breitmann's ballads, 23 583, 584 Hansen-Taylor, Marie, 586 Hanson, J. M., 514 Hapgood, Isabel, 164 Happy is the Miller, 516 Happy marriage, a, 284 Harbaugh, Henry, 584, 585 Harbaugh's Harfe, 584 Harber, G. B., 168 Harbinger, the, 437 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 86 Hardy, Thomas, 316 Harlan, Justice, 360 Harland, Henry, 91 Harmony of interests, the, 435 Harper, Chancellor, 338 Harper, Fletcher, 309 Harper, J.
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
526 Practical Christian socialism, 437 Practical economics, 439 Practical farmer, the, 430-31 Practical treatise on Labor, 438 Pragmatism, 243 n. Pratt, Lucy, 420 Praxiteles and Phryne, 38 Prayer of Twenty Millions, The, 322 Precht, V., 582 Preliminary essay to the translation of list's national system of political economy, a, 436 Prentice, 327 Prentiss, Ingram, 66 Prescott, W. H., 178, 183, 188, 190, 456, 458, 550, 598 Present age, the, 109 Present State of Virginia, 386 President's March, the, 494 Price, Thomas Randolph, 465 n. Priestley, 227 Prime, E. D. G., 136 Prime, W. C., 163 Prince, L. Bradford, 132 Prince and the Page, the, 16 Prince and the Pauper, the, 15, 16, 20 Prince of India or why Constantinople fell, the, 75 Prince of the House of David, the, 69 Princess Casamassima, the 98, 104 Princeton, 23, 206, 207, 209, 240, 340, 392, 402, 465 Princeton Review, 301, 303 Principles (Ricardo), 431 Princ
Hannibal (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
62 Johnson, Samuel (the American), 394, 475 Johnson, Samuel, Jr., 475 Johnson, T. L., 365 Johnson, Sir, Wm., 613 Johnson, Theodore T., 145 Johnston, Mary, 91, 287, 550 Johnston, R. M., 86 John W. Audubon's Western journal 134 Jones, Henry Arthur, 279 Jones, Hugh, 386 Jones, Robert, 298 Jones, Sir, William, 446 Jonson, Ben, 126 Jordan, David Starr, 363 Joseph Freifeld, 582 Joseph II, 450 Josh Billings. See Shaw, H. W. Jouffroy, 227 Journal (Hannibal, Mo.), 2 Journal (N. Y.), 330 Journal of a March from Santa Fe; to San Diego 1846-47, The, 143 Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, a, 137 Journal of a trapper, the, 134 Journal of Commerce (N. Y.), 322 Journal of education, the, 411 Journal of philosophy, psychology, and scientific method, 263 Journal of speculative philosophy, the, 236, 238, 239 Journal of the Am.Oriental Society, 468 Journal of the meeting of the friends of domestic industr
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