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Charlotte Elizabeth (search for this): chapter 1
for three years. All the records and traditions of the revolutionary period breathe unity and determination. Stark, the hero of Bennington, was a Londonderrian. Such were the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire; of such material were the maternal ancestors of Horace Greeley composed; and from his maternal ancestors he derived much that distinguishes him from men in general. In the New Yorker for August 28, 1841, he alluded to his Scotch-Irish origin in a characteristic way. Noticing Charlotte Elizabeth's Siege of Derry, he wrote: We do not like this work, and we choose to say so frankly. What is the use of reviving and aggravating these old stories (alas how true!) of scenes in which Christians of diverse creeds have tortured and butchered each other for the glory of God? We had ancestors in that same Siege of Derry,—on the Protestant side, of course,—and our sympathies are all on that side; but we cannot forget that intolerance and persecution—especially in Ireland—are by no
August 28th, 1841 AD (search for this): chapter 1
ix good flints. In 1777 the town gave a bounty of thirty pounds for every man who enlisted for three years. All the records and traditions of the revolutionary period breathe unity and determination. Stark, the hero of Bennington, was a Londonderrian. Such were the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire; of such material were the maternal ancestors of Horace Greeley composed; and from his maternal ancestors he derived much that distinguishes him from men in general. In the New Yorker for August 28, 1841, he alluded to his Scotch-Irish origin in a characteristic way. Noticing Charlotte Elizabeth's Siege of Derry, he wrote: We do not like this work, and we choose to say so frankly. What is the use of reviving and aggravating these old stories (alas how true!) of scenes in which Christians of diverse creeds have tortured and butchered each other for the glory of God? We had ancestors in that same Siege of Derry,—on the Protestant side, of course,—and our sympathies are all on that s
the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire. Londonderry in Ireland the siege emigration to New England settlement of Londond Connecticut, and in part by emigrants from the north of Ireland. The latter were called Scotch-Irish, for a reason which how. Ulster, the most northern of the four provinces of Ireland, has been, during the last two hundred and fifty years, sung, there was a rebellion of the Catholics in the north of Ireland. Upon its suppression, Ulster, embracing the six northernsh throne. James II. returning from France had landed in Ireland, and was making an effort to recover his lost inheritance.ought their spinning and weaving implements with them from Ireland, and their industry was not once interrupted by an attack nnot forget that intolerance and persecution—especially in Ireland—are by no means exclusively Catholic errors and crimes. Who persecutes in Ireland now? On what principle of Christian toleration are the poor man's pig and potatoes wrested from him
Scotland (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 1
ravages of the recent war. The land was divided into shares, the largest of which did not exceed two thousand acres. Colonists were invited over from England and Scotland. The natives were expelled from their fastnesses in the hills, and forced to settle upon the plains. Some efforts, it appears, were made to teach them arts anked and razed during the rebellion. The city was now rebuilt by a company of adventurers from London, and the county was settled by a colony from Argyleshire in Scotland, who were thenceforth called Scotch-Irish. Of what stuff these Scottish colonists were made, their after-history amply and gloriously shows. The colony took roster was Protestant and Presbyterian; the city of Londonderry was Ulster's stronghold, and it was the chief impediment in the way of James' proposed descent upon Scotland. With what resolution and daring the people of Londonderry, during the ever-memorable siege of that city, fought and endured for Protestantism and freedom, the
Ulster (Irish Republic) (search for this): chapter 1
hundred and fifty years, superior to the rest in wealth and civilization. The cause of its superiority is known. About the year 1612, when James I. was king, there was a rebellion of the Catholics in the north of Ireland. Upon its suppression, Ulster, embracing the six northern counties, and containing half a million acres of land, fell to the king by the attainder of the rebels. Under royal encouragement and furtherance, a company was formed in London for the purpose of planting colonies in, and forced to settle upon the plains. Some efforts, it appears, were made to teach them arts and agriculture. Robbery and assassination were punished. And, thus, by the infusion of new blood, and the partial improvement of the ancient race, Ulster, which had been the most savage and turbulent of the Irish provinces, became, and remains to this day, the best cultivated, the richest, and the most civilized. One of the six counties was Londonderry, the capital of which, called by the same
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
igration to New England settlement of Londonderry, New Hampshire the Scotch-Irish introduce the culture of the potato and the manufacture of linen character of the Scotch-Irish their simplicity love of fun stories of the early clergymen Traits in the Scotch-Irish character zeal of the Londonderrians in the Revolution Horace Greeley's allusion to his Scotch-Irish ancestry. New Hampshire, the native State of Horace Greeley, was settled in part by colonists from Massachusetts and Connecticut, and in part by emigrants from the north of Ireland. The latter were called Scotch-Irish, for a reason which a glance at their history will show. Ulster, the most northern of the four provinces of Ireland, has been, during the last two hundred and fifty years, superior to the rest in wealth and civilization. The cause of its superiority is known. About the year 1612, when James I. was king, there was a rebellion of the Catholics in the north of Ireland. Upon its suppression, Ulster
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
clergymen Traits in the Scotch-Irish character zeal of the Londonderrians in the Revolution Horace Greeley's allusion to his Scotch-Irish ancestry. New Hampshire, the native State of Horace Greeley, was settled in part by colonists from Massachusetts and Connecticut, and in part by emigrants from the north of Ireland. The latter were called Scotch-Irish, for a reason which a glance at their history will show. Ulster, the most northern of the four provinces of Ireland, has been, duringWorcester; but as they were Irish and Presbyterians, such a storm of prejudice against them arose among the enlightened Congregationalists of that place, that they were obliged to flee before it, and seek refuge in the less populous places of Massachusetts. Sixteen families, after many months of tribulation and wandering, selected for their permanent abode a tract twelve miles square, called Nutfield, which now embraces the townships of Londonderry, Derry and Windham, in Rockingham county, New
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Chapter 1: the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire. Londonderry in Ireland the siege emigration to New England settlement of Londonderry, New Hampshire the Scotch-Irish introduce the culturLondonderrians in the Revolution Horace Greeley's allusion to his Scotch-Irish ancestry. New Hampshire, the native State of Horace Greeley, was settled in part by colonists from Massachusetts ando vine for the genuine fruit of the plant, is mentioned by a highly respectable historian of New Hampshire as a well-authenticated fact. With regard to the linen manufacture, it may be mentioned ae enemy beat a sudden retreat, and troubled the Londonderrians no more. The Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire were among the first to catch the spirit of the Revolution. They confronted British troops,ation. Stark, the hero of Bennington, was a Londonderrian. Such were the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire; of such material were the maternal ancestors of Horace Greeley composed; and from his mater
Bennington, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ed of the same, as far as it will go; provided he produces a gun of his own, in good order, and is willing to go against the enemy, and promises not to waste any of the powder, only in self-defense; and provided, also, that he show twenty good bullets to suit his gun, and six good flints. In 1777 the town gave a bounty of thirty pounds for every man who enlisted for three years. All the records and traditions of the revolutionary period breathe unity and determination. Stark, the hero of Bennington, was a Londonderrian. Such were the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire; of such material were the maternal ancestors of Horace Greeley composed; and from his maternal ancestors he derived much that distinguishes him from men in general. In the New Yorker for August 28, 1841, he alluded to his Scotch-Irish origin in a characteristic way. Noticing Charlotte Elizabeth's Siege of Derry, he wrote: We do not like this work, and we choose to say so frankly. What is the use of reviving and ag
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
of New Hampshire. Londonderry in Ireland the siege emigration to New England settlement of Londonderry, New Hampshire the Scotch-Irish introduce the cuhen, therefore, in 1617, a son of one of the leading clergyman returned from New England with glowing accounts of that plantation, a furor of emigration arose in theess to His Excellency, the Right Honorable Colonel Samuel Smith, Governor of New England, which assured his Excellency of our sincere and hearty inclination to transthat the potato was first cultivated, and there that linen was first made in New England. The English colonists at that day appear to have been unacquainted with thor and pathos of the Irish, and then grown wild in the woods among their own New England mountains. There never existed a people at once so jovial and so religiountributed more money to the cause, than any other town of equal resources in New England. Here are a few of the town-meeting votes of the first months of the war: V
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