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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 2 (search)
there is any river in the world so large or so deep. VI.—Daring deed of Diego Mendez. [taken from the last will of Diego Mendez. These adventures happened Diego Mendez. These adventures happened on the fourth voyage of Columbus, in 1502.] When we were shut in at the mouth of the River Belen, or Yebra, through the violence of the sea, and the winds which drrovisions of biscuit, wine, oil, and vinegar being left with me. Vii.—How Diego Mendez got food for Columbus. [also taken from the last will of Diego Mendez.]Diego Mendez.] On the last day of April, in the year fifteen hundred and three, we left Veragua, with three ships, intending to make our passage homeward to Spain; but, as the sor the two hundred and thirty people who were with the admiral. Viii.—How Diego Mendez saved Columbus. [from the same narrative.] Ten days after this, the ide, and spoke to me of the great peril he was in, addressing me as follows: Diego Mendez, my son, not one of those whom I have here with me has any idea of the great<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 4 (search)
e to visit ours; and they told us that beyond them there were three men like us, and gave their names. And we asked them for the others; and they told us that they were all dead of cold and hunger; that the Indians farther on, of whom they were, had for their diversion killed Diego Dorantes, Valdevieso, and Diego de Huelva, because they left one house for another; and that other Indians, their neighbors, with whom Captain Dorantes now was, had, in consequence of a dream, killed Esquivel and Mendez. We asked them how the living were situated; and they answered us that they were very ill used; for that the boys and some of the Indian men were very idle, and of cruelty gave them severe kicks, cuffs, and blows with sticks, and that such was the life they led among them. We desired to be informed of the country ahead, and of the subsistence in it; and they said there was nothing in it to eat, and [it] was thin of people, who suffered of cold, having no skins or other thing to cover the
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Index. (search)
the Lucky, 6-9, 12. Lempo, Jan, 305. Lincoln, Earl of, 355. Lions, Supposed, 171, 349. Lobillo, John R., 124, 126. Lodlo, Arnold, 300, 302. Longfellow, H. W., poem quoted, 168. Lowe, Captain, 355. Lymer, Richard, 223. Lys, Monsieur, Du, 159, 161. M. Maccou, King, 151, 153. Maine Historical Society, 98. Major, R. H., 18. Malaga, Monks of, 335. Mannitto, 291, 293. Manteo, 192, 199. Martin, John, 233. Massachusetts Bay Colony, 339-362. Massasoit, 334. Mendez, Diego, his daring deeds, 39-50. Menendez, Don Pedro, 159, 164, 166. Minuit, Honorable, Pieter, 305. Mississippi River, Discovery of, 79, 96, 132. Mococo, 128, 129, 130, 131. Molemnaecker, Francois, 305. Moore, Adam, 302. Moose (Molke), 349. Moscoso, Luysde, 138, 139. Moter, 298. Mourt's Relation, 310. Mouy, Sir Charles of, 99. N. Nantaquond, 258. Narvaez, Pamphilo de, 122, 127. New England's Discommodities, 353. New style (calendar), 290, 328. New York Hi