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t bell, and after the lecture to have his ears cut off; and so he had liberty to depart out of our jurisdiction. Very probably he availed himself of the liberty granted, and with mutilated ears departed from the jurisdiction of those rulers who were a terror to, evil doers. I find no trace of him here afterwards. An unfaithful steward of Governor Winthrop, bearing the same name, perhaps the same person, fled to, Plymouth before 10 Oct. 1640, and was then in extreme poverty and distress. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., XXXVI. 169. More than a dozen suits were commenced against him in Plymouth, at the court holden in December, 1641. Plym. Col. Rec., VII. 24-27. His wife remained here, was a member of the Church, and a recipient of its bounty. Her name appears on the records as sister Albon, Albone, or Olbon. I conjecture that her name before marriage was Olbon or Albone; that she resumed it for herself and her children when her marriage was annulled by the Court; and that, at some peri
Philo G. Lawton (search for this): chapter 37
sabel, had Naomi, b. 8 Nov. 1638. Latham, cary (otherwise written Lathom, Lathome, Lathum, and Lathrum), by w. Elizabeth, had Thomas, b. Nov. 1639; Joseph. He res. on the westerly side of Ash Street. He sold his house and seven acres of land about 1646, and rem. to New London, where he had Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, and Hannah. He d. 1685. 2. Robert, res. in the family of Rev. Thomas Shepard two years, previous to 12 Nov. 1646. He afterwards rem. to Bridgewater, where he had a family. Lawton, John (otherwise written Lorton), by w. Mary, had John, b. 10 Jan. 1691. Leverett, John, son of Hudson, grandson of Governor John, and greatgrandson of Elder Thomas Leverett, was b. in Boston 25 Aug. 1662, grad. H. C. 1680, and received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity 1692, being the first, together with his classmate, Rev. William Brattle, on whom that honor was ever bestowed by Harvard College. He was several years Tutor, and a member of the Corporation; Selectman 1699, 1700; Repre
John Clark (search for this): chapter 37
of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Daniel Denison, and wid. of Capt. Thomas Berry. She d. 7 June 1720, a. 54, and he m. 5 Ap. 1722 Sarah, wid. of William Harris, who survived him, and m. Hon. John Clark of Boston 15 July 1725, after whose death she contracted a fourth marriage 6 May 1731, becoming the wife of Rev. Benjamin Colman, and d. 24 Ap. 1744, a. 71. His children, all by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward Wigglesworth 15 June 1726, and d. 9 Nov. 1727; Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1701; m. Major John Denison of Ipswich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dec. 1728; John, b. 26 Sept. 1703, d. 31 Oct. 1704; Pa
Jonathan Mitchell (search for this): chapter 37
ey to my brother Parish; my daughter Matha to my brother Stone; my son Joseph to my brother Bridge. Joseph was still living in the family of Deacon Bridge, when Mitchell prepared his fragment of a Church Record; and he may have been the father of Mary, b. about 1679, m. James Clark, Jr., 4 Nov. 1703, and d. 25 June 1711, a. 32. College. Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. e), she m.——Cole (perhaps the father of Arthur Cole, and died before 1668. This conjecture is partly founded on the fragment of a Church Record commenced by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, who d. in 1668. Under the name of John Fezington (Fessenden) he says: In his family is Reuben Luxford, alias Olbon, who, together with his sister Elizabeth
Thomas Shepard (search for this): chapter 37
. Nov. 1639; Joseph. He res. on the westerly side of Ash Street. He sold his house and seven acres of land about 1646, and rem. to New London, where he had Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, and Hannah. He d. 1685. 2. Robert, res. in the family of Rev. Thomas Shepard two years, previous to 12 Nov. 1646. He afterwards rem. to Bridgewater, where he had a family. Lawton, John (otherwise written Lorton), by w. Mary, had John, b. 10 Jan. 1691. Leverett, John, son of Hudson, grandson of Governor John, his hand out of his pocket, which is taken notice of; and indeed is ruler of the Town as well as College. Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Daniel Den
William Harris (search for this): chapter 37
Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Daniel Denison, and wid. of Capt. Thomas Berry. She d. 7 June 1720, a. 54, and he m. 5 Ap. 1722 Sarah, wid. of William Harris, who survived him, and m. Hon. John Clark of Boston 15 July 1725, after whose death she contracted a fourth marriage 6 May 1731, becoming the wife of Rev. Benjamin Colman, and d. 24 Ap. 1744, a. 71. His children, all by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward Wigglesworth 15 June 1726, and d. 9 Nov. 1727; Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1701; m. Major John Denison of Ipswich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dec. 1728; Jo
Simon Bradstreete (search for this): chapter 37
mong the more prominent of the first company of inhabitants. He was appointed Constable by the General Court, May 1632; and, at the same session, it was ordered that there should be two of every Plantation appointed to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock; Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Spencer for New Town. He died before 3 March 1634-5, when the Court Ordered, that Ruth Lockwood, widow, shall bring all the writings that her husband left in her hands to John Haynes, Esq., and Simon Bradstreete, on the third day of the next week, who shall detain the same in their hands till the next Court, when they shall be disposed of to those to whom they belong. It is not improbable that Mr. Lockwood removed to Wat. before his death, or that his widow removed there immediately afterwards; for by an order of Court 7 Ap. 1635, It is referred to the Church of Watertown, with the consent of Robert Lockwood, executor of Edmund Lockwood dec. to dispose of the children and estate of the said E
friends, during their minority, to wit: My daughter Mary to my brother Sparahak; to my brother Isaack, my daughter Sarah; my son Barnabey to my brother Parish; my daughter Matha to my brother Stone; my son Joseph to my brother Bridge. Joseph was still living in the family of Deacon Bridge, when Mitchell prepared his fragment of a Church Record; and he may have been the father of Mary, b. about 1679, m. James Clark, Jr., 4 Nov. 1703, and d. 25 June 1711, a. 32. Lappinwall, Michael, by w. Isabel, had Naomi, b. 8 Nov. 1638. Latham, cary (otherwise written Lathom, Lathome, Lathum, and Lathrum), by w. Elizabeth, had Thomas, b. Nov. 1639; Joseph. He res. on the westerly side of Ash Street. He sold his house and seven acres of land about 1646, and rem. to New London, where he had Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, and Hannah. He d. 1685. 2. Robert, res. in the family of Rev. Thomas Shepard two years, previous to 12 Nov. 1646. He afterwards rem. to Bridgewater, where he had a family. Lawto
d dead in his bed, having apparently deceased without a struggle. A bill for professional services rendered by Dr. Henry Hooper (who resided at the westerly corner of Brattle and Appleton streets) is preserved in the Library of the New England Hist. Gen. Society. If it does not throw any light on the cause of President Leverett's death, it indicates the manner of medical practice a hundred and fifty years ago:— Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.The Estate of ye Honble Mr. John Leverett Dr. Imps visit bleeding & dressing his armes£ 0.4.6 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.Visit Extt dent. & dressing another ulcer that wanted digestion0.4.6 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.Visit & dressing boath armes0.3.0 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.[Forty-seven charges, here omitted, amount to]6.18.0 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.Two visits to Boston0.10.0 Dressing at my house when come up again from Boston0.2.0 He went to Boston & stayed yr some time, and by reason I could not attend him
685, aged about 68 years, according to his epitaph; but in his will, dated 24 Ap. 1685, he calls himself 69 years old, and names wife Sarah, and surviving children Sarah, Elizabeth, and Mary. Bethia, family uncertain, m. Amos Marrett 2 Nov. 1681. Lord, Thomas. His name does not appear on our Records. But Hinman says he came to Hartford from Cambridge, Mass., in 1636, . . . . and was in the division of lands at Hartford in 1639. His children were Thomas [a surgeon], Richard, William, Dorothy, Robert, John, and Amy. He is the ancestor of the Lord family of the State. 2. Richard, perhaps s. of Thomas (1), in 1635 owned one shop, with garden plot, about half a rood, at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets. He rem. to Hartford, where he was Constable in 1642, and Selectman in 1744. He was a man of great energy, and an original settler. In 1657, he was appointed Captain of the first troop of Horse ever raised in the Colony. . . . . After several years spent in
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