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Medford (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
b. 4 July 1679. 5. John, s. of William (2), m. Elizabeth, dau. of David Fiske, and had Martha, b. 1 Aug. and d. 7 Nov. 1675; David; Jonathan; William; Abigail, b. 18 Ap. 1686; Patience, b.——, d. 27 May 1688; Esther, b. 19 Dec. 1700; and perhaps others. John the f. was a housewright, and res. at the Farms, where he and his w. Elizabeth were living 13 Dec. 1731. 6. Philip, s. of William (2), m. Joanna, dau. of James Cutler, 19 June 1680; she d. 26 Nov. 1703, and he m. Sarah Brooks of Medford 18 Oct. 1705. His chil. were James, b. about 1681; Joanna, b. 30 Dec. 1683, m. William Munroe; William, b. 23 July 1686; Philip, b. 18 Sept. 1688; Samuel, b. 12 Jan. 1690-91; Jemima, b.——, m. William Locke; Thomas, bap. 3 July 1698; Abigail, b. 11 Sept. 1700, m. David Sprague of Chs.; Susanna, b. 18 Oct. 1706. Philip the f. was a carpenter, and appears to have res. at Menot., and afterwards at the Farms. He was Selectman 1700 and 1701, and d. 7 Feb. 1730-31, a. 80. 7. William, s. of
Billerica (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
1767; George, b. 2 Aug. 1697, d. 6 Oct. 1697; Elizabeth, b. 14 June 1700, m. Deac. Christopher Paige, of that part of Billerica which is now Bedford, 23 May 1720, afterwards rem. to Hardwick, had seven sons and three daughters, and d. 1786. Georg property in the operation. I find no record here of his family. Abigail, m. John Marrett 20 June 1654. Thomas (of Billerica 25 Mar. 1695), m. Mary, dau. of Andrew Stevenson, 5 Jan. 1669. John, m. Mary Peirson of Woburn 28 Oct. 1673. Peter, mhad here Thomas, b. 19 Dec. 1662, d. young; Margaret, b. 22 Jan. 1663-4, m.——Levistone; Thomas, b. 20 June 1668; and in Billerica, Sarah, b. 21 June 1671; Hannah, b. 31 Mar. 1679, m.--Patten; John, b. 18 Jan. 1686-7. Thomas the f. was a Scotchman, ard Winship 9 June 1656, when he had liberty to mow the grass in the swamp anent the north end of Spy Pond. He rem. to Billerica about 1670, and d. 20 Mar. 1694-5, a. 64; his w. Seeth was slain by the Indians in one of their attacks on that settlem
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
ships be come in, or in June. He remained here but a short time, and rem. to Concord, where he d. 9 June 1709, having nearly or quite completed his century. In a his writing as the last will and testament of his father Richard Rice, late of Concord, (aged 100 years), deceased for probate, etc., 8 Aug. 1709. In the will are nas buried at Sudbury. Jonathan, m. Rebecca Watson 1 Nov. 1677. Timothy, of Concord, m. Abigail, dau. of John Marrett, 27 Ap. 1687. Abigail, m. Thomas Harrington found on the ground within the bounds of Cambridge, about seven miles towards Concord. .. We find him very much bruised, and his jawbone broken and one of his arms,9, a. 35. Robinson, William, by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth; Hannah, b. (at Concord) 13 July 1671, d. here (called Ann) 5 Oct. 1672; William, b. 10 July 1673; Meravid the f. was a farmer, and res. at the Farms until 1715, when he removed to Concord, and from thence about 1720 to Littleton, where he was Deacon; he d. not long
New London (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
of Timothy, bap. 15 Ap. 1722. Hannah, m. Downing Champney, Jr., 4 July 1765. Redding, Joseph (or Reading, and Readinge), here in 1633, owned house and land 1635 on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, between Mount Auburn Street and Holyoke Place. His name disappears early; and Farmer says he was of Ipswich in 1638. Redfen, William (or Redfin, and Redfyn), owned house and four acres on the south side of the river in 1642, which he sold to Edward Jackson 8 Sept. 1746, and rem. to New London, Conn. Remington, John, of Newbury 1637, freeman 1639, rem. to Andover, and thence to Rowley and to Roxbury. (Farmer.) By w. Elizabeth he had John; Thomas; Jonathan, b. 12 Feb. 1639-40; Daniel, b. 2 Oct. 1641, was prob. of Boston 1680; Hannah, b. 19 June 1643, prob. the same who m. Thomas Larkin of Chs. 13 Sept. 1666; Elizabeth, b. 5 Ap. 1645, d. 16 Mar. 1646; prob. a second Elizabeth, b. about 1648, m. John Stedman of Camb. 14 May 1666, and Samuel Gibson 14 June 1679, and d. 1680, na
Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
el Gibson 14 June 1679, and d. 1680, naming Jonathan Remington in her will, as her brother; Mary, b. 31 Mar. 1653, d.—Mar. 1653-4. These chil. except the first two were b. at Rowley, where Elizabeth the mother d. 24 Oct. 1658. John the f. was Lieut. of militia 1647, and removed to Roxbury, where he d. 8 June 1667. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Abigail, had in Rowley, John, b. 12 Mar. 1650-51; Abigail, b. 14 Sept. 1652; Prudence, b. 14 July 1657. John the f. rem. with his family to Haverhill as early as 1667. 3. Thomas, s. of John (1), by w. Mehetabel, had in Rowley, Thomas, b. 17 July 1659; John, b. 2 Nov. 1661; Jonathan, ,b.—; Dec. 1663; Mary, b. 14 July 1666; Sarah, b. 8 Dec. 1668. 4. Jonathan, s. of John (1), settled in Camb. and m. Martha, dau. of Andrew Belcher, 13 July 1664, and had Martha, b. 18 Feb. 1666-7, d. 23 Ap. 1669; Jonathan, b. 17 Mar. 1668-9, d. 16 Ap. 1669; Martha, b. 28 Oct. 1674, m. Capt. Nicholas Bowes of Boston 29 Jan. 1718-19; Jonathan, b. 25 Sep
Groton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
5, as Corporal; was appointed Lieutenant 27 June 1689; and served in a later Indian War, during which he was stationed at Groton as Commissary, Sept. 1689, and at Wells as Lieutenant, May 1691, at which last place he had command of Capt. Josiah Conve; Samuel, b. 27 Oct. 1712; Jemima, b. 8 Sept. 1714, m. John Carruth of Westborough; Sarah, b. 8 Feb. 1716, m.——Creasey of Groton; Abigail, b. 29 Ap. 1718, m. Dr. Ebenezer Perry of Groton; Lucy, b. 15 Ap. 1720. James the f. res. at Lex., where he pGroton; Lucy, b. 15 Ap. 1720. James the f. res. at Lex., where he prob. d. between 6 July 1747, when he and his w. Mary executed a deed to his son Josiah, and 17 May 1749, when the other children confirmed the title to the estate. They then resided—James (a cordwainer), at Camb., Samuel (a cordwainer), at Sudbury, Mary, at Stow, Josiah, at Lex., Sarah and Abigail, at Groton, and Jemima, at Westborough. 14. William, s. of Philip (6), by w. Elizabeth had Nathaniel, b. 23 Feb. 1706-7; Lydia, b. 19 May 1711; Submit, bap. 28 Dec. 1712; Joel, b. 2 Aug. 1716. Wi<
Lunenburg, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
il, had David; John, b. 1 Dec. 1702; Abigail, b. 27 Aug. 1704, m. Isaac Preston of Littleton; Hannah, b. 2 June 1708, m. Edward Farwell of Littleton; Amos; Jason; Sarah, m. William Sanderson of Harvard; Elizabeth; Esther. David the f. was a farmer, and res. at the Farms until 1715, when he removed to Concord, and from thence about 1720 to Littleton, where he was Deacon; he d. not long before 29 Oct. 1744, when his estate was divided among his children, who then resided,--David and John, at Lunenburg, Abigail, Hannah, Amos, Elizabeth, and Esther, at Littleton, and Jason and Sarah, at Harvard. 12. Jonathan, s. of John (5), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 15 July 1702; Mary, b. 1 Jan. 1704-5; Jonathan, b. 5 Ap. 1707; Jane, b. 19 July 1711, m. Benjamin Lawrence 12 Feb. 1734-5; Ruth, b. 24 Ap. 1714; Eliezer, b. 5 May 1717, m. Tabitha Prentice 10 Jan. 1738-9; Samuel, b 3 Feb. 1722-3; Hester, b. 22 May 1725. Jonathan the f. res. at Lexington. 13. James, s. of Philip (6), m. Mary H
Rowley (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
Redfin, and Redfyn), owned house and four acres on the south side of the river in 1642, which he sold to Edward Jackson 8 Sept. 1746, and rem. to New London, Conn. Remington, John, of Newbury 1637, freeman 1639, rem. to Andover, and thence to Rowley and to Roxbury. (Farmer.) By w. Elizabeth he had John; Thomas; Jonathan, b. 12 Feb. 1639-40; Daniel, b. 2 Oct. 1641, was prob. of Boston 1680; Hannah, b. 19 June 1643, prob. the same who m. Thomas Larkin of Chs. 13 Sept. 1666; Elizabeth, b. 5 zabeth, b. about 1648, m. John Stedman of Camb. 14 May 1666, and Samuel Gibson 14 June 1679, and d. 1680, naming Jonathan Remington in her will, as her brother; Mary, b. 31 Mar. 1653, d.—Mar. 1653-4. These chil. except the first two were b. at Rowley, where Elizabeth the mother d. 24 Oct. 1658. John the f. was Lieut. of militia 1647, and removed to Roxbury, where he d. 8 June 1667. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Abigail, had in Rowley, John, b. 12 Mar. 1650-51; Abigail, b. 14 Sept. 1652;
Bedford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
. Hannah survived. 3. George, s. of George (2), m. Abigail, dau. of Thomas Peirce, 18 Feb. 1684-5; she d. 9 Sept. 1719, a. nearly 59, and he m. wid. Sybil Rice of Sudbury 24 May 1721. His chil. were Abigail, b. 6 Feb. 1685-6, m. Capt. Samuel Stone of Lex., and d. 16 Jan. 1767; Ebenezer, b. 6 Mar. 1689-90, m. Huldah——, had children, and d. 9 July 1767; George, b. 2 Aug. 1697, d. 6 Oct. 1697; Elizabeth, b. 14 June 1700, m. Deac. Christopher Paige, of that part of Billerica which is now Bedford, 23 May 1720, afterwards rem. to Hardwick, had seven sons and three daughters, and d. 1786. George the f. was a farmer, res. in Woburn, was many years Deacon of the Church, and d. 20 Jan. 1756, a. 95. 4. William, s. of George (2), settled at Camb. Farms, m. Abigail Kendall 24 May 1686, and had Abigail, b. 29 May 1687, m. Deac. Jonathan Fisk; William, b. 18 July 1693; Mary, b. 8 Ap. 1695, m. Deac. John Stone of Lex. 8 Ap. 1714, and d. 16 Oct. 1772; Benjamin, b. 22 Oct. 1696; Samuel, b
Wrentham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
s father), which he conveyed to his son Nathaniel, and d. 25 Nov. 1731. 15. Philip, s. of Philip (6), by w. Sarah, had Sarah, b. 22 May 1718; Millicent, b. 29 Dec. 1720; Mary, b. 13 May 1722, d. 12 Aug. 1736; Phebe, b. 14 Ap. 1725, d. 29 July 1736; Philip, b. 5 Ap. 1727; Joseph, b. 19 June 1729; Joanna, b. 21 Nov. 1731. Philip the f. res. at Lex., and d. 3 Mar. 1773; his w. Sarah d. 17 Dec. 1767. 16. Edward, S. of William (7), by w. Sarah, had Anna; Abigail, m. Israel Blackington of Wrentham 13 Ap. 1755; Ruth; these three were bap. together 26 Nov. 1727; William, bap. 29 Oct. 1732. Edward the f. d. 20 Mar. 1749-50, a. 53. Ruth of Boston, and William of Camb. quitclaimed their right in their father's estate to their sister Abigail, 1 Jan. and 15 Feb. 1754. 17. Hubbard (or Hobart), s. of Jason (8), m. Elizabeth Dickson 9 May 1710, and had Jason, bap. 25 Mar. 1711, d. young; Mary, b. 7 Dec. 1712, m. David Dunster; Margery (or Margaret), b. 30 Ap. 1715, m. Joseph Belknap; Jaso
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