Browsing named entities in Fannie A. Beers, Memories: a record of personal exeperience and adventure during four years of war.. You can also browse the collection for Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) or search for Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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front, which I was called upon to make about this time, first to my husband and his comrades in Kingston and Dalton, later to Macon to look up some Louisiana and Alabama soldiers, and lastly to Atlant my husband, a member of Fenner's Louisiana Battery, was with his command in winter quarters at Kingston, whither I went to pay a visit and to inquire after the needs of the boys. My little son (who had by this time joined me at Newnan) accompanied me. Kingston was at this time a bleak, dismal-looking place. I stopped at a large, barn-like hotel, from the gallery of which, while sitting with visn dripping rain awhile, Make a bright rainbow of my fancy's tears With your condoling smile. Kingston February 23, 1864. At the front, desultory fighting was always going on. Our army under Genat Missionary Ridge. Spent the winter in building winter-quarters successively at Dalton and Kingston, which were evacuated before occupied. On the 1st of May, 1864, General Sherman advanced fr