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Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ts, the President saw with astonishment that General Scott, in his report to President Lincoln, had stated that the expedition under Captain Ward, of three or four small steamers, had been kept back, not in consequence of this truce between Major Anderson and Governor Pickens, but by something like a truce or armistice concluded here [in Washington], embracing Charleston and Pensacola harbors, agreed upon between the late President and certain principal seceders of South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, &c., and. this truce lasted to the end of the administration. From the confused and inaccurate memory of the General, events altogether distinct in their nature are so blended in his report to President Lincoln, that it is difficult to disentangle them. Such is eminently the case in mixing up the facts relative to Charleston and Pensacola in the same sentences. In order to render each clear, we shall first treat of Charleston and afterwards of Pensacola. The expedition of the &Star
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ent. Mr. Tyler, therefore, urged the President to become a party to it. This he refused, stating, according to Mr. Tyler's report to the Governor of Virginia, that he had in no manner changed his views as presented in his annual message; that he could give no pledges; that it was his duty to enforce the laws, and the whole power rested with Congress. He promised, notwithstanding, that he would present the subject to that body. This was due both to its intrinsic importance and to the State of Virginia, which had manifested so strong a desire to restore and preserve the Union: The President, accordingly, in his message of the 28th January, submitting the Virginia resolutions to Congress, observed in regard to this one, that however strong may be my desire to enter into such an agreement, I am convinced that I do not possess the power. Congress, and Congress alone, under the war-making power, can exercise the discretion of agreeing to abstain from any and all acts calculated to p
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ration. But to abandon all these forts to South Carolina, on the demand of commissioners claiming tthe opinion that it is especially due from South Carolina to our States, to say nothing of other slaW. Hayne, the Attorney-General of the State of South Carolina, and have instructed him to demand thion of these rights the pledge of the State of South Carolina you are authorized to give. The fullis council, distinctly pledge the faith of South Carolina to make such compensation, in regard to Foesident, is simply an offer on the part of South Carolina to buy Fort Sumter and contents as propert We therefore think it especially due from South Carolina to our States —to say nothing of other slaur part that it is a consideration of her [South Carolina's] own dignity as a sovereign, and the safis, can compromise the dignity or honor of South Carolina, or become a source of irritation to her ptes Thus ended the second mission from South Carolina to the President, and thus was he relieve[49 more...]
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ffect, that he regarded himself secure in his position; and yet more from intelligence which late on Saturday evening (5th January, 1861) reached the Department, that a heavy battery had been erected among the sand hills, at the entrance to Charleston harbor, which would probably destroy. any unarmed vessel (and such was the Star of the West) which might attempt to make its way to Fort Sumter. This important information satisfied the Government that there was no present necessity for sending ill show that these precautions were useless. The Star of the West, under the command of Captain McGowan, proceeded on her ill-starred voyage, amid anxious apprehensions for the fate of the recruits and mariners on board. She arrived in Charleston harbor on the 9th of January, the flag of the United States flying at her mast-head; and whilst endeavoring to approach Fort Sumter, was fired upon by order of Governor Pickens. She then immediately changed her course and returned to New York. F
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
remarkable that the last of them, dated on the 13th December, 1860, for $135,000, had been drawn for the precise sum necessary to make the aggregate amount of the whole number of bills exactly equal to that of the abstracted bonds. And here it is due to Secretary Thompson to state, though a digression, that on Monday morning, the 24th December, at his own instance, the House of Representatives appointed a committee to investigate and report upon the subject, of which Hon. Mr. Morris, of Illinois, a rancorous opponent of the administration, was the chairman. After a full investigation, the committee made their report on the 12th February, 1861. Report of Committee, H. R., 1860-61, vol. II, No. 78, p. 8 In this they state: They deem it but justice to add that they have discovered nothing to involve the late Secretary, Hon. Jacob Thompson, in the slightest degree in the fraud, and nothing to indicate that he had any complicity in the transaction, or that he had any knowledge of i
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
idence that it will meet their approbation, to abstain from passing any law calculated to produce a collision of arms pending the proceedings contemplated by the action of the General Assembly of Virginia. I am one of those who will never despair of the Republic. I yet cherish the belief that the American people will perpetuate the union of the States on some terms just and honorable for all sections of the country. I trust that the mediation of Virginia may be the destined means, under Providence, of accomplishing this inestimable benefit. Glorious as are the memories of her past history, such an achievement, both in relation to her own fame and the welfare of the whole country, would surpass them all. This noble and patriotic effort of Virginia met no favor from Congress Neither House referred these resolutions of her General Assembly to a committee, or even treated them with the common courtesy of ordering them to be printed. In the Senate no motion was made to refer them,
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ington to treat with the Government of the United States concerning the relations between the partiy that since our arrival an officer of the United States, acting, as we are assured, not only withobor on the 9th of January, the flag of the United States flying at her mast-head; and whilst endeavence of the demand to the President of the United States. Under the circumstances now existing, anort Sumter and contents as property of the United States, sustained by a declaration, in effect, thhe Government therein. The title of the United States to Fort Sumter is complete and incontestabinitiating hostilities between her and the United States or any other power; and you now yourself ga had been for some time a member of the Confederate States. It was reserved for Mr. Jefferson Daviities between her [South Carolina] and the United States Thus ended the second mission from Souspectfully to request the President of the United States and the authorities of such States to agre[23 more...]
California (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
h exist of the President's anxiety for peace, and of the earnestness with which he has pursued it, the authorities of that State shall assault Fort Sumter, and peril the lives of the handful of brave and loyal men shut up within its walls, and thus plunge our common country into the horrors of civil war, then upon them and those they represent must rest the responsibility. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. Holt, Secretary of War. Hon. L W. Hayne, Attorney, of the state of South California. P. S.—The President has not, as you have been informed, received a copy of the letter to yourself from the Senators, communicating that of Mr. Holt of the 22d January. This letter of Mr. Holt, though firm and decided in character, is courteous and respectful, both in tone and in terms. It reviews the subject in an able and comprehensive manner, explaining and justifying the conduct of the President. Unlike the letters to which it is a response, it contains no menace. In co
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
January, despatched an order to the commander of the Brooklyn (Farragut), and General Scott simultaneously forwarded to him a despatch to be delivered to the U. S. officer in command of the recruits on the Star of the West. By this the commander of the recruits was informed that Captain Farragut had been instructed to afford him aid and succor in case your [his] ship be shattered or injured; second, to convey this order of recall, in case you cannot land at Fort Sumter, to Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, there to await further orders. In a postscript he was further directed to land his troops at Fort Monroe and discharge the ship. The sequel will show that these precautions were useless. The Star of the West, under the command of Captain McGowan, proceeded on her ill-starred voyage, amid anxious apprehensions for the fate of the recruits and mariners on board. She arrived in Charleston harbor on the 9th of January, the flag of the United States flying at her mast-head; and whilst
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ay nothing of other slaveholding States, that she should, so far as she can consistently with her honor, avoid initiating hostilities between her and the United States or any other power. To initiate such hostilities against Fort Sumter would, beyond question, be an act of war against the United States. In regard to the proposition of Colonel Hayne, that no reenforcements will be sent to Fort Sumter in the interval, and that public peace will not be disturbed by any act of hostility toward South. Carolina, it is impossible for me to give you any such assurances. The President has no authority to enter into such an agreement or understanding. As an executive officer, he is simply bound to protect the public property so far as this may be practicable; and it would be a manifest violation of his duty to place himself under engagements that he would not perform this duty, either for an indefinite or limited period. At the present moment it is not deemed necessary to reenforce Major
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