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Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) 94 0 Browse Search
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) 75 1 Browse Search
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Percival Drayton 69 5 Browse Search
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Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
opkins, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 189 Hotchkiss, Master W. J., 177 Housatonic, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 76 et seq., 79 et seq.; destruction of, 147 Howarth, Mate, 200, 211; gallantry of, 213 Howqua, the, 210 et seq. Hunchback, the, 177, 186 et seq,, 189 et seq., 196 et seq. Hunter, General, 61, 105 et seq. Hunter, the, U. S. transport, 130 Huron, the, 50 et seq., 67, 218, 223, 231, 242 et seq. Houston, George, a Regulator, 68 et seq. Huzzar, the, 179 I. Indiana, regiments of: Twentieth, 173 Ingraham, Commodore D. N., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 82 I. N. Seymour, the, 177 Iosco, the, 218 Iris, the, 156 Iroquois, the, U. S. vessel, 7 Irwin, Lieutenant, 43; commended, 62 Isaac Smith, the, U. S. vessel, 17, 19, 21, 26, 37, 46, 49 et seq., 52, 72 et seq., 130 Ives, Captain T. P., 179 J. Jacksonville, Fla., 60 et seq. James Adger, the, 84 Jeffers, Lieutenant-Commanding Wil
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
. vessel, 83, 91 et seq., 96, 100, 104 et seq., 109 et seq. 116, 127 et seq., 131 et seq., 134 et seq., 137, 139, 141, 146, 160, 217, 221, 223, 229, 236 New Orleans, La., 104 et seq. Newport News, 82 New York Navy Yard, 8, 13 New York, regiments of: Ninth, 165, 186; Twentieth, 165; Eighty-fifth, 197 Niagara, the, U. S. frigate, 7 Nicholson, Lieutenant-Commander J. W. A., 17, 21 Nixon, Captain, 165 Norfolk Navy Yard, menaced by Confederates, 4 et seq., 57, 163 North Carolina, the, 210 Norwich, the, 147 Nyack, the, 218, 242 O. O'Connor, Ensign, 237 Osceola, the, U. S. transport, 18, 33, 218, 222, 228, 242 et seq. Otsego, the, 214 Ottawa, the, U. S. gunboat, 19, 21, 26, 38, 48, 45 et seq., 48, 50 et seq., 53 et seq., 59 et seq., 67, 74, 80, 128, 131, 147, 156 P. Paine, General, 236 Palmetto State, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157 Parker, Captain F. A., 146 Parker, Lieutenant--Commander, James, 232 et seq., 235, 237 et se
Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
rendered to Captain Rodgers, 55 et seq., 59 et seq. St. Louis, the, U. S. sloop, 6 St. Mary's, Ga., 53 Sampson, Lieutenant William T., 155 Sanborn, Ensign, 149 San Jacinto, the, U. S. steamer, 7 Santiago de Cuba, the, U. S. vessel, 218, 225, 228 Seneca, the, U. S. vessel, 16, 19 et seq., 23, 25, 29, 33, 35, 38 et seq., 43 et seq., 50, 69 et seq., 84, 89, 128, 217, 228, 242 Saratoga, the, U. S. sloop, 150 Sassacus, the, 204, 207 et seq., 218, 228, 242 et seq. Saugus, the, 229 Savannah. 11; menaced, 47 et seq., 88, 153 et seq. Schimmelfenning, General, 149 Schofield, General, 242 Scott, Lieutenant--Commanding, 129 Scroggs, Lieutenant, 185, 192 Sea Bird, the, Confederate ship, 184 et seq. Selfridge, Commander, 233 Seminole, the, U. S. steamer, 7, 21, 28 et seq., 49 Semmes, Lieutenant-Commanding A. A., 64 Seymour, the, 181, 183, 205 Sharpe, Lieutenant, 170 Shawmut, the, 242 Shawsheen the, 177, 181, 183, 186, 194, 196
Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
rvey, 220 Bragg, General, 236, 240, 242 Braine, Lieutenant D. L., 174 Branch, Colonel John L., his report on abandonment of Rockville, 40, 171 Brannan, General, 70 et seq. Breese, Captain K. R., 232 et seq., 237 Bridge, Horatio, Chief of Provisions and Clothing Bureau, 3 Brincker, the, 177, 181, 183, 189 Brintnall, Assistant Surgeon, 63 Britannia, the, 210, 229 Brooklyn, the, U. S. steamer, 6, 223, 228 Brown, Colonel, 173 Brown, John, raid of, 1 Brunswick, Ga., 56 et seq. Bryson of the Lehigh, 146; of the Chippewa, 194 Buchanan, President, favors separation of States, 2 Buckingham, the, 229 Budd, Lieutenent-Commanding P. A., 21, 41; killed, 60, 68 Buist, Dr., 32 Burnside, General A. E., 171, 176, 190 Butler, General B. F., 165 et seq., 168 et seq., 171. 219; at Fort Fisher, 222, 224 (note), et seq. C. Campbell's plantation, 54 Canandaigua, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 131, 156 Canonicus, the, U. S. monitor, 15
Monticello (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
152 Minnesota, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 165 et seq., 217, 221, 223 et seq., 228, 230, 232 Mississippi, the, U. S. steamer, 7 Mitchell, General, 70 Mohican, the U. S. steamer, 7, 18 21, 48 et seq., 52, 56, 58, 217, 221, 228 Monadnock, the, 221, 229 Monitors, description of, 111 et seq. Monitor, the, 83, 111 Monroe, Fortress, see Fortress: Monroe. Montauk, the, 83 et seq., 88, 90, 92, 94 et seq., 125, 127 et seq., 131, 138, 242 Montgomery, the, 218, 228 Monticello, the, 165 et seq., 172, 174, 196, 200, 211, 218, 228 Morley, Captain M. B., 179 Morris Island, 117, 122, 125, 128, 130, 134 et seq., 141, 145, 156 Morse, the, 177, 183 et seq., 186, 189 Morton, the, Confederate steamer, captured, 70 Mount Vernon, the, 175, 210 et seq., 218 Mullan, Assistant Engineer, 218, 221 Murdaugh, Lieutenant, 170 Murray, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 177 et seq., 185, 187, 189 Mystic, the, U. S. steamer, 7 N. Nahant, the, 87 et seq.,
Ottawa, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
port News, 82 New York Navy Yard, 8, 13 New York, regiments of: Ninth, 165, 186; Twentieth, 165; Eighty-fifth, 197 Niagara, the, U. S. frigate, 7 Nicholson, Lieutenant-Commander J. W. A., 17, 21 Nixon, Captain, 165 Norfolk Navy Yard, menaced by Confederates, 4 et seq., 57, 163 North Carolina, the, 210 Norwich, the, 147 Nyack, the, 218, 242 O. O'Connor, Ensign, 237 Osceola, the, U. S. transport, 18, 33, 218, 222, 228, 242 et seq. Otsego, the, 214 Ottawa, the, U. S. gunboat, 19, 21, 26, 38, 48, 45 et seq., 48, 50 et seq., 53 et seq., 59 et seq., 67, 74, 80, 128, 131, 147, 156 P. Paine, General, 236 Palmetto State, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157 Parker, Captain F. A., 146 Parker, Lieutenant--Commander, James, 232 et seq., 235, 237 et seq. Parrott, Commander E. G., 21 Parsons, Mate, Henry, 63 Passaic, the, 83, 87 et seq., 92, 94, 111, 131, 229 Patapsco, the, 87 et seq., 95, 128, 131, 141, 148, 151; loss of, 154, 159
Maumee river (United States) (search for this): chapter 14
Captain, Geo. W., dismissed by Lincoln, 3 et seq. Mahaska, the, 131, 146 et seq. Mahopac, the, 221, 229 Malvern, the, 231 Maple Leaf, the, U. S. transport, 146 Maps: Roanoke Island, 180; Newbern, 191 Maratanza, the, 218, 228, 242 Marblehead, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 129 et seq., 145 Marchand, Commander, 67 Marion, the, U. S. transport, 49 Martin, Colonel, 169 Massasoit, the, 211 Mather, Acting-Master, 60 Mattabesett, the, 204, 206 et seq., 209 Maumee, the, 228 Maxwell, Lieutenant, 172 Meade, Lieutenant-Commanding, 145 Mediterranean, our ships in the. 7 Memphis, the, U. S. vessel, 76, 80, et seq., 148 Mercedita, the, U. S. vessel, disaster to, 74 et seq., 81 Mercer, Captain, Samuel, 165 Mercer, General, 56 Merrimac, the, 82, 111, 204 Miami, the, 300 et seq., 208, 210 Miller, Lieutenant H. W., 18 Mingoe, the, 152 Minnesota, the, U. S. frigate, 7, 165 et seq., 217, 221, 223 et seq., 228, 230, 232
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
er, 216 Lee, General Robert E., 48 (note), 52, 56 et seq. Lehigh, the, U. S. monitor, 138, 141, 146 Leighton, Ensign, 237 Lenapee, the, 242 Lenthal, John, Chief of Construction Bureau, 3 Lillian, the, 229 Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 1 et seq., 105 et seq., 121 et seq., 216, 227 Little Ada, the, 229, 242 Lockwood, the, 177, 181, 183, 185 et seq., 189 et seq., 194 Lodona, the, 131 Longshaw, Assistant-Surgeon, 237 Louch, Acting-Master, 2.37 Louisiana, the, 177, 183 et seq., 189, 192, 218, 220 Lowry, Lieutenant R. R., 165 Luce, Lieutenant, 43 Lynch, Commodore, 184 M. Mcblair, Colonel, 52 McCawley, Captain, 138 McClellan, the, U. S. transport, 49 et seq. McCook, Lieutenant R. S., 190, 193 McDiarmid, Master, John, 177 McDonough, the, 129 Macedonia, the, U. S. vessel, 6 Mackenzie, Lieutenant A. ., 102 Mackinaw, the, 222, 228, 242 Macomb, Commander, 211, 214 Magruder, Captain, Geo. W., dismissed by
Marblehead (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
McCook, Lieutenant R. S., 190, 193 McDiarmid, Master, John, 177 McDonough, the, 129 Macedonia, the, U. S. vessel, 6 Mackenzie, Lieutenant A. ., 102 Mackinaw, the, 222, 228, 242 Macomb, Commander, 211, 214 Magruder, Captain, Geo. W., dismissed by Lincoln, 3 et seq. Mahaska, the, 131, 146 et seq. Mahopac, the, 221, 229 Malvern, the, 231 Maple Leaf, the, U. S. transport, 146 Maps: Roanoke Island, 180; Newbern, 191 Maratanza, the, 218, 228, 242 Marblehead, the, U. S. vessel, 71, 129 et seq., 145 Marchand, Commander, 67 Marion, the, U. S. transport, 49 Martin, Colonel, 169 Massasoit, the, 211 Mather, Acting-Master, 60 Mattabesett, the, 204, 206 et seq., 209 Maumee, the, 228 Maxwell, Lieutenant, 172 Meade, Lieutenant-Commanding, 145 Mediterranean, our ships in the. 7 Memphis, the, U. S. vessel, 76, 80, et seq., 148 Mercedita, the, U. S. vessel, disaster to, 74 et seq., 81 Mercer, Captain, Samuel,
Tybee Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
outh, the, U. S. sloop, 7 Potomska, the, 46, 49 et seq., 56, 58 et seq., 64 Potter, General, 156 Powhatan, the U. S. steamer, 7, 74, 228 Preble, Commander George H., 152 Prentiss, Commander G. A., 66 et seq. Preston, Lieutenant S. W., 102, 138, 218, 221, 233; death of, 237 et seq. Princess Royal, the, prize steamer, 79, 81 Proclamations: forbidding all intercourse between Confederate and National forces, 35; concerning the blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq. Pulaski, Fort, see Fort Pulaski Putnam, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183, 194 Q. Quackenbush, Commander, 155, 177, 183, 189 Quaker City, the, 79, 81, 218, 222 R. Raleigh, the, 211 Ranger, the, 179 Read, battery of, 26 Remey, Lieutenant, 138 Regulators, 68 et seq. Relief, the, U. S. store-ship, 7, Renshaw, Lieutenant R. T., 177, 189 Republic, the, 229 Resignations of officers, 4 et seq. Reynolds, Major John G., 14, 49 et seq. Rhind, Lieutenant-Commanding A.
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