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George S. Bernard (search for this): chapter 37
J. N., Address of, 125. Bartlett, General, 17. Bennett, Col. R. T., 233, 241; His Address on The Confederate Soldier, 272; on Gen. Junius Daniel, 340. Bernard, Geo. S., Address of, 3; Account of Battle of Malvern Hill, 56. Blackburn, Surgeon L. P., 430. Blackmore, Courier J. H., 6. Bonham, Gen. M. L., Death of, 93. a negro, 49. Couch, Gen. D. N., 66. Cox, Gen. W. R., Address on the Life and Character of Gen. S. D. Ramseur, 217. Crater, Battle of the, Address by Geo. S. Bernard, 3; loss of Federals at, 21; relative forces of Federals and Confederates there, 26, 27. Crawford, Col. W. P., Death of, 93. Crew's House, 57. Cutshaw, McMaster, Col. F. W., 36 McRae. Gen. Wm., 325. Mahone's Brigade, 3, 4; time of charge of, at the Crater, 33, 61. Malvern Hill, Battle of, account of by Geo. S. Bernard, 56; Gen. McGruder's, 58, 62; Gen. Lee's, 62: Gen. F. J. Porter on, 64; Gen. McClellan, 65; Gen. Couch, 66; Gen. Early, 69. Manship, Mrs., Luther, her S
Louis Green (search for this): chapter 37
to the Confederate Dead at, 397 Fowle, Gov. D. G., Death of. 94. Fry, Gen. B. D., Death of, 94; sketch of, 286. Fry, Rev., Henry, 287. Fry, Col., Joshua, 287. Garnett, Capt. Theodore S.,387. Gartrell, Gen. L. J., Death of, 94. Girardey, Gen. V. J., 37. Goodwin, D. D.. Rev. S. A., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 167. Gordon, James L., His poem on The Confederate Dead. 127. Gordon, Gen., Geo. W., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 203; on Gen. P. R. Cleburne, 262. Green, Dr., Louis. 38. Gregg, Fort, Real Defenders of, 71. Hale, Jr., Capt. E. J.. 410. Hamlin. Lt., Death of, 20. Hammond, Capt., Wm.. 342. Hampton, Gen., Wade, commends the purchase of the Townsend Library, 384. Harris, Joel Chandler, on The Women of the South, 277. Hayes, Mrs., Margaret, 297. Helena, Ark., Dedication of Monument to Confederate Dead at, 260. Henderson, Gen. R. J., Death of, 94. Hinton. Capt. Drury A., 8. Hoge, D. D., Rev. Moses D., Remarks of, 146. Holcom
Henry G. Thomas (search for this): chapter 37
acterization of her people by Hon. E. C. Walthall, 304; disparity of her armies with those of the North. 306. Southern Historical Society, Origin and history of, 349; seal of the. 365. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 240. Spotswood, Dr. Thomas E., 327. Stewart, Col. W. H., commands the Sixty-first Va. Infantry, 7. Stiles, Major, Robert, Resolutions by, to the memory of Gen. J. E. Johnston, 162; remarks on the character of, 165. Stringfellow, Major Charles S., his eulogy on Gen. R. E. Lee, 136. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., 327, 390, 408. Tayleure, Sergeant W. W., 13. Taylor, Lieut. W. A. A.. 7 Temperance tempest, The, 41. The Truth of History, by Gen. James H. Lane, 71, 78. Thomas, Col. H. G., his article The colored Troops at Petersburg, 26. Thompson, Major, James. Death of. 283. Townsend Library, The, formed by Thomas T. Townsend, its purchase by Congress recommended. 382. Turner, Adjutant John R., 12. Tyler, Hon. Lyon G., 364. United Confed
Z. B., 407. Venable, Col. Charles S.,4; his tribute to Gen. John R. Cooke, 325. Walker's Nicaragua Expedition, 287. Walker, Gen., R. Lindsay, Death of, 93. Walker, Dr., Thomas, The Kentucky pioneer, 288. Walthall, Hon. E. C.. Address on the South, 298. War for Southern Independence, Causes of the, 221; History of the, 382. War Records Office, Courtesies of, 364. Weisiger. Gen D. A., 7 36. Wilcox, Gen. C. M., Injustice to, 77: Mentioned, 417; Death of, 94. Wilcox Farm, 4, 21. Wilderness, Battle of the, 241. Williams, Col., Sol, 344. Williamsburg, Va., Junior Guard, Roll of 275. Winchester, Battle of, 247. Winston, Col. J. R., 430. Wise. Henry A. 42. Women of the South, Characterization of, by Joel Chandler Harris, 247. Wooton, Major. 418. Wright, Gen. A. R., His account of the Battle of Malvern Hill, 57, 61; Death of, 94. Wright's Battery, 17. Wright, Gen. Marcus J., 364. Young, Col. Casey, Address by on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 208.
Wallace Broadbent (search for this): chapter 37
. Bartlett, General, 17. Bennett, Col. R. T., 233, 241; His Address on The Confederate Soldier, 272; on Gen. Junius Daniel, 340. Bernard, Geo. S., Address of, 3; Account of Battle of Malvern Hill, 56. Blackburn, Surgeon L. P., 430. Blackmore, Courier J. H., 6. Bonham, Gen. M. L., Death of, 93. Bosher, Lt. C. G., 430. Boudinot, Hon., Elias, Death of, 93. Bowley, Lt. F. S., 10. Boyce, Major, Ker, Death of, 93. Brady, Major A. G., 117. Branch House, The, 4. Broadbent, Capt., Wallace, 8, 37. Brown, Major, Thos. L., 388. Butts, Emmet, Death of, 9. Cabell, Major J. R.. 65. Camp Morton, Horrors of, 327. Carpenter. Lt. J. H., on Johnson's Island, 429. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 252. Chancellorsville Campaign, Report of Gen. S. D. Ramseur, 231. Chandler, Lt., Death of, 20. Chew's Battery, Final service of, 281; Survivors of, 285. Chickamauga, Battle of, 263. Christmas, 1864-65, A soldier's, 283 Claiborne, Col., Wm., The rebel, 262. Clay
n Lyddall, 288 Baker, Gen. L. S., Command of, 97. Ballard, Capt. J. N., Address of, 125. Bartlett, General, 17. Bennett, Col. R. T., 233, 241; His Address on The Confederate Soldier, 272; on Gen. Junius Daniel, 340. Bernard, Geo. S., Address of, 3; Account of Battle of Malvern Hill, 56. Blackburn, Surgeon L. P., 430. Blackmore, Courier J. H., 6. Bonham, Gen. M. L., Death of, 93. Bosher, Lt. C. G., 430. Boudinot, Hon., Elias, Death of, 93. Bowley, Lt. F. S., 10. Boyce, Major, Ker, Death of, 93. Brady, Major A. G., 117. Branch House, The, 4. Broadbent, Capt., Wallace, 8, 37. Brown, Major, Thos. L., 388. Butts, Emmet, Death of, 9. Cabell, Major J. R.. 65. Camp Morton, Horrors of, 327. Carpenter. Lt. J. H., on Johnson's Island, 429. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 252. Chancellorsville Campaign, Report of Gen. S. D. Ramseur, 231. Chandler, Lt., Death of, 20. Chew's Battery, Final service of, 281; Survivors of, 285. Chickamauga, Battle of, 26
John Tyler (search for this): chapter 37
llow, Major Charles S., his eulogy on Gen. R. E. Lee, 136. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., 327, 390, 408. Tayleure, Sergeant W. W., 13. Taylor, Lieut. W. A. A.. 7 Temperance tempest, The, 41. The Truth of History, by Gen. James H. Lane, 71, 78. Thomas, Col. H. G., his article The colored Troops at Petersburg, 26. Thompson, Major, James. Death of. 283. Townsend Library, The, formed by Thomas T. Townsend, its purchase by Congress recommended. 382. Turner, Adjutant John R., 12. Tyler, Hon. Lyon G., 364. United Confederate Veterans, Second Anniversary of the organization of, 289. United States Naval Records office, 364. United States War Records office, 364. Valley of Virginia, Campaign in 1864, 80, 243. Vance, Gov. Z. B., 407. Venable, Col. Charles S.,4; his tribute to Gen. John R. Cooke, 325. Walker's Nicaragua Expedition, 287. Walker, Gen., R. Lindsay, Death of, 93. Walker, Dr., Thomas, The Kentucky pioneer, 288. Walthall, Hon. E. C.. Address on
Coaghenson (search for this): chapter 37
tery, Final service of, 281; Survivors of, 285. Chickamauga, Battle of, 263. Christmas, 1864-65, A soldier's, 283 Claiborne, Col., Wm., The rebel, 262. Clay, Henry, Characterization of, 45. Cleborne, Dr. C. J., Medical Director U. S. N., 262. Cleburne, Gen. P. R., Dedication of monument to, at St. Helena, Ark., 260; Address on Life of, by Gen. G. W. Gordon, 262; Ancestry of, 262; Heroism and death, 267; Devotion of his command, 270; Description of monument to, 272. Coaghenson, Capt., 387. Cobb, Gen. T. R. R., 24. Collin, Hon. C. F., Address of, 149. Confederate Army, Disparity of with the Federal, 130, 306. Confederate Dead, Monuments to, at Fairfax C. H., 120; Helena, Ark., 260; at Jackson, Miss., 293; at Fredericksburg, Va., 397; Distinguished in 1890-91, 92. Confederate Soldier, Tribute to the, 251, 272; as a citizen, 308; Devotion of, 413. Confederate Survivors' Association, Augusta, Ga., 92. Confederate Veterans, United, 2d Anniversary of
Lucius J. Gartrell (search for this): chapter 37
2. Five Forks, Battle of, 114. Flournoy, Hon. H. W., Address of, 147. Fort Gregg, Real Defenders of, 71. Franklin, Tenn., Battle of, Casualties of General Officers in 268. Frazier's Farm, Charge of Kemper's Brigade at, 391. Fredericksburg. Va., Unveiling of Monument to the Confederate Dead at, 397 Fowle, Gov. D. G., Death of. 94. Fry, Gen. B. D., Death of, 94; sketch of, 286. Fry, Rev., Henry, 287. Fry, Col., Joshua, 287. Garnett, Capt. Theodore S.,387. Gartrell, Gen. L. J., Death of, 94. Girardey, Gen. V. J., 37. Goodwin, D. D.. Rev. S. A., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 167. Gordon, James L., His poem on The Confederate Dead. 127. Gordon, Gen., Geo. W., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 203; on Gen. P. R. Cleburne, 262. Green, Dr., Louis. 38. Gregg, Fort, Real Defenders of, 71. Hale, Jr., Capt. E. J.. 410. Hamlin. Lt., Death of, 20. Hammond, Capt., Wm.. 342. Hampton, Gen., Wade, commends the purchase of the Townsend Library, 384.
Charles G. Bosher (search for this): chapter 37
ounding of Gen. J. E. Johnston, 185 Army Life in 1864, Glimpses of, 406. Bacon, John Lyddall, 288 Baker, Gen. L. S., Command of, 97. Ballard, Capt. J. N., Address of, 125. Bartlett, General, 17. Bennett, Col. R. T., 233, 241; His Address on The Confederate Soldier, 272; on Gen. Junius Daniel, 340. Bernard, Geo. S., Address of, 3; Account of Battle of Malvern Hill, 56. Blackburn, Surgeon L. P., 430. Blackmore, Courier J. H., 6. Bonham, Gen. M. L., Death of, 93. Bosher, Lt. C. G., 430. Boudinot, Hon., Elias, Death of, 93. Bowley, Lt. F. S., 10. Boyce, Major, Ker, Death of, 93. Brady, Major A. G., 117. Branch House, The, 4. Broadbent, Capt., Wallace, 8, 37. Brown, Major, Thos. L., 388. Butts, Emmet, Death of, 9. Cabell, Major J. R.. 65. Camp Morton, Horrors of, 327. Carpenter. Lt. J. H., on Johnson's Island, 429. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 252. Chancellorsville Campaign, Report of Gen. S. D. Ramseur, 231. Chandler, Lt., Death of, 20.
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