Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905. You can also browse the collection for 1605 AD or search for 1605 AD in all documents.

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e. 1604. The XXIIId of Aprill my sonne returned from Cambridge. 1604. The Vth of Novembre my soonne did ryde into Essex wth Willm Forth to Great Stambridge. 1605. . . . March . . . the XXVIIIth day my soonne was sollemly contracted to Mary Foorth by Mr. Culverwell, Minister of Great Stambridge. The 16th of Aprill (1605) 1605) he was married at Great Stambridge. The VIIIth of May (1605) my soonne & his wife came to Groton from London, and the IXth I made a marriage feast, etc. The above records show that Governor Winthrop was but seventeen years old when married. He immediately came under Mr. Culverwell's ministry, to which, in a confession of hi1605) my soonne & his wife came to Groton from London, and the IXth I made a marriage feast, etc. The above records show that Governor Winthrop was but seventeen years old when married. He immediately came under Mr. Culverwell's ministry, to which, in a confession of his youthful sinfulness made in after life, he ascribes his conversion to Christianity; of which he says, The ministry of the word came home to my heart with power. . . . I could no longer dally with religion. . . . I had an unsatiable thirst after the word of God; and could not miss a good sermon, especially of such as did search d