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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
ey of Anthony's Creek allows Averell to avoid—at the cost of great suffering, it is true—the Lewisburg road: he reaches in this manner the Greenbrier Valley, close to Droop Mountain, without meeting Jones, who is looking after Duffie. The demonstration made by Moor farther to the north has decided the Confederates to leave Huntersville and the western sides of the Alleghanies, so that Averell can reach, without any impediment, the Traveller's Repose, and cross the passes which bring him to Elkwater in the basin of the Monongahela. A well-supplied train which the Federals meet at this point makes them forget their sufferings, and, returning by short marches through the friendly country, they reach at last their encampments on the Ohio Railroad on the 1st of January, 1864. The small column which Averell has led to the heart of the Virginia mountains has lost about a hundred prisoners and a small number of wagons, but not one gun, despite the impediments it has encountered. Not bein