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Chapter 52: The capture of Montreal. August—November, 1775. when Carleton heard of the surrender of Ticon- Chap. LII.} 1775. deroga to Allen and Arnold, he resolved to attempt its recovery. The continental congress had, on the first of June, explicitly disclaimed the purpose of invading Canada; and a French version of their resolution was very widely distributed among its inhabitants. But on the ninth of that month the governor of the province proclaimed the American borderers to be a rebellious band of traitors, established martial law, and summoned the French peasantry to serve under the old colonial nobility, while the converted Indian tribes and the savages of the northwest were instigated to take up the hatchet against New York and New England. These movements affected the intentions of congress, and made the occupation of Canada an act of self-defence. The French nobility, of whom many under the Quebec act were received into the council or appointed to execut
t eleven hundred men. The command was given to Arnold, who, as a trader in years past, had visited Qayer commanded one from Rhode Island, and like Arnold, Meigs, Dearborn, Henry, Senter, Melvin, left chaplain. The humane instructions given to Arnold enjoined respect for the rights of property anep in the wet turf and bogs. From Dead River, Arnold on the thirteenth wrote to the commander of thce. The repeated communications, intrusted by Arnold to friendly Indians, had been, in part at leasthe affair would soon be over. On the tenth Arnold arrived at Point LeVI, but all boats had been wn. At nine in the evening of the thirteenth, Arnold began his embarkation in canoes, which were bu The enemy being apprised of our coming, says Arnold, we found it impracticable to attack them withtish would not come out. For two or three days Arnold encamped about a mile and a half from town, po of success; but of this there were no signs. Arnold then ordered a strict examination to be made i
Dec. cember, at Point aux Trembles, made a junction with Arnold. The famine-proof veterans, now but six hundred and seventh, a council was held by all the commissioned officers of Arnold's detachment, and a large majority voted for making an ass As the time for the assault drew near, three captains in Arnold's battalion, whose term of service was soon to expire, crentented would cease. At sundown of Christmas he reviewed Arnold's battalion at Morgan's quarters, and ad- Chap. LIV.} 177al for beginning the real attacks on the lower town, under Arnold from the west and north, under Montgomery from the south arther loss. On the northeastern side of the lower town, Arnold led the forlorn hope, which consisted of more than twice a. LIV.} 1775. Dec.beach and the precipice. Near this spot Arnold was severely wounded in the leg by a musket ball and carriton free to concentrate all his force against the party of Arnold. By his orders a sally was now made from Palace Gate, in
hey carried the question against him. Four days later, the Quakers of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, at a meeting of their representatives in Philadelphia, published their testimony that the setting up and putting down of kings and governments is God's peculiar prerogative. Yet the votes of congress showed a fixed determination to continue the struggle; twenty seven battalions were ordered to be raised in addition to those with Washington; it was intended to send ten thousand men into Canada; Arnold, on the motion of Gadsden, was unanimously appointed a brigadier general; powder and saltpetre began to be received in large quantities, and the establishment of powder mills was successfully encouraged. The expenditures authorized for the purposes of the war for the year, were computed at ten millions of dollars; and at the same time the several colonies lavished away their treasure on special military preparations. In New Jersey the letters of the royal governor were intercepted; and t
Yet in the face of disasters and a superior enemy, Arnold preserved his fortitude; I have no thought, he saidontgomery had required an army of ten thousand men; Arnold declared that a less number would not suffice. Tinisterial troops would easily regain the country. Arnold, at his own solicitation, withdrew to Montreal. m the northwest. To guard against this new danger, Arnold stationed Bedell of New Hampshire with about four hiting a reenforcement. On his arrival at Montreal, Arnold on the sixteenth detached Major HenrySherburne of Rof humanity. At the news of the double disaster, Arnold moved with about seven hundred men to recover the cox; many of the officers were incompetent. While Arnold's whole thoughts were bent on June. making a safe cers was all but unanimous for quitting the ground; Arnold, Antill, and Hazen, who were not present, were of tr the rapids, except three heavy pieces of cannon. Arnold with his little garrison of three hundred men remai