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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The highway or Canal through Labor in Vain point. (search)
ce to the public and with as little prejudice to private property as (in our judgment) can be, which highway is bounded westerly by the dividing line between Col. Isaac Royall and Samuel Brooks, Esq., and easterly by the stakes set up in the aforesaid Samuel's marsh, as the same now stand, leaving two rods between the last-mention Labor in Vain point. The committee proceeded to cut the canal, and Dec. 14, 1761, only six days after the court had reduced the width of the highway, sold to Isaac Royall, for the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence, that part of the old way that had been discontinued, together with all the mud and turf thrown ahrown and now laying on said marsh. Samuel Brooks quitclaimed to Isaac Royall all his right, title, and interest in and to the above-named piece of marsh. It is possible that the canal was not cut to its present depth at that time, but that the action of the tides may have rendered very material assistance to the undertaking.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., A business man of long ago. (search)
for his long service in that station. In those days town officers received no salary. He was made permanent moderator of town meeting in 1767, succeeding Col. Isaac Royall. The Tory affiliations of the latter were too well known to allow him to preside over assemblies which passed resolutions against the government. Mr. Haltained many Tories, and while they themselves were patriots, their intimate acquaintance with many who took the side of the king tempered their utterances. Colonel Royall was much beloved by many of his townsmen, who knew his best qualities, his ever ready hospitality and generosity. Had he been of the sturdy stock of his fries a county road. Few old residents of Medford, to this day, call it by its modern name, Mystic avenue. It is the Turnpike to them and their children. When Col. Isaac Royall fled from Medford his estates were left in charge of Dr. Simon Tufts, the worthy physician of the town, who carefully rendered to the government all income a
ze from such insufficient data. After the beginning of hostilities in 1775 Colonel Royall departed for Nova Scotia, and Dr. Tufts for a while managed his property. ths are recorded between 1745 and 1780. It is rather curious that three of Colonel Royall's slaves died within a year, at the outbreak of the Revolution. Perhaps thl and Stephen Hall, Esq., Dyed Jan. 9, 1762. Plato, a Negro Servant of Hon. Isaac Royall Esq., drowned June 8, 1768. London, A Negro Man of the Widow Mary BradBrookses and Willises, Dr. Simon Tufts, Rev. Mr. Turrell, and, above all, Col. Isaac Royall. This first Royall brought with him from Antigua a number of slaves and Royall brought with him from Antigua a number of slaves and in 1737 petitioned that the duty on them be abated, but no further action than to lay it on the table was taken. He probably had at least fifteen at a time, and the all, Jr., Stephen Hall, Benj. Hall, Hugh Floyd, Jacob Polly, Zachariah Pool, Isaac Royall, Dr. Simon Tufts, Rev. Mr. Turrell, Stephen Willis, Deacon Benj. Willis, Fra
and others, heirs of John Usher sold to Col. Isaac Royall their estate in Charlestown (now Medfordil 16, 1775, and died in England in 1781.) The Royall estate was confiscated by the General Court, ae evidence of it. It may have been done by Colonel Royall at the time he raised the east half of thee house, and it was afterwards enlarged by Colonel Royall. This, then, was possibly the conditioning at the time of its purchase by the senior Colonel Royall in 1733. Colonel Royall came to resideColonel Royall came to reside upon his estate in 1737 and died here in 1739. It is probable that between the time of the purchasnd shape the front slope of the present roof. Royall. As has been before stated, the first ColonelColonel Royall lived but two years on his Charlestown (now Medford) estate. And it is hardly possible thatpon the south side was built by the second Colonel Royall. The evolution of the slave quarters. hat time. It is quite likely that the senior Colonel Royall built some portion of the present buil[3 more...]