Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 7 AD or search for April, 7 AD in all documents.

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The feeling in Baltimore. The Baltimore American of yesterday says: Some feeling — it can hardly be called excitement — was occasioned in this city yesterday by the display of two Palmetto flags. One was placed on the belfry of the old Liberty Engine House, where a body calling themselves "Southern Volunteers" held a meeting in the evening and resolved themselves out of the Union. Another secession flag was raised on a vessel lying at the Point, and met a deserved as well as a handsomely effective rebuke from the Union-loving captains in that maritime vicinity. It had no sooner reached the mast-head and its purport been perfectly understood, than every vessel in the vicinity, little and big, that possessed the Stars and Stripes, flung them to the breeze, and the wharves looked as gay with the display of bunting as on a Fourth of July