
The Floyd Brigade,

This admirable body of soldiers, enlisted and equipped in an almost incredibly short space of time by Brigadier General Floyd, has been organized, and will be ready to march to a few days. The companies in camp near Wytheville, are undergoing a persevering drill, and are fast acquiring the discipline and pore of soldiers. The men are remarkable for their stalwart, hardy and enduring frames. They are fired with the true spirit of freemen, and would prefer death to defeat and submission to the degraded and ruthless tyranny at Washington. They will be led at an early day to a point of activity and danger, and we are one will under their skillful and brave officers, achieve deeds of heroism that will supply some bright pages to the history of the present glorious struggle. As many of our readers in the South-west are personally interested in the organization of this fine brigade, we give below a list of it companies and officers:

Commander-in-Chief.--Brigadier General John B. Floyd.

1st Regiment.--Colonel. Henry Heth: Lieut. Col. B. E. Ficklin; Major, G. C. Wharton; Adjutant, W. M. Thomas.

And Regiment.--Colonel, A. W. Reynolds; Lieut. Col. not yet appointed: Major, F. W. Finney; Adjutant. John L. Cowardin.

3rd Regiment.--Field officers not yet appointed.

The following companies are now in the camp near Wytheville.

name of COMPANIESCOUNTYname of
Floyd GuardsVucewellJoseph HarrisonB. W. Willions Hugh Higalobaham and Wm. M. Thomas
Mc Alry Rough & Ready.Wythe.John Rechan Jas. Bheas Chas.Raimyardease and R. S.
Grayson Red's GraysonAlexander Davis.L. H. Hryant.S. P. Dicxinian and T. M. Cov.
Wythe Minute-Men Wythe.Ko. H. Gleaves. A.C. Burnes.Wm. C. Sanders and Wm. O. Moure.
Carroll Rough & Roeds Rides.CarrollWm. Lundy J. R. SumderP. Rearrar and H. H. Geamer
Bland Sharp ShuntersBlandA. J. GravsonG. WolfordL Newberry and McAtlan
West Augusta SildeTazewellWm. H. hrowanRo. WinstonR. G. Baldwin and James Ferry
Jagoweti RangersTazewell Edwin H. Harman R. H. Taylor H. Davison and Coarlen A Furge
Beed Island RiflesCarrollThos. D. Bolt Edmand Marshall S. Madti and W. C. McGardy
Tazewell daysTazewellJohn. H. WhitleyW. C. WilliamsCharles T. Gideante and James Whitmore
Patrick BaysPatrickJ. T LawsonM. StapleJ. T.Net and R. Cloud
Wilson SidesGraysonL. J. PerkineAmbrime Pugh T. P. Mitchell and John L. Cowardin
Lee RidosLeeJ. Richmond, Jr. J. E. Glinger, Jr.John c. Johnson and M. V. Olinger
Vanderganter's Compacy AmherstA. S. VanderventerJ. D. Barnett S. M. Whitebeard and C. S. Jayas
Pedlar Mills GuardAmherst Ro. W. Snead R. N. FeshinJ. Cighill and R. S. Elite
Kelly's CompanyTasswellF. W. KellyVincent ThomasJ. Balley and J. C. Dodley
Smyth GraysSmyth G. F. McDonaldA. H. KingJ. B. White and R. G. Haislet
Yankee CatchersWise L. H. N. SalyerJ. A. LippsS. Salyer and S. R. Davis
Floyd BluesWashingtonD. C. DaunJas. R. DeadmoreWm. J. Rufford and Edwin J. Smith
Lee GraysLeeD. L. DickinsonS. GrantJ. Wyen and J. A. Larmer Horse Companies
Smyth DegoonsSmythJohn D. ThompsonWm. E. PetersS. P. Shetrey and A. P. Coperhaver Horse Companies
Nelson RangersNelsonThos. P. Fitzpatrick J. A. Pugh M. A. Brown and Saml H. Batleyse Horse Companies

Eight additional companies have been adjusted, and will be in camp in four or five days.

The Brigade will march by the 14th inst.

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Grayson (3)
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F. W. Kelly (2)
John B. Floyd (2)
John L. Cowardin (2)
Carroll (2)
J. Wyen (1)
G. Wolford (1)
Wise (1)
Robert Winston (1)
B. W. Willions (1)
W. C. Williams (1)
James Whitmore (1)
H. Whitley (1)
S. M. Whitebeard (1)
J. B. White (1)
G. C. Wharton (1)
A. S. Vanderventer (1)
D. Thompson (1)
Vincent Thomas (1)
R. H. Taylor (1)
J. R. Sumder (1)
M. Staple (1)
Robert W. Snead (1)
Edwin J. Smith (1)
S. P. Shetrey (1)
William C. Sanders (1)
S. Salyer (1)
L. H. N. Salyer (1)
William J. Rufford (1)
Lee Ridos (1)
J. Richmond (1)
A. W. Reynolds (1)
P. Rearrar (1)
J. A. Pugh (1)
Ambrime Pugh (1)
William E. Peters (1)
L. J. Perkine (1)
Patrick (1)
M. V. Olinger (1)
Newberry (1)
Nelson (1)
William O. Moure (1)
T. P. Mitchell (1)
W. C. McGardy (1)
G. F. McDonald (1)
Edmand Marshall (1)
S. Madti (1)
William Lundy (1)
J. A. Lipps (1)
Lawson (1)
J. A. Larmer (1)
A. H. King (1)
Johnson (1)
JAs (1)
L. H. Hryant (1)
Hugh Higalobaham (1)
Henry Heth (1)
Joseph Harrison (1)
Edwin H. Harman (1)
R. G. Haislet (1)
Smyth Grays (1)
Lee Grays (1)
A. J. Gravson (1)
S. Grant (1)
J. E. Glinger (1)
H. Gleaves (1)
Charles T. Gideante (1)
H. H. Geamer (1)
Thomas P. Fitzpatrick (1)
F. W. Finney (1)
Field (1)
B. E. Ficklin (1)
R. S. Elite (1)
J. C. Dodley (1)
S. P. Dicxinian (1)
D. L. Dickinson (1)
James R. Deadmore (1)
H. Davison (1)
S. R. Davis (1)
Alexander Davis (1)
D. C. Daun (1)
A. P. Coperhaver (1)
R. Cloud (1)
J. Cighill (1)
Chas (1)
C. Burnes (1)
M. A. Brown (1)
Thomas D. Bolt (1)
Bland (1)
Saml H. Batleyse (1)
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J. Balley (1)
R. G. Baldwin (1)
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