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give it up, for the sake of restoring peace to the country. The same may be said of the laws passed by other States, some of which are far more severe than ours, and were enacted with special reference to the Fugitive Slave law. It is doubtful whether the repeal of these laws will satisfy all the South. Still, as it is demanded by many Southern people as the only thing that can tend to abate the present excitement, we should yield to the demand.--Those who advocated the election of Mr. Lincoln, should advocate such repeals. They owe it to the man whom they have called to a place of such mighty responsibility, that they should, as far as is possible, remove all obstacles in the way of a peaceful and successful administration. If these offensive statutes remain unrepealed --supposing even that there be no secession — they would still be causes of disagreement and quarreling during his whole term of office, and would seriously interfere with his efforts to govern the country pro
700. The brigade embraces eight companies of infantry and engineer corps, one company of cavalry and three pieces of artillery, fully armed and equipped for one month's campaign. Major Bell, of the United States Arsenal, furnished a full supply of shot and canister for the battery, 40,000 pounds of Minnie balls, and sixty rounds for each of the Colt's revolvers. Even the Republican papers are frightened at the storm their teachings have raised. The St. Louis Republican, which supported Lincoln, says: There can be but one answer to the question, what shall be done with him and his associates? No rose-water application will suffice to cure the evils of which he is the author or instigator. He should be arrested, tried, and hanged, with all possible dispatch, and his band should be extirpated as if they were a pack of wolves. The work of bringing traitors to the gallows may as well be commenced at once, and there is none who merit that fate more richly than Montgomery and h
Difficulty at the Capital of Texas. --The San Antonio (Texas) Herald, of the 14th, says: "We are informed by a gentleman just from Austin that when the news of the probable election of Lincoln reached that place, certain parties declared their intention to raise the Lone Star flag upon the Capital. Gov. Houston forbid their doing it, and they persisted. The Governor had sent to San Marcos for Capt. E. Burleson to assist in enforcing his orders, and it was feared a collision of arms would take place."