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olitical differences. The cause of the various candidates was vigorously maintained everywhere, and we regret to say that strong stimulants were freely resorted to in the course of the day. The vote in the city was between Messrs. Randolph, Steger and Robertson, State- Rights candidates, and Messrs. Macfarland, Johnson, Botts, and Gilmer, Union candidates. Mr. Gilmer withdrew from the contest about mid-day. Messrs. Randolph, Johnson and Macfarland were elected. After the result was annog is a statement of the result in Richmond: candidates.Jefferson Ward.Madison Ward.Monroe vote. Marmaduke Johnson6588006572115 Wm. H. Macfarland5528886742114 John M. Botts5275625171666 George W. Randolph4578695651891 John O. Steger380867471171- John Robertson3867505301666 John H. Gilmer1708685341 Elected. The question of reference to the people was carried by a considerable majority. The aggregate vote in the city is about 3,800. In November last the tot
The Daily Dispatch: February 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], The secession question to be Tested in Court. (search)
with Patrick Henry's "Beef! Beef!!" I see that you have had a most uproarious meeting in the African Church, in your city, to nominate to delegates to your Convention. Certainly it was a disgraceful scene for even the "Five Points," much less for Richmond, and that, too, in a house for divine worship. I wonder that such a house — the house of God--should be allowed by its authorities thus to be desecrated. I have no acquaintance with two of the gentlemen, (Messrs. Randolph and Steger,) but suppose the latter gentleman the son of Maj. Sager, late of Amelia; if so, he has the right blood. Judge Robinson I do know, and "he will do (in Southern parlance) to tie to." I did not see the Judge whilst here, or I should have made myself known to him. He introduced me to the great Clay the first time I ever saw him, in Washington, in 1839. Our batteries go on. No relaxing of effort at all. There are a number of planters on the different islands with all their negro men, who l