Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 21st, 1861 AD or search for January 21st, 1861 AD in all documents.

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id to you yesterday. "While I was in Washington, the French Minister, Mr. Mercier, said to Messrs. Hunter and Garnett the following, in substance: "That the French Emperor had instructed him to give to the scheme of Mr. De Bellot all the moral aid possible, and to say to parties Interested, that Mr. De Bellot is fully responsible for, and able to perform, all that he undertakes. "I am, very respectfully."Your friend and ob't serv't. "Chas. F. M. Garnett." Washington. Jan. 21, 1861. "Sir: In reply to the letter which you did me the honor to address me, under date of 18th instant, I take much pleasure in informing you that my Government has instructed me to lend as much moral support as is compatible with the reserve imposed by my official position to the Canal scheme of the house of Bellot des Minieres, Bros. & Company, which is now before the Legislature of Virginia for its sanction. This is proof, sir, not only of the interest felt by my Government in the