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sented. He moved that the Congressional Districts of the State be called, as the best mode of attaining this end. Mr. Conrad favored this suggestion, and were the nomination for a seat in the Senate of the Confederate States, he would most cheerfully vote for him; but for the Confederate Congress, he must prefer the late Representative from that District in Congress.--Mr. Mason was then put in nomination for the State at large. Mr. Whitfield nominated for the State at large Wm. Ballard Preston. Mr. Niblett moved that this Convention now proceed to elect members to the Confederate Congress by Districts. Mr. Borst replied to Mr. Scott, in opposition to his expressed preference for restricting the nominations to members of this Convention. Mr. Neblett's resolution was amended so as to go first into the election of two delegates at large, and then elect by districts. Mr. Scott moved to amend by selecting one nominee for the State at large from East, and the
. Hall, of Wetzel, nominated Chas. W. Russell, of Ohio county. Mr. Haymond nominated Mr. James Neeson, of Marion. Mr. Russell received 50 votes, Mr. Neeson 26. Eleventh District. Mr. McComas nominated Hon. Albert Jenkins, of Cabell. Mr. Hughes nominated Robert Johnson, of Harrison. Mr. Jenkins received 33 and Mr. Johnson 53 votes. Twelfth District. Already represented by Mr. Staples. Thirteenth District. Mr. Johnson, of Lee, nominated Mr. Walter Preston, of Washington county. Unanimously elected. Nominations at large. Mr. Tredway nominated Hon. Jas. A. Seddon and Mr. Montague Hon. Wm. Ballard Preston as delegates at large. Both these gentlemen were unanimously elected. On motion, the Convention adjourned at 8 o'clock. [In referring to the vindication of Judge Camden in our report of the proceedings of the Convention on Thursday, we inadvertently omitted the name of Mr. Woods, of Barbour, by whom that vindication was made.]