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e railroad and water facilities for transporting iron plating, we do not see why such vessels had not been made and fitted out at New Orleans. Two such vessels starting from that point could easily capture the blockaders off the Mississippi first, then visit and bag those off Mobile, Galveston, Apalachicola, Fernandina, Savannah, and Charleston. And by having a large surplus force of men on board, and adding the captured vessels to their force, manned by these men, by the time they would be ready to leave Charleston, where they might refit and repair damages in a short time, the fleet would be strong enough to cope with any that old Abe might send out. Besides breaking the blockade, it would forever stop the marauding expeditious which now threaten our coasts. If iron clad steamers are impregnable, starting with two such vessels, under competent officers, (and we certainly have such,) who will deny that we will capture or destroy the whole Lincoln navy in less than three months?
y removing forces from the West to strengthen its capital and increase its Pretonian Guard; so that, no matter what becomes of the Republic, the sacred persons of Lincoln, Scott, and McClellan, shall receive no detriment. The defence of Washington has completely paralyzed the strength of the North. If we take it, Lincoln's body gLincoln's body guard of a hundred and fifty thousand will be at once available as a force wherewith to invade the South. Cincinnati and Philadelphia have none of the strength of position, natural or artificial, which Washington enjoys, and are much more inviting points of attack. If we march into Maryland, we must leave half of our army rels which we have already won in many a field. Besides, if we are not advancing in the East we are advancing in the West, where there are no precious souls like Lincoln, Scott, and McClellan to be guarded and defended. On the whole, the war has everywhere been conducted with success and ability on our part, and we can see no roo