Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October 16th or search for October 16th in all documents.

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Southern commercial Convention. Macon, Ga., Oct. 16. --The Convention this morning adopted with great enthusiasm and unanimously, a resolution recommending Congress to suspend the collection of import duties, and to throw our ports open for free trade to all nations who maintain peace with us. Some slight modifications and additions were made to the action of the Convention on yesterday, upon the subject of advances upon cotton. A resolution was also adopted requesting Congress to alter and adjust coins, weights, and measures, to a decimal ratio. A series of resolutions were also adopted in relation to the sequestration act, and recommending that the payment of debts sequestered be not required during the war; that claims for indemnity and indebtedness due at the North be allowed as a set off; that the Courts be empowered, in certain cases, to modify the retroactive effect of the bill; and that the property of Northern residents laboring under the disabilitie
From Pensacola. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 16. --Pensacola intelligence to the 13th inst. has been received. It is announced that a flag of truce was sent from Fort Pickens to Gen. Bragg on yesterday, stating that the prisoners would be sent to New York on Sunday. Gen. Bragg sent the Paymaster over to pay off the men in full for the remainder of their term. [The above dispatch is not as explicit as could be desired, but the inference is that the prisoners on each side have been paroled and exchanged; and hence the object in returning to New York the paroled Federal prisoners. taken by the Confederate troops on Santa Rosa Island.]
A ship captured by the blockaders. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 16. --A special dispatch in the Savannah Republican, of this morning, dated at Charleston on yesterday, says the ship Thomas Watson, from Liverpool, with a cargo of salt, in attempting to run the blockade, got ashore on Folley Island, and was captured by the blockaders. The crew escaped.
Mississippi election. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 16. --The Mississippi election returns are meagre; but they indicate the re-election of Gov. Pettus.
The fleet off Charleston. Charleston, Oct. 16. --The Courier, of this morning, states that the Federal fleet off this port consists of seven ships.