Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Beauregard or search for Beauregard in all documents.

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Articles cut off by the blockade were bringing fabulous prices. The prisoners say they were released for the reason that their wants could not be supplied. They have been obliged to sleep on the floor during their imprisonment. General Beauregard was at Manassas, and Jefferson Davis returned to Richmond on Saturday last, in feeble health. Speculation was rife as to his successor. Seventeen of the released prisoners, who are unable to go home, have been sent to the hospital at town by the James river, as well as railroad route. The parties saw several regiments on their way to that place. Before leaving Richmond they heard several times that Jeff. Davis was so indisposed as to be unable to leave his room, whilst Gen. Beauregard was constantly moving from Manassas to Richmond and back, superintending the army movements, &c. Col. Todd (a connection of President Lincoln) had charge of the prisoners, and he treated them at times in the most outrageous manner, being mor
A Compliment. --A lady of Charleston has sent to Mr. Edmund Ruflin a beautiful device in Palmetto, most ingeniously wrought, encircling a photographic likeness of General Beauregard. On an accompanying card is inscribed "To an aged patriot, whose love of country is only equalled by his gallantry in defending it."
from our balloons, stretching northward toward Leesburg, where there are nearly 30,000 men. On the Lower Potomac is a strong force, 12,000 or 15,000, back of Evansport. At and near Manassas there are comparatively few troops. All information received at headquarters tends to the conclusion that the enemy is prodigiously strong, numbering nearly 200,000, and that no offensive movement is at present intended. Johnston, however, favors and active policy, as also does, probably, Smith; but Beauregard, more cautious, insists on standing on the defensive. Treasury transactions. The following is a statement of business transactions of the Cash Department of the United States Treasury for September, 1861: August 31, cash in Treasury $1,339,062 80 New York Trans. Certificates (74) 597,426 22 Coin from New York and Philadelphia 2,075,000 00 Receipts for 7 3-10 Treasury Notes 608,258 43 Dep. of Demand Treasury Notes. 6,628,000 00 Receipts for Post-Office