Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lincoln or search for Lincoln in all documents.

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The Approaching Elections. --The election for President, members of Congress, are close at hand. They take place on the first Wednesday in next month. With regard to the Presidential election we have nothing to say, except that it is important for every man who has a vote to give it. The Yankees, with Lincoln at their head, have been contending all along that the secession of the Southern States is a mere partizan movement on a small seale, gotten up by discontented politicians, and that the great body of the people not only do not sympathize with it, but are at heart bitterly opposed to it. This is or was one of the pretexts alleged for invading the State of Virginia. It was contended that a reign of terror existed here, and that the people voted under its influence. It was confidently stated that if freedom of choice were allowed, the large majority would be found opposed to secession, and the Federal army was designed to set opinion at liberty, and enable the friends of t
filled with men. The steamer stopped several times on the route, and at all the points there were regiments of soldiers, all of whom expressed the fiercest spirit of enmity to the North, and declared that they would not lay down their arms until Lincoln and his Cabinet should let the South choose its own terms of separation. They were well armed, but poorly dressed. Many of the private soldiers wore pantaloons made of blankets, linsey woolsey, and even of the commonest carpeting. Arrivalhey heard several times that Jeff. Davis was so indisposed as to be unable to leave his room, whilst Gen. Beauregard was constantly moving from Manassas to Richmond and back, superintending the army movements, &c. Col. Todd (a connection of President Lincoln) had charge of the prisoners, and he treated them at times in the most outrageous manner, being more severe than any of the rest. Some of the prisoners before leaving obtained several Richmond papers, with the intention of bringing the
A sensible Suggestion. --The destruction of the public works at the Navy-Yard, in Pensacola, has often been threatened by the Northern vandals, in the case we attempt the reduction of Fort Pickens. A writer in the Montgomery (Ala.) Mail, suggests the practicability of converting the Navy-Yard into a prison house, for the confinement of the enemy taken in war. If this is so, why shall not the Confederate Government lodge their captives there, and then let Lincoln and his marauders fire on it as soon as they please?
The Green river blunder — reported movement of Rosencranz into Kentucky--a Louisville Canard. Nashville, Oct. 15. --The Louisville Courier, of to day, confirms the destruction of two spans of the railroad bridge over Green river, by a misapprehension of the orders to the officer in charge. Any forward movement of our forces, which may have been contemplated, has thus been delayed by this great blunder. Lincoln forces are at Smithland, and the report is that four hundred Lincolnites have destroyed water-craft of every kind on the Cumberland river, as far up as Ross' Ferry, a distance of 27 miles. Returned parties from Western Virginia, and who came direct, report that Rosencranz has gone to Kentucky. The Louisville Journal, of the 9th instant, reports the capture of New Orleans, without firing a gun!