Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lincoln or search for Lincoln in all documents.

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ingham, of Michigan, is dead. [Second Dispatch.] Nashville, Oct. 20. --The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American says that Henderson, Ky., is now occupied by 1,600 Indianians, and 1,500 more are expected. The gun-boat Conestoga was at Henderson on the 12th inst. repairing. Her wheel- house was disabled at an engagement with Confederate batteries near Columbus. T. W. Powell and John Young Brown were at Hopkinsville a few days ago, having escaped from Lincoln's emissaries. The Louisville Courier learns that Thos. L. Crittenden arrived at Henderson on the 14th instant, took command of the Federal forces, and proclaimed martial law. Indianapolis, Oct. 13.--The Federal army at Paducah does not fear an attack and can not hear of any large Confederate force this side of Columbus. All the Seccessionists have fied from Paducah and locked up their houses. Brig. Gen.Wool will leave for Kentucky on tomorrow, where he will at once enter upo
Occupants of the White House. The Washington correspondent of the Springfield Republican writes as follows: Mrs. Lincoln is a very active woman.--Nothing escapes her eye. She manages the affairs of the White House (I do not mean State affafederate authorities must look with alarm to what will probably turn out to be a violation of the Monroe doctrine; and Mr. Lincoln's administration in particular cannot occupy the position attributed to it, if it be true that Mexico has authorized t indications that the boy enlisted with the consent of his parents, he was remanded back to his company. I saw President Lincoln and Mrs. Lincoln riding out this afternoon towards the Arsenal, which place they visited. General Scott is busMrs. Lincoln riding out this afternoon towards the Arsenal, which place they visited. General Scott is busily engaged at his headquarters during prescribed hours, and enjoys his usual good health. The pressure upon him, though much relieved, is still very great. The business on the railroad between Washington and Baltimore is daily increasing. The
important from Mexico — letter from President Lincoln--arrest of Mrs Jackson, &c. New York. Oct. 15. --The Herald's Washington dispatch, of yesterday; says that intelligence has been received from Minister Corwin, which is regarded as highly important at this time. Mexico is compelled to have money to pay the interest on her English debt, and thus release her from her present embarrassment. The Herald's dispatch further states that Lincoln's Government is determined to stand by Mexico at all hazards, and will protect her against any encroachments from foreign powers. President Lincoln had addressed a letter to England, FraPresident Lincoln had addressed a letter to England, France, and Spain, that those powers might know what his intentions are, but no response from those powers have been received. The Tribune's dispatch says that eight regiments and two batteries from Ohio have been on their way to Kentucky the last ten days. The mother of Jackson, who killed Ellsworth, was arrested on the 13t
ll possible to elect a President according to the powers of the Constitution — still that Constitution would be no longer in existence. It has been overthrown by Lincoln himself, and by the Congress under whose inspiration he acts. He has destroyed every safe guard which it provided for public liberty.--The Constitution divided the Government into three departments — Legislative, Judicial, and Executive — and defined their several limits with the greatest particularity. Lincoln has usurped all the powers thus separated and defined, and has united them all in his own person. He is, at this moment, as absolute as Alexander II or Napoleon III. He arrests anain them. The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare martial law within a limited space, for a limited time, and under certain peculiar circumstances. Lincoln not only declares martial law himself, without the advice or consent of Congress, but he confers upon every one of his Generals the power to declare it within the<
has but one apettures, and that conceals a ten-inch howitzer in front. When in range, this, which is just large enough for the muzzle of the gun, is opened and the howitzer discharged. The recoil is sufficient to permit the "door" or "hatch" to fall, which it does of its own weight, and presents the same imperviousness to shot and shell as the remainder or in novel structure. Its complete success demonstrates the fact that it is only necessary to "turn her loose" to demolish the whole of Lincoln's navy. Well done Appomattox. The Lynchburg Republican has the following: The people of the county of Appomattox have made ample provision to clothe their volunteers comfortably this winter. The work was apportioned among the people of the different magisterial districts, and they already have more than cloth enough ready for their five hundred men now in the field. Already, too, have they had knit more than a suficiency of good substantial yarn socks for each man. As usua