Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Minor's Hill (Virginia, United States) or search for Minor's Hill (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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iver whatever. At about 5 P. M. on Saturday, a portion of Beauregard's force, consisting of at least, three regiments in sight, made their appearance near Minor's hill, a considerable eminence about two miles from Lewinsville, in the direction of Falls Church. Our pickets had been driven in from that point on the night beformstances we narrate above. Our belief is that at 6 A. M. to-day a body of our troops, accompanied by some six hundred sappers and miners, proceeded to lay Minor's hill bare with the axe; so that by nightfall it will have ceased to afford opportunities for concealed reconnoisances of our positions on the right, or for a possible attack upon those positions from the cover of dense woods. In the course of the day yesterday a commencement was made in the work of clearing Minor's hill of possible future cover for an attacking force. By the time we go to press to-day it will have been finished, and an Union force so posted upon it that no more of the