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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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January 8th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
From Norfolk [our own Correspondent.] Norfolk, Jan. 8, 1862. dense fog, lacking only the name to be a shower, hung vast and heavy over the good city of Richmond as we ran out of it, and rolled rapidly into the country beyond.--Such a disagreeable day ! Glosely muffied against the cold, a few pedestrians, looking as if in the last stages of chronic melancholy, braved the damp and penetrating mist in pursuit of business, or to drive away Without the doors it was serverely disagreeable; within doors it was no better, and the "blue imps" seemed to perch in every nook and cranny. Mothers yawned and sighed over their household cares, and children flattened their noses against the window panes in the rain endesvor to catch a glimpse of a bit of sunshine. It was a day of most sombre aspect, and a man with the least bit of trouble on his mind would not have staked a continental brass button on the chances of life or death. It is curtone to notice the effect of such days on th
fine old city, and seemingly a pleasant one to live in. Two days there confirmed all the good reports current of it, and the next I took the cars again and at midday arrived at Norfolk, in which city I am penning these discursive and rambling phrases. Of the city of Norfolk I shall have much to say hereafter during my residence here. It is an old town, decidedly European in appearance, and possessing great historic inferest. At present, owing to the passive policy being pursued by Gen. Johnson on the Potomac, this has become the great centre for news, and the ubiquitous, versatile reporters are fiocking here from all parts of the Confederacy, anxiously watching the preparations going on to resist the thunder of Yankee guns, and the boasted power of Yankee armadas. To a poor, plodding newspaper man the place is delightful, for he is, to say the least, treated with some show of respect. In my telegraphic dispatch of yesterday I sent you a "straw" from Boston, which shows co
t centre for news, and the ubiquitous, versatile reporters are fiocking here from all parts of the Confederacy, anxiously watching the preparations going on to resist the thunder of Yankee guns, and the boasted power of Yankee armadas. To a poor, plodding newspaper man the place is delightful, for he is, to say the least, treated with some show of respect. In my telegraphic dispatch of yesterday I sent you a "straw" from Boston, which shows conclusively "which way the wind blows." Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, recommends the State to assume the collection of a direct national tax, to furnish its portion of the twenty-million loan authorized by Congress. From this we can readily suppose that the bonds of the great Yankee nation do not stand at the highest figure in the financial market. All the swag; and the attempts to white wash the disagreeble fact, have proved a failure, and the Government loan despite the premiums and great inducements offered has failed to take the e
cities. In Berlin, one would think the whole city was mourning in "sackcloth and ashes." In London, the bridges are crowded, and hundreds of wearied, sad-eyed men and women gaze mournfully into the depths of the Thames and upon the eddying rings which form under. the massive arches, then float away beneath the shadow of St. Paul's. In Paris, the ordinarily vivacious, light-hearted people are most miserable. All day long they sigh and smoke, and smoke and sigh, walking perhaps by the Hotel Dieu, close under the ponderous towers of Notre Dame, down to the Seme, where the same band of wearied, sad-eyed men and women cluster around the gloomy precincts of La Mogue. Go where you will, the influence of a damp and misty day upon the great public is an interesting study to a man of a philosophical turn of mind, provided, however, he have supshine enough in his heart to dispel the sombre clouds that hang about his own spirits. As the day wore on the weather grew cold and the mist turne
Bollingbrook Porter (search for this): article 1
hey were the wonder and delight of boyhood; but now, I must confess, that to a poor sinner like my self, a good comfortable railroad car, with no dust, no fear of accidents, and thirty miles an hour, is quite good enough. In entering Petersburg for the first time the stranger is forcibly impressed with the idea that there are two hotels in the town. Long before the cars cease running, the voices of half a dozen negroes are heard shouting out the names of their respective inns. "Bollingbrook Porter," "Jarratt's Hotel"--"in the name of the Prophet," now they do scream as close as possible to your ears. Almost before you are aware of the fact you are whirling along the streets towards one of the two. "Where do you stop ?" said an acquaintance to me in the cars. "At the best hotel — which is it ?" "Take either you please and you'll wish you had taken the other," was the reply. I chose a house at random, only anxious to find fire enough to drive off certain Arct
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
and the ubiquitous, versatile reporters are fiocking here from all parts of the Confederacy, anxiously watching the preparations going on to resist the thunder of Yankee guns, and the boasted power of Yankee armadas. To a poor, plodding newspaper man the place is delightful, for he is, to say the least, treated with some show of respect. In my telegraphic dispatch of yesterday I sent you a "straw" from Boston, which shows conclusively "which way the wind blows." Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, recommends the State to assume the collection of a direct national tax, to furnish its portion of the twenty-million loan authorized by Congress. From this we can readily suppose that the bonds of the great Yankee nation do not stand at the highest figure in the financial market. All the swag; and the attempts to white wash the disagreeble fact, have proved a failure, and the Government loan despite the premiums and great inducements offered has failed to take the eye of the moneyed m
Paris (France) (search for this): article 1
not have staked a continental brass button on the chances of life or death. It is curtone to notice the effect of such days on the denizens of the larger cities. In Berlin, one would think the whole city was mourning in "sackcloth and ashes." In London, the bridges are crowded, and hundreds of wearied, sad-eyed men and women gaze mournfully into the depths of the Thames and upon the eddying rings which form under. the massive arches, then float away beneath the shadow of St. Paul's. In Paris, the ordinarily vivacious, light-hearted people are most miserable. All day long they sigh and smoke, and smoke and sigh, walking perhaps by the Hotel Dieu, close under the ponderous towers of Notre Dame, down to the Seme, where the same band of wearied, sad-eyed men and women cluster around the gloomy precincts of La Mogue. Go where you will, the influence of a damp and misty day upon the great public is an interesting study to a man of a philosophical turn of mind, provided, however, he
Notre Dame (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
e city was mourning in "sackcloth and ashes." In London, the bridges are crowded, and hundreds of wearied, sad-eyed men and women gaze mournfully into the depths of the Thames and upon the eddying rings which form under. the massive arches, then float away beneath the shadow of St. Paul's. In Paris, the ordinarily vivacious, light-hearted people are most miserable. All day long they sigh and smoke, and smoke and sigh, walking perhaps by the Hotel Dieu, close under the ponderous towers of Notre Dame, down to the Seme, where the same band of wearied, sad-eyed men and women cluster around the gloomy precincts of La Mogue. Go where you will, the influence of a damp and misty day upon the great public is an interesting study to a man of a philosophical turn of mind, provided, however, he have supshine enough in his heart to dispel the sombre clouds that hang about his own spirits. As the day wore on the weather grew cold and the mist turned to icy sleet. We were something over two m
New Castle, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 1
the two. "Where do you stop ?" said an acquaintance to me in the cars. "At the best hotel — which is it ?" "Take either you please and you'll wish you had taken the other," was the reply. I chose a house at random, only anxious to find fire enough to drive off certain Arcticsensations, and a good bed upon which to "court the drwsy." Both luxuries were to be had by bestowing a small subsidy, of three dollars per diem, on the landlord. It would be Scarrying coals to Newcastle " to attempt a description of a city so familiar to every one as Petersburg, and I could at best only give the impressions of a stranger. Suffice it to say, I was struck with the quietness and extreme respectability of the place; with the number of churches, which speaks well for its morals; with the beauty of the city and its surroundings; and with the hospitality of the people, as exemplified by the charming family who made my short stay as agreable as heart could wish Taken all in all,
escend from the back of a glorious war horse, and straddle a pony, with his heels dragging along the ground, is but a faint pacture of the condition of a naval officer in the Confederate service. --Just think of such a veteran of the deep as old Tatnall, whose fame is co-extensive with the world, and whose bread flag has floated over a squadron of as superb vessels of war as ever ploughed the deep, reduced to the command of a musquito fleet in a narrow bayon. This is but one specimen of the saoned, and therefore, had nothing to do, either in the erection of the batteries, the instruction of the guns' crews, or the working of the guns during the fight. The only part borne by the navy in that vicinity, was by the little fleet of flag officer Tatnall, who, with the slight force at his disposal, suceedded in annoying the enemy, and without loss accomplished all that could have been reasonably expected of him, and well sustained his previous daring reputation. At Hatteras naval officers
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