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nd that James Hewitt, Esq., whose liberality is proverbial, on Christmas day presented every man in Col. Roger Hanson's 2d Kentucky regiment with a splendid overcoat. The regiment is fully one thousand strong, and the present did not cost Mr. Hewitt less than from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars. And the wretched Yankees are fools enough to think they can conquer and subjugate a people of whom James Hewitt is but a fair type. Abolition freedom. The Rockingham Register, of the 10th inst., has the following: Bill, a servant belonging to Miss Sallie Kendrick, of Front Royal, Va., reached home a few days ago. He was taken by the Yankees while driving wagons. He says he went up in a balloon while with them. They kept him two months, when he, having become satisfied with what he had seen of the Yankees, made his escape and reached home, willing to spend the rest of his days in old Virginia. Paid for their disloyalty. The Rockingham Register, of the 30th inst.,
Garibaldi (search for this): article 1
s the following: Paris letters state that in spite of all denial, it is well known that a large number of recruits are levying in Frane for the United States. The old Garibaldian officers and volunteers are all being organized for a speedy departure, and are only waiting for the orders of their chief to embark. This chief, a well known French officer, who, after defending the barricades of the Republic in Paris, fought the battles of the Empire in the Crimes, then took service with Garibaldi, and is now in that of Victor Emanuel has given in his resignation, and was hourly expected in Paris. "Bull run" and "Dixie" in Canada. As showing the current of popular feeling in Canada, we give the following from a late number of the Toronto Leader: An officer of the Federal army has been parading the streets of Toronto in full dress these two or three days. He is in a bran new, bright and shining Yankee uniform, and some indignation has been excited by the impertinent d
n April last when that Government declared war upon the South and its institutions. Dr. Martin came passenger on one of the recent arrivals through the gaps in Dr. Lincoln's blockade from Havana. He is heart and soul with the South in her struggles, and goes to New Orleans to make that his home. Message of the Governor of P true she has seceded, but it was with a newly-wedded husband to Philadelphia about two weeks ago. [The charge against Gen. Thomas is the want of loyalty to Lincoln's dynasty.-- Eds. Dis.] Another of those wholesale visitations was made last night by the Provost Guard about half-past 10 o'clock, upon the Columbia Restaun expression quoted from a prominent paper published in the Southwest, to the effect that people in that region of the Confederate States are waiting to see what "Lincoln's policy with respect to slavery" is going to be! There is much in this. It shows that all thought and reflection in the South is not swallowed up by passion, b
hly of the American co-operating party engaged. They were with the Rattler emulating each other, in the thickest of the attack; but my warmest thanks in particular, are due to Lieutenant Pegram, the American senior officer; his encouragement of the men, and coolness under a heavy fire, and determined bravery, when surrounded by a persevering and revengeful foe, were conspicuous to all" First Lieutenant Fauntleroy was Aide-de-camp to General Johnston at the battle of Manassas; Second Lieutenant Bennett served there in the naval battery, while one youngster on board, named Cary, received his appointment as Midshipman in the Confederate Navy as a reward for distinguished gallantry in the same action. A French Officer in the service of the South. The Mobile Advertiser, of Wednesday, the 1st inst., says: By a recent arrival at a Confederate port from Havana, Lieut. P. Enneau, late of the French army, came passenger, and is at present in this city. Lieut. Enneau has la
pany. It was reported at Fort Craig that the regular force lately stationed in Utah (600 men) had arrived at Fort Union; and also a regiment of Kansas artillery, escorting a train of supplies. Col. Canby, of the regular army, and Capt. Hatch, of the N. M. volunteers, have been made Brigadier-Generals. Hon. M. A. Otero was tendered a Colonelcy, but replied that there was no office in the gift of the Administration which he would accept. Lieut. Lane, of the Rifles, and Lieuts Plummer and Ryan, of the 7th Infantry, have been dropped from the army list. Desertions are occurring among the volunteers daily, in spite of the most rigid measures to prevent, such as shaving heads and whipping. There is manifestly much discontent among all ranks. The soldiers had not been paid; no money in circulation, and freedom of speech virtually suspended. Southern men are treated with the utmost rigor, and almost daily arrests are made. "many a true word Spoken in Jest." In one of his la
s of Sonora, who were unbounded in their insolence. The letters received contain most urgent appeals for assistance of Confederate troops. From New Mexico.--From New Mexico we have news of a force of five hundred men on one of the branches of the Arkansas. They were organized among the Southern men of Colorado Territory. Their design is reported to be to take Forts Garland and Wise, and the trains of supplies bound for New Mexico. The Federal advance is at Alamosa, 35 miles from Craig, 75 from Mesilla, and consists of two companies, one of regulars and one of volunteers. They have thrown up two batteries. Four regiments of New Mexican volunteers are in the field--two of infantry and two mounted. An endeavor has been made to raise two regiments of militia for home defence, and the officers are commissioned therefore. The regular force consists of 23 companies, of different corps, averaging about 50 men to the company. It was reported at Fort Craig that the regular
each other, in the thickest of the attack; but my warmest thanks in particular, are due to Lieutenant Pegram, the American senior officer; his encouragement of the men, and coolness under a heavy fire, and determined bravery, when surrounded by a persevering and revengeful foe, were conspicuous to all" First Lieutenant Fauntleroy was Aide-de-camp to General Johnston at the battle of Manassas; Second Lieutenant Bennett served there in the naval battery, while one youngster on board, named Cary, received his appointment as Midshipman in the Confederate Navy as a reward for distinguished gallantry in the same action. A French Officer in the service of the South. The Mobile Advertiser, of Wednesday, the 1st inst., says: By a recent arrival at a Confederate port from Havana, Lieut. P. Enneau, late of the French army, came passenger, and is at present in this city. Lieut. Enneau has lately been a resident of California, where he devoted himself to organizing and drilling
men to the company. It was reported at Fort Craig that the regular force lately stationed in Utah (600 men) had arrived at Fort Union; and also a regiment of Kansas artillery, escorting a train of supplies. Col. Canby, of the regular army, and Capt. Hatch, of the N. M. volunteers, have been made Brigadier-Generals. Hon. M. A. Otero was tendered a Colonelcy, but replied that there was no office in the gift of the Administration which he would accept. Lieut. Lane, of the Rifles, and Lieuts Plummer and Ryan, of the 7th Infantry, have been dropped from the army list. Desertions are occurring among the volunteers daily, in spite of the most rigid measures to prevent, such as shaving heads and whipping. There is manifestly much discontent among all ranks. The soldiers had not been paid; no money in circulation, and freedom of speech virtually suspended. Southern men are treated with the utmost rigor, and almost daily arrests are made. "many a true word Spoken in Jest." In
s toward Romney to cut them off. I have heard of one or two incidents of this expedition which I consider worthy of notice. On the evening of the 4th inst. Col. Rusk, of Arkansas, proceeded up the road to the west of Bath to burn the Capon Bridge, in command of a brigade cons sting of four regiments and a battery. When near to the rear, so as to ambuscade his command. Before the Colonel was aware of the position of the enemy he was fired into. Finding himself thus ambuscaded, Col. Rusk holloaed with all his voice as if to forces yet in the rear: "Bring up the 16th and 18th Mississippi regiments, the 6th Texas brigade, and hurry up that battery." This command to ideal forces had the proper effect, and immediately the enemy broke and ran like sheep. Rusk, however, from the first attack, lost four men killed and eighteen wounded. Later from Arizona and New Mexico. We commence the following from the Mesilla Times, of December 12: The latest accounts from t
M'Clellan (search for this): article 1
ans on the subject, many of whom think the General ought to have been promoted in preference to some other persons, whose services in the field have not been half as arduous nor as serviceable to the cause of the Union as his. Health of Gen. M'Clellan. Washington, Jan. 9. --General McClellan was out yesterday, and attended to Business during a portion of the day. The staff of General McClellan, the Quartermaster's Department, and the hospital authorities have been unusually active for some days, indicating an important movement in some direction. Gen. M'Clellan's opinion about the Duration of the war. The Hon. Schuyler Colfat writes from Washington to his paper, the South Bend (La.) Register, as follows: In justice to Gen. McClellan, the commander-in-chief, whom I met on Monday morning, and had an interesting conversation with, I must state that he repeated to me with emphasis a former declaration, that the war would be short, though it probably might be de
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