Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel M. Price or search for Samuel M. Price in all documents.

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shville that there will be concentrated in Tennessee a rebel force of 200,000, and that the impending battle will be the most important one of the war. The Herald says that Virginia will be conquered without much bloodshed. The New York stocks are languishing.--Cotton has slightly declined, sales at 28 cents. Gen. Curtis, in Arkansas, has issued a special order emancipating three slaves, on account of their being employed in the rebel service. The Baltimore American of Wednesday says that next month will end the active fighting. Afterwards there will be nothing to do but to restore order. It predicts that the next battle will be at Corinth, and says that Van Dorn and Price are moving to Memphis, to help Beauregard. The siege of island No.10 was progressing. The rebels had increased their defences. It is reported that the Federal had taken Union, Tenn., killing some Confederate, taking a number of prisoners, a hundred and fifty horses, and stores.