Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James McDonald or search for James McDonald in all documents.

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The Provost Marshal will cause said sentence to be executed and for so doing this order shall be his sufficient warrant. By command of Major-General Butler. In addition to the foregoing it is stated in the Picayune that Geo., W. Crage, first mate of the United States transport ship City of New York, Frank Newton, a private in the 15th Connecticut regiment, and Theo. Leih, (an assumed name,) New Orleans, implicated in the same affair, have also been sentenced to death. Jas. McDonald, an accessory, has been sentenced to hard labor, with ball and chain, for five years. Butler Refuses to recognize the British Consul. British Consulate, New Orleans, La, June 14, 1862. Sir: I beg to inform you that great doubt exists in the minds of British subjects, who, under the provisions of your order No. 41, are called upon to subscribe the oaths therein set forth, as to the consequence of compliance with the behests of that order. I would, therefore, respectful