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Hustings Court, Monday, August 11. --Present, Recorder Caskie and a full bench. The qualification of W. B. Smith as an Alderman for Madison Ward was returned and filed.--T. B. Starke and E. M Clark qualified as Notaries Public.--Samuel M. Price was fined $10 for permitting his slave, Paul, to go at large.--William Arney, charged with steeling, on the 1st of August, $170 from Thomas M. Casey, was committed for trial before Judge Lyons. Mary Ann Seagrow and Edward Williams, charged with receiving the stolen money, were acquitted. --Mike Sheehan and Thomas Wilson, charged with robbing John J. Harrold of a purse and $9, on the highway, on the 23d July, were committed for trial before Judge Lyons.--Elizabeth Taylor, otherwise called Ann Ross, of Harlem, New York, was sent before Judge Lyons for trial for stealing $100 worth of jewelry from Mrs. Susan Walsh, August 4th. James H. Ward, who received the same from her, was also sent on.--The Grand Jury presented John Pero, Emmett Pero,