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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 27, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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From Fredericksburg. We have nothing new to report this morning from this point of interest. It seems to be understood that a portion at least of the Federal force which threatened the town has been withdrawn, but for what purpose can only be conjectured. An opinion obtains that they have gone up and down the Rappahannock with the intention of crossing that stream above and below the town. If this opinion is correct, it is not improbable that our forces may yet have an opportunity to repel the invader. No doubt Gen. Lee is fully advised as to their plans, and is cautiously guarding their ma
Prison Items --Lewis Beckham, a deserter from the 1st Virginia Battalion, was arrested yesterday, by order of Major Griswold, and sent to Castle Thunder. Twenty eight deserters, mostly from North Carolina regiments, were also received there the same day from Camp Holmes, having been sent er by Major Mallett. In the above prison proposal punishment has been substituted for sacking. Eight men, who fell on an inmate of the Castle on Tuesday, and robbed him, were each twenty five lashes. Among the eight were deserters from the Yankees.
Prison Items --Lewis Beckham, a deserter from the 1st Virginia Battalion, was arrested yesterday, by order of Major Griswold, and sent to Castle Thunder. Twenty eight deserters, mostly from North Carolina regiments, were also received there the same day from Camp Holmes, having been sent er by Major Mallett. In the above prison proposal punishment has been substituted for sacking. Eight men, who fell on an inmate of the Castle on Tuesday, and robbed him, were each twenty five lashes. Among the eight were deserters from the Yankees.
Lewis Beckham (search for this): article 1
Prison Items --Lewis Beckham, a deserter from the 1st Virginia Battalion, was arrested yesterday, by order of Major Griswold, and sent to Castle Thunder. Twenty eight deserters, mostly from North Carolina regiments, were also received there the same day from Camp Holmes, having been sent er by Major Mallett. In the above prison proposal punishment has been substituted for sacking. Eight men, who fell on an inmate of the Castle on Tuesday, and robbed him, were each twenty five lashes. Among the eight were deserters from the Yankees.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
he British people are with us is not more evident than that the policy of their Government is neither to favor the North nor the South. the declaration of the British Secretary of State that England will not recognize us till we are by the United States, or till the United States are too much exhausted to carry on the war, a declaration which the London Times says expresses the conclusions of the British Cabinet, we are not likely to hear much of Intervention even from those who have been haUnited States are too much exhausted to carry on the war, a declaration which the London Times says expresses the conclusions of the British Cabinet, we are not likely to hear much of Intervention even from those who have been harping upon it till the very word has become disgusting. We trust that henceforth every Southern patriot will steal his soul against an absurd, unmanly and suicidal delusion of looking for help to any earthly power save our own resolute hearts and strong arms. We would have the very word Intervention expunged from the Southern dictionary, and the bare thought dismissed from the mind as a guilty and shameful thing. We are able to establish our own independence, and no independence, obtained in
November 21st (search for this): article 1
Twenty-five Dollars reward. --Escaped from Castle Thunder, Nov. 21th, a negro boy named Geo. Howard. Said boy is about 19 years old; five feet six inches high; black; stoutly built; a pleasant countenance; mark of a gun-shot wound on the back, near the shoulder, and wore a blue cap. His mother and sisters are hired in Richmond, and he is probably lurking somewhere in the city, or he may be making his way back to the Peninsula, near the Burnt Ordinary, from which place he was brought. The above reward will be paid for his return to the subscriber, at the Keen Hospital, corner of Main and 13th sts. no 27--3t* R. B. Richardson.
George Howard (search for this): article 1
Twenty-five Dollars reward. --Escaped from Castle Thunder, Nov. 21th, a negro boy named Geo. Howard. Said boy is about 19 years old; five feet six inches high; black; stoutly built; a pleasant countenance; mark of a gun-shot wound on the back, near the shoulder, and wore a blue cap. His mother and sisters are hired in Richmond, and he is probably lurking somewhere in the city, or he may be making his way back to the Peninsula, near the Burnt Ordinary, from which place he was brought. The above reward will be paid for his return to the subscriber, at the Keen Hospital, corner of Main and 13th sts. no 27--3t* R. B. Richardson.
R. B. Richardson (search for this): article 1
Twenty-five Dollars reward. --Escaped from Castle Thunder, Nov. 21th, a negro boy named Geo. Howard. Said boy is about 19 years old; five feet six inches high; black; stoutly built; a pleasant countenance; mark of a gun-shot wound on the back, near the shoulder, and wore a blue cap. His mother and sisters are hired in Richmond, and he is probably lurking somewhere in the city, or he may be making his way back to the Peninsula, near the Burnt Ordinary, from which place he was brought. The above reward will be paid for his return to the subscriber, at the Keen Hospital, corner of Main and 13th sts. no 27--3t* R. B. Richardson.
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
From the South Side. The latest reliable intelligence we have from Suffolk renders it almost certain that the enemy has tly been heavily reinforced at that point.--Parties from there state that the Federal officers do as affect to conceal their purposes, which they de to be de a demonstration from Suffolk, with a view of seizing the railroad, thus cutting the main line between the South and the Confederate capital. We have every assurance, however, that our Government is amply preparedat the enemy has tly been heavily reinforced at that point.--Parties from there state that the Federal officers do as affect to conceal their purposes, which they de to be de a demonstration from Suffolk, with a view of seizing the railroad, thus cutting the main line between the South and the Confederate capital. We have every assurance, however, that our Government is amply prepared for any contingency in that quarter, and whatever may be the of the enemy they are likely to be thwarted.
E. P. Hudson (search for this): article 2
Abolition prisoners. --Seventeen Abolition prisoners of war were received yesterday at the Libby prison from South Carolina. Among the number were Captains E. P. Hudson and B. F. Pronty, of the 6th Connecticut. These prisoners were captured more than a month since on Chatham Island, on the Carolina coast, and were sent on to be exchanged.
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