Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Yazoo River (United States) or search for Yazoo River (United States) in all documents.

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lry is reported to be in the vicinity of Jackson, Tenn., supposed to be under the command of Morgan. Serious naval disaster — an iron clad destroyed in the Yazoo river by a torpedo — the boat sunk. Cairo, Dec. 18. --On Friday last the gunboats Cairo, Marmora, and Signal, ascending the Yazoo river, reached a point a milYazoo river, reached a point a mile below Hayne's Bluff, when a torpedo exploded under the Cairo shattering her bow. She sank in fifteen minutes in forty feet of water, and cannot be raised. No lives were lost. The Cairo was one of the first seven iron clad gunboats built for service on the western rivers and participated in the captures of Forts Henry and Donelson. Another account. Chicago, December 18. --A special Cairo dispatch says the gunboat Cairo, when 21 miles below the mouth of the Yazoo river, on Friday last, was blown up by a torpedo, and sunk in six fathoms of water. No one was hurt. The boat and her entire armament and outfit are lost. It is thought the tor