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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Richardson (search for this): article 11
vates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, slightly. Co. C--Lieut N Richardson commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Lieut N Richardson, seriously; Serg't J Mason, slightly; Corp'l B Brown, slightly; Privates J B King, slightly; W B Law, seriously; M Petter, slightly. Missing: J Shumate. Co. E--Lieut J B Johnson commRichardson, seriously; Serg't J Mason, slightly; Corp'l B Brown, slightly; Privates J B King, slightly; W B Law, seriously; M Petter, slightly. Missing: J Shumate. Co. E--Lieut J B Johnson commanding.--Killed: Private H T Bourgecis. Wounded: Corp'l T S Labit, slightly; Private J H Lamb, slightly. Missing: Serg't Peter Smith, wounded and captured; Sergt Abraham Stremburg, wounded and captured; Private Enech Pelton. Co. G--Capt M S Kirtler commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Corp'l James M McCown, seriously; Private Jonathan Sheppard, slightly. Missing: Corp'l S Hartley. The above is a list of the casualties in the th regiment cavalry. J S M, Co F,
The cavalry fight in Culpeper. [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Near Culpeper C. H., Va., Jane 10, 1863. Yesterday morning we were aroused from our slumbers by the roar of artillery at no great distance. The brigade of cavalry under command of General W. H. F. Lee moved, as near as I could judge, to the left of our main force to check the enemy, who were crossing the Rappahannock. The enemy were met there in large numbers, and held in check till after the middle of the day. Their sharpshooters were driven in by the sharpshooters of our brigade, and their batteries often made to change position. We held the ground thus gained as long as a few men could hold it, and by a cross fire from the enemy were compelled to retire to our regiment in the rear. The brigade then fell back slowly to the centre, where I think the fighting was most severe. We were not allowed to remain long under the brow of a hill we reached, for the enemy were soon after us. The 2d U. S.
lled: none. Wounded: 2d Lt. G. Doyle, slightly; privates Louis Eztel, slightly; John English, severely in foot; Stephen Hubbell, dangerously in breast; Joseph Gill, severely in arm and shoulder; Jas Willon, slightly. Missing and taken prisoners by the enemy: Privates M L Burton, Chas Childress, Joseph Childress, John O Fulches, Wm H Hidnall, Joseph Parker. Co F — Albemarle Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, sev
n arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, severely; C T Preston, slightly; W S Arrington, slightly; S R Gilbert, slightly. Missing: Serg't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, slightly. Co. C--Lieut N Richardson commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Lieut N Richardson, seriously; Serg't J Mason, slightly; Corp'l B Brown, slightly; Priv
eph Parker. Co F — Albemarle Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, severely; C T Preston, slightly; W S Arrington, slightly; S R Gilbert, slightly. Missing: Serg't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, slightly. Co. C--Li
es, Wm H Hidnall, Joseph Parker. Co F — Albemarle Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, severely; C T Preston, slightly; W S Arrington, slightly; S R Gilbert, slightly. Missing: Serg't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, sl
killed and wounded of the 10th Va. cavalry: Co. A--Caskie Rangers, Lieut Fulcher commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: 2d Lt. G. Doyle, slightly; privates Louis Eztel, slightly; John English, severely in foot; Stephen Hubbell, dangerously in breast; Joseph Gill, severely in arm and shoulder; Jas Willon, slightly. Missing and taken prisoners by the enemy: Privates M L Burton, Chas Childress, Joseph Childress, John O Fulches, Wm H Hidnall, Joseph Parker. Co F — Albemarle Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson command
in breast; Joseph Gill, severely in arm and shoulder; Jas Willon, slightly. Missing and taken prisoners by the enemy: Privates M L Burton, Chas Childress, Joseph Childress, John O Fulches, Wm H Hidnall, Joseph Parker. Co F — Albemarle Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, severely; C T Preston, slightly; W S Arrington, slightly; S R Gilbert, slightly. Missing: Serg't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilber
g't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, slightly. Co. C--Lieut N Richardson commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Lieut N Richardson, seriously; Serg't J Mason, slightly; Corp'l B Brown, slightly; Privates J B King, slightly; W B Law, seriously; M Petter, slightly. Missing: J Shumate. Co. E--Lieut J B Johnson commanding.--Killed: Private H T Bourgecis. Wounded: Corp'l T S Labit, slightly; Private J H Lamb, slightly. Missing: Serg't Peter Smith, wounded and captured; Sergt Abraham Stremburg, wounded and captured; Private Enech Pelton. Co. G--Capt M S Kirtler commanding.--Killed: None. Wounded: Corp'l James M McCown, seriously; Private Jonathan Sheppard, slightly. Missing: Corp'l S Hartley. The above is a list of the casualties in the th regiment cavalry. J S M, Co F,
Rangers, Lieut Martin commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Privates J W A White, in thigh; Joseph R Giles, in arm; Jno E Edge, in thigh; Sergeant Jas Darrett, in arm. Missing: Private Gidson Wescot, taken prisoner. Co. G--Henrico Light Draggons, Lieut McDowell commanding. Killed: Private Louis Ottenburg. Wounded: Serg't G L McGruder, slightly; Corp'l G C Mann, slightly; privates Walter Pruitt, mortally; Geo. Waldrop, slightly; B G Duval, slightly; W T Thomas, slightly. Co. K--Capt Dickinson commanding. Killed: none. Wounded: Corp'l J L Franklin; privates J L Cringhead, severely; R' G Griffin, severely; C T Preston, slightly; W S Arrington, slightly; S R Gilbert, slightly. Missing: Serg't T S Holland; privates E H Haines and S R Gilbert. Co. B--Capt Clement commanding. Killed: Corp'l N B Ellis. Wounded: Anderson Foster, severely; P J Cape, slight; Henry Foster, slightly; R P Branbaker, slightly; Alfred Caton, slightly. Co. C--Lieut N Richardson commanding.--Kill
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