Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Frank Hampton or search for Frank Hampton in all documents.

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and guarded the river bank above, moved down with his command on the enemy's right flank and rear, and had a spirited engagement near Cunningham's house, while Gen. Hampton's brigade moved to the right of Jones's in the extensive plain in front of Fleetwood heights. The enemy brought their artillery into action in Jones's front, . The enemy had posted their infantry in the woods, and this alone prevented us from completely routing their cavalry. The latter were repeatedly driven back by Hampton, Jones and Lee, and were compelled to retire at all points behind their infantry supports. Intelligence having reached Gen. Stuart, who commanded in person i A large number of their killed and wounded were carried off. Among the officers whose death we have to mourn, are Col. Sol. Williams, 2nd N. C. cavalry; Lieut. Col. Frank Hampton, 2nd S. C., and Capt. Jones, 1st S. C. Col. Butler, 2nd S. C., was so severely wounded as to require the amputation of his foot; and Brig-Gen. W. H. F. L