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the merits of the petition was appointed to take place at 11 o'clock yesterday, before Judge Lyons, at the City Hall. At the hour appointed, besides the Judge, there were assembled the plaintiff and his counsel, Major Wilkins, commander of the second class Battalion, J. Randolph Tucker, Attorney General, his counsel, and the following spectators, mostly belonging to the battalion, viz: Wm. H. Eggleston, Sr. 1st. Lieut.; Jno. M. Sheppard, Jr. 1st. Lieut; Chas. C. Ellett, private; Sergeants Samuel M. Price and Dick Meredith; John Deoley, Captain; Wm. McCreery, private; John B. Danforth, Adjutant; Wm. Gordon, private; Thos. H. Hiltzheimer, Captain; John B. Glazebrook, Captain; Thos. How, private; Lieut. Thos. M. Alfriend, privates Joseph Rosenbaum, Wm. Ira Smith, John A. Belvin, and others.--These gentlemen were there either as interested spectators, witnesses, or parties arrested. The hearing commenced about 12 o'clock. The writ in the above case having been returned by Major